My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 781: 11 statement

Inside the US White House, a group of think tanks, generals sit in a circle around the president.

"No matter what happens," the president said to those around him. "We must ensure that the power supply on Wall Street is normal. Otherwise, the country will lose tens of billions of dollars per second by then, which is unbearable in any case. . "

"We can't guarantee this," said a general. "Our scientists haven't figured out until now what has stolen the electrical energy in all the equipment. The only thing that can be guessed is that it may be more than that. The beam of light under the eyes of the snake is related. But because the power near the multi-eyed monster will be evacuated instantly, we can only try to launch missiles to bomb the monster from a long distance. As far as we know the information, this The damage that this bomber can do to a multi-eyed snake monster is limited. "

"Although the monster cannot be destroyed, we can seduce the monster to another place." A think tank said, "This monster may be able to make a living by sucking electricity. So can we use the battery to power the monster? Tempted to a remote place. At least this will ensure that the power supply to Wall Street will not be interrupted. "

"We tried this method, but the monster couldn't stay away from where he is now. And, now he can only rely on that **** beam of light to absorb the power he wants, and it is impossible to be attracted by a few batteries. OK. "Another general rejected the idea of ​​the think tank.

"What do you do now?" The president said anxiously. "The army cannot destroy this monster, and Wall Street will not be able to move out at half past one. And because of lack of power, most of New York is now in panic. If you wait for this monster Absorbing enough energy and starting to move to other cities is definitely a national crisis for the United States. "

"Although the United States has the most powerful army in the world, after all, we have no experience in combating such monsters that only exist in the movie, so it is normal for the monsters to not be traumatized at first." A general cautiously Looking at the president, he said, "I mean, why don't you find a professional to do something like destroy monsters?"

"Do you mean the demon hunter?" The president understood what the general said.

"Yes," said the general, "It is said that our country has had contact with demon hunters."

"If it's the topic, I think we can end the discussion." Mr. President cursed loudly, "I contacted many people and asked them to tell me who was behind the government and the demon hunter, but none of them People told me that there was no one! These vampires would rather watch the country die than give up contact information for the demon hunter. "

"What about the Vatican?" A general asked. "It stands to reason that an ancient existence like the Vatican should have a similar monster hunting organization. Should we try to ask the Vatican for help?"

"It's a good idea, but I don't think it's possible to get help. After all, compared to an ancient country like China, the Vatican's history is too short." Some think tanks expressed their concerns.

In any case, asking the Vatican for help is the only way Americans can think of now.

Although China Huaxia is still an option, at this time Huaxia is negotiating with the United States on trade issues, and no one wants to bow to Huaxia at this critical time.

But the results quickly disappointed everyone. After the US President called the Pope, the Vatican, although vaguely saying that it was one of the oldest religious shrines, knew the origin of the giant monster and was able to destroy it.

However, due to the recent meeting of the Guardians of Civilization, the Holy See's capable clerics have all gone to Huaxia to participate in the meeting, and there is no way to draw power to New York to deal with this multi-eyed snake monster.

From the United States to obtain the dome in Australia, to now all the demon hunters around the world go to Huaxia to participate in the Guardian of Civilization Conference.

Many smart people have realized that this is probably a trap set by Huaxia waiting for the Americans to get in.

But saying nothing now is useless.

Americans have gotten into this trap and can't break free. The magic array created by Baron Nash cut off power to most of New York City. The U.S. military has nothing to do with this monster.

Either bow your heads to Huaxia, or greet a big collapse in the financial sector after a power outage on Wall Street.

There are only two ways to go before the Americans, but after five or three years, the Americans have never negotiated with anyone, so they are going to use public opinion to force Huaxia to help the United States.

At a press conference on Wednesday, the U.S. government severely accused Huaxia of convening a so-called guardian of civilization when New York was attacked, preventing the U.S. government from convening enough demon hunters to handle multi-eyed snake monsters.

To this end, the U.S. government issued an ultimatum to Huaxia, asking Huaxia to end the meeting as soon as possible, so that the demon hunter can rush to the United States to hunt monsters.

This is the first time in the world that a country has acknowledged the existence of a demon hunter, and it has also disguisedly acknowledged that in addition to technology, magic in this world has always existed in human heritage.

After speaking in the United States, the Vatican soon announced that although they were willing to help believers in New York at this time, due to the convening of the Conference of the Guardians of Civilization, the clergy with divine magic were at Huaxia at this time. New York ~ ~ So the Vatican also hopes that Huaxia can end the meeting as soon as possible, so that many clergymen go to New York to protect the believers of the Lord.

Subsequently, the Indian government also quickly convened a press conference to show that there are actually many guardians of civilization with extraordinary powers in India, but these guardians are meeting in Huaxia at this time, so there is no way to protect New York, but India promised that once After the Guardian of Civilization Conference, we will definitely go to New York for humanitarian relief.

In the short period of half a day after the United States accused Huaxia, the major powers in the world other than Huaxia have either publicly or vaguely stated that their country is clear about this and the world's supernatural powers, and has always been with the hunting People and other beings stay in touch and have the ability to protect their people from monster attacks.

But because of the Conference of the Guardians of Civilization, these extraordinary people were not there, and they could only express their verbal support to New York.

"It's all messy." After hearing the news, Wang Cheng, who had just returned to the relevant department, hurried to find Fang Ze and asked if, in addition to Huaxia, other countries also existed similarly to the mountains and seas.

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