My Iron Suit

Chapter 999: Secret weapon!

Under the influence of inertia, Wesker's originally regressed body quickly fell backwards. At the same time, in the eyes of Alice's surprise, Wesker's head wearing sunglasses was directly separated from the air and tumbling. It fell to the ground.

The black sunglasses fell in the tumbling, revealing the scarlet eyes that Wesker had been obscured by sunglasses, and the horrifying look still did not fade!

Soon, Wesker's strong headless body fell heavily on the floor, and the two desert eagle in his hand slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

And his skull that had been squatted down to the floor, rolled a few meters away, and finally landed on the cheek and stopped there.

Alice looked at the separated body of Wesker's body, and the face could not help but show a touch of pleasure!

This **** guy is finally dead!

The giant axe that was encountered outside the prison gate, like Wesker, was completely fearless of their bullets. The bullets could still continue to attack after being hit by the brain, but in the end, after Chen Mo hit the whole head, it was still the same. Was it killed?

When the crisis was lifted, Alice stood back from Chen Mo even after standing up from the escaped experimental platform.

But soon, the amazing scene suddenly appeared. In Alice’s incredible gaze, the body of Wesker, who had been cut off from the head, suddenly moved again!

He first sat up from the floor with his hands, and then in his neck that was cut off, a group of tentacles like sharp claws got out of his neck and quickly became bigger and longer, and soon It is completely stretched out and becomes a horrible giant with a lot of teeth!

And Wesker’s body stood up from the floor and turned to Chen Mo and Alice!

Even if he has lost his head, he still seems to be able to perceive the position of the two!

Alice was completely shocked by the scene before her eyes!

A man who has already been cut off his head can still stand up again and grow a terrorist tentacle like a zombie from his neck!

This is no longer a human being!

The current Wesker is simply a monster!

Chen Mo was not surprised by this.

Although the axe executioner who was outside the prison gate had completely died after he shot the entire head, he did not think that Wesker would be killed so easily!

He clearly remembers that the Wesker in the movie was a close-up headshot of a double-barreled shotgun filled with coins by Alice. The skull was completely opened and the brain was completely destroyed. It still survived!

Under the transformation of the T virus, Wesker has long been a human being. The brain is so vital to humans that it is not fatal for him. Cutting the head does not mean that it can Kill him!

"Damn! What monster did he become!"

Alice looked at Wesker with four horrible trembling tentacles on her neck, and said incredulously.

Looking at Wesker, who was resurrected again, Chen Mo’s face was a little impatient, and the cold mouth said.

"It seems that I can only come up with my secret weapon!"

Alice’s words were a puzzled look, and she looked at Chen’s doubts.

"Secret weapon?"

Chen Mo nodded and threw the samurai sword in his hand to the ground, making a "snap" sound.

Then Chen Mo raised his hand into the suit, and in the eyes of Alice's incomparable curiosity, she took out a cool, sci-fi silver pistol!

Compared with the desert eagle in the hands of Wesker, the handgun in Chen Mo’s hand is not only bigger, but also more powerful and handsome.

Alice looked at the pistol she had never seen before, but she couldn’t help but have a trace of suspicion.

Their previous attacks have proved that conventional weapons have no threat to Wesker, and even her double-barreled shotguns can hardly cause substantial damage to Wesker!

The handgun that Chen Mo came out at this time is cool, its size and caliber are much larger than ordinary pistols. It seems to be powerful, but Alice still doesn't think it can kill Wesker!

In the eyes of Alice’s suspicious suspicion, Chen Mo raised his pistol and pointed to Wesker, who was dancing his tentacle towards the two, and quickly pulled the trigger!

There was no huge gunshot in Alice's imagination, accompanied by a low-pitched humming sound like a strong current. A dazzling blue light beam emerged from the muzzle of Chen Mo's hand, instantly piercing the air and hitting the tentacles. Wesker!

The dazzling blue light broke out instantly in Wesker's body. The next moment, Wesker's body and the tentacles that stretched out of the neck were all instantly burned into fly ash!

A glimpse of the remaining ash fluttered slowly in the air and quickly disappeared without a trace!

Alice looked at Wesker, who was immediately grayed out after being hit by the blue light, and said with a shocked look.

"what is this?"

Chen Mo glanced at Alice and said slowly.

"Secret weapon!"

Alice couldn't help but turn a blind eye, but although she was still very curious, Alice did not continue to ask, but her eyes could not help but be firmly attracted by the silver pistol in Chen Mo's hand, constantly looking at it.

Although the scene just happened very quickly Alice clearly saw every detail.

In that current sound, a blue beam emerges from the muzzle. From the final effect, it is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary bullet. It is more like a special energy form such as electro-optic or plasma!

Obviously, this secret weapon in Chen Mokou is not a common hot weapon that uses gunpowder to propel bullets, but a high-tech weapon with more powerful power and amazing destructive power!

Wesker, who suffered almost no damage under the attack of ordinary bullets, instantly turned into a fly ash under the beam of the pistol. Even the so-called spherical lightning, there should be no such great power!

Just when Alice thought that everything was over, she found that Chen Mo once again pointed the gun at the head of Wesker who fell to the side!

Alice couldn't help but look at Chen Mo. Wesker's body has been completely burned to ashes, and there is no need to manage the remaining head.

But soon, Alice found herself too naive!

With the energy pistol in Chen Mo’s hand pointing to the past, in the stunned eyes of Alice, the scarlet light that Wesker’s head fell to the ground, the scarlet light that had already been extinguished was once again lit up, and settled like a dead person. Both eyes turned back and looked at the two!


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