My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 809: The Golden Brew Family

Lao Biao and Xiao Hei think that the brains of the two of them are big enough, and there are many wonderful things they have experienced in this life.

But they never thought that one day they would drink with a giant panda.

The magic of the underground base of the Demon Management Bureau originally made Xiao Hei think this was the most amazing sight he had seen, but when Fang Ze called Lao Chen, Xiao Hei was still shocked.

"Brother, stealing the panda is against the law." Xiao Hei saw Lao Chen coming out and hurriedly pulled Fangze out.

As soon as Xiao Hei finished speaking, Lao Chen said, "May the Dragon guide you, my name is Chen Kuifeng. I'm from Pandaria and I'm a pandaren. You can also call me Lao Chen."

Oh, it turns out to be a pandaren, not a giant panda.

Xiaohei and Laozhuo were finally relieved to hear Lao Chen's words, but after thinking about it, the pandaren who seemed to speak was more precious than the pandas.

However, national law provides for the protection of giant pandas, and there is no provision for the protection of pandaren, so Xiaohei no longer thinks about it.

Three people plus one pandaren sat together. Although Xiaohei and Laozhu didn't know how to talk to Lao Chen at the beginning, after three glasses of wine, everything was different.

It doesn't matter whether it is a person or a panda, whoever sits at a wine table is a wine friend.

When everyone is drunk, it is normal for them to call each other brothers and brothers together.

While Chen was drinking, he tasted many good wines from China and abroad.

"This wine is good. I have to learn how to make it. Alas, this one is also good. I also have to learn it." Lao Chen sighed for a long time before holding a wine bottle.

"Some you can learn, some you can't." In terms of drinking, Xiao Hei knows more than Fang Ze.

"Why can't I learn." Lao Chen was not convinced. "We Pandaren have a sentence called slow down and taste life. And the way to taste life is to drink. As long as you are willing to teach, I slowly learn, after all, Can learn. "

"Because some of the wines we make here are not simply made, and some processes require some machines. So if you really want to learn, you need to learn more."

Xiao Hei explained to Lao Chen and asked, "But then why do you have to learn to make wine?"

"Because I'm a winemaker." Lao Chen said holding the wine bottle. "Also, our family has been dying because we can't launch more and better drinks, so I have to learn winemaking techniques from other places. , Go back to revitalize the winery at home. "

"It sounds like a story." Xiao Hei took the wine glass and touched Lao Chen, and then said to Lao Chen, "Come on, photographer, light up, let our winemaker be unhappy. It ’s all about making everyone happy, alas, letting everyone find a way to see if they can help. "

Xiao Hei was obviously drunk too much today, so he was drunk quickly, but Lao Chen, the panda man who just woke up from drunk today, also got drunk again, and under Xiao Hei's sire, he began to say story.

Although Pandaren love peace, there will be competition even in peace-loving races. This is the instinct of every intelligent creature.

The Emerald Forest Chenfang Garden is a famous dining spot in Pandaria, so there are two famous brewing families stationed here.

One of these two families is the gold brewing family and the other is the wine drinking family.

Among them, the storm spirits of Lao Chen belonged to the Youji family.

Because of the perennial competition and the careful relationship between the people of the Jinjiu family, the relationship between the Jinjiu and Youjiu families is very tense. To give a similar example, it is the relationship between Romeo's family and Juliet's family. Although the two families have not reached a point where they can fight, intermarriage is absolutely forbidden.

The two families are not only incompatible with each other, but the winemaking styles are also completely different. The Golden Brew family likes to build large wineries to produce wine in batches, while the wine family likes to take risks and collect new winemaking materials. Innovation.

As we all know, innovation is generally accompanied by risks, so after several failed innovations, the Youjiu family was continuously hit by the Jinjiu family, so that they were soon forced out of Chenfang Garden.

Although the people of the Youji family like to compare the batch of wine produced by the Jinjiu family with the factory drinking water, it must be said that the wine culture of the Jinjiu family is incomparable to the Jiujiu family.

Every visitor to the Chenfang Garden can not only drink the fine wines of the Golden Brew family, but also discuss with the barrel maker artisans how to hide wine, discuss with the winemaker how to make wine, and discuss poetry with panda poets.

Although old Chen said vaguely ~ ~, everyone could understand.

This gold brewing family clearly uses a large number of shipments to increase their influence, and also uses a series of peripheral cultures such as Tibetan wine, wine, poetry and so on to improve their own competencies.

With both force and shipments, the gold brewing family's approach clearly has the shadow of the modern high-end restaurant industry.

Therefore, it is a wonder that the traditional winemakers tour the wine family.

It is because of this background that Lao Chen had to temporarily jump out of the battle with the Jinjing family and travel around the world to find a way to defeat the Jinjing family.

"Brother, you covered me." Xiaohei listened to Lao Chen's words, walked around and pinched Lao Chen's broad shoulders, and patted Lao Chen's hairy body. "I have an ancient French brewing winery, Minger will take you to see, teach you how to make wine, and then teach you how to pack wine, how to blow, how to let others drink your wine will be honored. "

"I don't learn deceptive things." Although Chen was drunk, his consciousness was still not blurred.

"How can it be called a deceiving thing." Xiao Hei was unhappy. "I said that our wine requires 981 procedures to make it scamming. From picking raw materials to loading the trucks, transporting them to the winery, moving them down, and then picking raw materials, how much There are more than eighty-one procedures. I just made the brewing process more detailed, so there will be more procedures.

Lao Chen, do you think this is a lie? "

"It really doesn't seem to be." Lao Chen was stunned by Xiao Hei.

Yes, this is not a lie, but the guests are not sure what the process is.

"That's right." Xiao Hei smiled, took out his mobile phone, and held Lao Chen to take a picture. "Come, Lao Chen, we'll take a picture."

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