My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 807: Give me a bottle of wide music

"Huh, huh." Fang Ze was urged two or three times. The panda was finally harassed. He looked up at Fang Ze and then turned his head again. Then I remembered why he appeared here .

"May Qinglong guide you, my friend, how long have I slept?"

"It's almost a day and a night." Fang Ze patted the panda's shoulder and motioned him to stand up.

This is a pandaren. Only panda talents from Pandaria will say that the dragon will guide you on the road. For example, the famous phrase, `` May the dragon guide you to fish for a full day at 10 mana. ''

"That's not too long." The pandaren stood up stupidly, then shook his head. "But it's a bad idea to get drunk before starting the next journey."

"Yes." Fang Ze looked at the pandaren and motioned for him to sit on the ground to rest and restore his spirit.

After Fang Ze and the pandaren had finished talking, they looked up at the breeder and the director of the panda house.

These people have all looked silly at this time.

When Fang Ze called the giant panda forcibly, they thought that Fang Ze was going to be unlucky. The panda might get up and slap Fang Ze with a slap.

But who knows, after this panda got up, he not only gave Fang Ze a slap, but also had a friendly conversation with Fang Ze.

Wait, is there something wrong with this.

When will the pandas talk? !!

"Ahem, this panda seems to have been lost by ours." At this time Wang Cheng first responded, and he quietly attached something to the curator's ear, and the curator immediately Take these breeders out first.

"This bamboo tastes good." It is normal for Pandaren to ignore people other than Fang Ze.

After all, although Pandaren's camp in World of Warcraft is neutral, because the pandaren who traveled the world in the early days had good relations with the leaders of the tribe, the pandaren also naturally favored the tribe. Feel good.

"If you like it, eat more." Fang Ze watched the half-wake pandaren push the bamboo in his mouth, and asked, "but I don't know your name yet." Well, what do you call it? "

"My name is Chen Kuifeng," the pandaren replied. "You can also call me Lao Chen."

Panda Brew Fairy Chen Kuifeng, or Chen Storm Liquor, was originally a hero who appeared in the neutral pub of Warcraft. Later, after joining World of Warcraft, he became an important member of the Pandarian pandaren family.

It is also because he became good friends with several leaders of the tribe at the very beginning, which made the entire pandaren favor the tribe.

"That's what you call Old Chen." Fang Ze gave Chen Kuifeng his name again, and then invited Chen Kuifeng to leave here and go to his place first.

"In other words, what place is this?" Lao Chen finished eating all the bamboo around him, and then he remembered that he was sleeping in a strange place for a day.

"This is the zoo." Fang Ze simply answered Lao Chen's words, and then added an explanation, "That is where some wild animals are detained."

"Well, it's a novel place for human beings." The pandaren obviously did not understand what a zoo was.

But this did not prevent him from observing.

Lao Chen stood up, shook the dust on his body, and then found that next to him, two giant pandas were lying there lazily chewing bamboo to eat.

Now he finally understands why there is bamboo in this place where obviously bamboo will not grow.

"Is this a pandaren imprisoned by your humans?" Lao Chen did not easily get angry when he saw a panda hanging nearby.

He can see how well these pandas are doing. Obviously, the pandas who are eating happily are very comfortable.

"It's not captivity, it's protection," Fang Ze hurriedly explained. "And this is not a pandaren, it's a giant panda. They can't speak, plus the environment of our planet and it's not suitable for them to reproduce, so human beings Pick them up and let them live here. "

"It sounds okay." Lao Chen took his bamboo hat out of the back and covered it on his head. "Damn, I lost my clothes."

After discovering that these giant pandas did not speak, Lao Chen showed much less interest in pandas.

After all, even if it looks like another, the difference in IQ is enough to make Lao Chen consciously distinguish the pandaren from the giant panda.

There are too many various orcs in World of Warcraft, and these orcs do not consider themselves and unintelligent animals as a race creature ~ ~ For example, the tauren are not cattle, and the centaurs are horse. And there is a tauren who raises the cows themselves.

Although there is an entertaining saying that don't eat beef in front of the tauren, the tauren's own reserve food is generally vegetables, wolf and pork.

But in fact, the Tauren eat beef, they never refuse to roast the cracked hoof, and there is a Tauren in Dark Moon who sells beef.

"They looked exactly like our pandaren." Lao Chen took a master, lay on the railing and looked at the giant pandas on the opposite side, chewing bamboo with the giant panda.

"Maybe you are distant relatives." Fang Ze replied.

"Of course it is possible, but these poor little ones have not evolved wisdom themselves."

"Okay, let's go." Lao Chen finished eating, patted his thigh, and cleverly flipped out of the railing.

When Fang Ze brought Lao Chen out of the Panda Pavilion, he was confronted by a group of breeders who were not allowed to take pictures or to watch, but couldn't help curiosity.

They have raised pandas for most of their lives and have never seen a talking panda.

Of course, they are also fortunate that there is only one panda that can talk. If all the pandas can speak, then the entire panda pavilion will not be upset.

These cute goods will definitely run to the railing, grab the railing and say to the tourists coming from outside, "I want to drink Kuo Le, give me a bottle of Kuo Le."

No one can refuse pandas when pandas sell cute.

"I have found a car for you, and you can take your partner back in the car." Wang Cheng said in a quiet voice.

There are already many people outside the zoo at this time. If Fang Ze walks back to Xihe Street with such a big pandaren, it is estimated that the entire emperor will riot.

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