My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 849: Strange parade

"Lao Li, why do you say there is a military parade in this country suddenly?" On the street, two cleaners were chatting while working.

"You don't know then," Lao Li grinned and told his companions, "Recently we got a treasure in China, what is nuclear fusion. This stuff is awesome, and the legendary He Shiyi, The Xuanyuan Sword is anything like that, as long as it is placed in our country, it can suppress the national air transport. It will not take many years for our country to become as strong as the United States.

So those foreigners who are jealous of us can't sit still. They tried everything to give us this treasure. In order to deter these foreigners, the country decided to parade and let them see that we are not bullying. "

"That was the case." Lao Li's compatriots nodded in disguise, and then suddenly thought of asking Lao Li, "But this parade has to be prepared for a long time just to prepare for work. We're sweeping the streets, and we will start the parade tomorrow. "

还有 "And there is," Lao Li's companion continued, "Why did the above require us to shovel the square and everything here? Will the plane land on the square?"

"This is not necessarily said." Obviously the question of the companion touched Lao Li's knowledge blind spot. He had to answer a few words in a vague manner, describing the bypass aircraft that he had seen in the movie as a new type of helicopter for Huaxia, and this type of helicopter had to pick this place to land.

Over 80% of current affairs news in the world these days are related to Huaxia. People all over the world are paying attention to the end of this conflict between Huaxia and developed countries caused by nuclear fusion reactors.

It is said that some rich people have begun to build large underground refuge bases to cope with the possible global nuclear waste situation in the future because of fear of a nuclear war.

This time, unlike the doomsday prophecy of 2012, everyone knows that it will not happen.

The global situation is far more intense today than during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. After all, the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union was for hegemony, but now China and other developed countries are trying to grab the key to the next era of human civilization.

If there are a large number of long-range missiles and nuclear weapons during this emergency military parade, this means that Huaxia is showing the world his determination to dare to fight a nuclear war.

Therefore, basically all the reporters and ambassadors from all countries came to this parade to wonder whether there would be a Chinese nuclear weapon at the parade.

"Bloom." In front of Tiananmen Square, a reporter from the United States and a reporter from the UK chatted in a small voice.

怎么 "How do I feel that this Chinese military parade is a bit wrong?"

"Hards, what's wrong?" Bloom asked Bloom while taking a picture with the camera in his hand.

"The Huaxia people said they wanted a military parade, but so far they have not even allowed a tank to enter the Imperial City. The streets on the parade are still empty so far. There are no soldiers, no planes, no armored vehicles. Are they ready to go straight? Are you going over a few nuclear bombs for a military parade? "

"Who knows what these Chinese people think." Broome wasn't nervous at all. In his opinion, no country in the world except the United States dares to confront the world.

The reason why Americans have this strength is because they have an almost invincible fleet across the ocean. What confidence does the Huaxia people dare to oppose the people of the world.

Huaxia ’s army is really strong, but what about it, can their army reach Europe and America?

They cannot deter European and American countries except long-range missiles and nuclear bombs, so why should European and American countries be afraid of him?

nuclear war? It is so naive. As long as the developed countries of the world join forces to impose various sanctions on Huaxia, Huaxia will collapse before using nuclear missiles.

布鲁 While Brom and Hudders were chatting, the big brothers of Huaxia also began to appear on the square one after another, as if preparing to read the army of their own country.

So far, no troops or military vehicles have appeared on either side of the streets used for parade, except for maintaining law and order.

Because there is no quota limit this time, a large number of Chinese people flocked to both sides of the square to watch the parade ceremony. The whole scene was weird and made journalists and ambassadors of any country not know how to report to their superiors first.

At the same time, the special military parade was broadcast live on TV. The host of CCTV was sitting tight and began to talk about some beautiful scenes. But people don't want to listen to the scene. They want to know what troops Huaxia is going to review this time.

The host of the puppet course, of course, prepared in advance what to say during the parade. But this time it was a little special. They did have the manuscripts for this live broadcast, but these manuscripts were sealed. They could not open any manuscript before the parade ceremony, so they did not know which troops the country would review this time. .

Like Hudders said, this parade oozes a strange feeling from beginning to end.

From the squares that have been shovel flat to the deserted streets of the imperial capital, no one can guess which army Huaxia will review.

快 "Look, finally, there is a car coming!" Bloom, who was boring and ready to take a nap, was shaken by Hudders.

"They're finally going to send military vehicles into the street?" Broome hurriedly picked up the camera.

But to Bloom's surprise, it wasn't the military vehicle that came in, but a truck with a huge TV screen.

The truck drove slowly into the middle of the square like an outing ~ ~ and then turned the screen so that the people around the street and the big guys standing above the square could see it.

"What are they doing?" These Blooms were finally curious. "Couldn't it be that their real military parade was somewhere else, and it was only intended to be broadcast on TV?"

"That would be ridiculous." Hudders thought that Chinese people would not do this, or they would become the laughing stock of the whole world. This is what the military parade reads.

Crowd's curiosity in China, the TV screen on the truck turned on, and a woman in a strange military uniform appeared on the TV screen.

"Captain Zhao Kerer of the Huaxia Centaur Star Fleet reported to the central government that we have arrived above the earth and requested a landing."

"Allow landing." The big man standing on the square said four words lightly.

"Yes!" Zhao Ke'er respected a standard Chinese military salute, and then the TV screen turned off again.

"What, what the **** is this? Everyone is stunned.

Just before the crowd had time to think about what had just happened, the parade ground suddenly began to gradually turn black, as if something was covering the sky.

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