My Iron Suit

Chapter 1037: Return to the real world!

Except for this part of the staff who were placed in the hospital, other survivors, after registering their personal information and abilities, dispersed to live in the test sites of various cities.

When I first saw the bustling city and streets that were exactly the same as before the end of the last days, all the survivors were shocked and wide-eyed. Many people thought that they had just dreamed of a disaster. occur!

Even if I later learned that it was just a small simulation city, the size was only a few blocks, and everyone was still excited.

In any case, they can finally get rid of the disaster and return to normal civilized life. Even if the way of life has changed a lot, the goal of work has become to rebuild human civilization, but as long as you see the wide city street. The towering modern building, the bright lights in your own house, the comfortable furniture, and the clean tap water flowing out of the faucet, everyone's heart is full of power!

The original umbrella company used to carry out biochemical weapons simulations and ruined the test sites of countless clones, but now it has become a sanctuary for all humans after the disaster!

Human civilization will begin to recover here!

When everything is on the right track, the next step will be to return to the ground and rebuild human civilization!

As the biggest contributor to all of this, Chen Mo did not have the opportunity to see the day with his own eyes.

Did not say goodbye to Alice and others, after leaving a message after the red, Chen Mo returned to the real world in a white light!

Alice and others didn’t know Chen Mo’s departure from the red back until the next day when Chen Mo was found missing.

Chen Mo did not say where he went. He only managed to manage the base. Although everyone did not understand Chen Mo’s practices, he did not worry about Chen Mo’s safety.

After all, they have witnessed the horror of Chen Mo, and even hundreds of thousands of corpses can't stop Chen Mo's footsteps.

Moreover, antiviral agents have gradually spread to the whole world, and the number of zombies will only be less and less. The safety of Chen Mo is not a problem at all.

The puzzling people only thought that Chen Mo didn't like the life of the seabed base and wanted to go back to the ground, so he would give the position of the chairman of the committee to Alice at the beginning. It seems that there was already a decision. .

Perhaps this is the legendary extraterrestrial high, save the world, but do not take the merits, abandon the high position in front of you, do not say goodbye, to pursue the life you want!

Maybe they will return to the ground in the future, and it will not be possible to meet him again in a beautiful place!

Unwilling Alice also tried to use the satellite search after the red, but still could not find the trace of Chen Mo, he seems to disappear into the earth so empty, as if there is no existence in general, except that they are deeply imprinted in their minds. The stalwart figure and great feat, nothing left!


A white light flashed past, and Chen Mo's figure appeared again in the isolation lab under the castle.

"Javis, detecting the T virus!"

Chen Mo did not rush to leave the lab, but ordered Jarvis to order.

In addition to the sealed isolation and disinfection functions, this small biochemical laboratory is also capable of detecting viruses in the air.

"In the virus detection, no T virus was found and the air condition was safe!"

Chen Mo heard that this is safe.

Although Chen Mo and Alice returned to the seabed base when they drove the aircraft, the air with the virus antibody was taken back, and the seabed base had been purified. However, the harmfulness of the T virus was too big, and it was a matter of importance. Chen Moke I don't want to have a biohazard in the world where I live, and it becomes a ruin!

After the completion of the test, Chen Mo still disinfected the steel shirts and pistols used in the Resident Evil World and confirmed that it was absolutely safe. Then he left the laboratory and returned to the castle above.

I spent a long time in the wasteland world where the zombies were rampant. Although Chen Mo’s strength made him not afraid of zombies, the environment there was very depressed!

Even in the submarine base, it is far from being restored to the state before the end of the world. People’s hearts are still fascinated. Although the T virus has been eliminated and hopes are ushered in, they still have a long way to go!

This is why Alice and others particularly like the quiet suburban town, not the bustling city.

Only there, they can feel the peace of mind for a moment.

At this time, I returned to the castle again. Chen Mo stood in front of the window and looked at the vast grassland under the mountain and the mountains in the distance. However, there was a feeling of being like a world.

Wade and Agent No. 0 are riding horses on the grasslands, dozens of horses galloping, his mount "Thunder" is still riding a dust, running in front of the horses, let Wade and Agent No. 0 Chasing can't keep up with its speed.

The two of them said that they are grazing. It is better to say that they are chasing after the ass. As long as the "Thunder" does not run enough, they don't want to go back.

On the seashore No. 1 in the distance, there are vehicles passing by from time to time. Some of them are sitting couples, some are family trips, and their faces are mostly filled with joy and excitement. From time to time, they put their faces on the windows~www While admiring the fascinating views of the most beautiful coastal road in the country, it is awesome.

Just when Chen Mo looked at the scenery outside the window, he suddenly had a little something falling down in front of his eyes.

Chen Mo could not help but push the window open, and a cold wind immediately blew in. Chen Mo looked up and saw a piece of white snow falling slowly from the sky, but it was snowing!

Chen Mo suddenly realized that, unconsciously, it was already in the winter!

In the distance, there is a hint of cold and cold.

When I first got the ability to shuttle space, I just entered the summer. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a year. He also has a special ability, but he dares not expose it. He can only carefully hide all the secrets of his own. Competent, grow up to be the super-powerful group with the power of the world, and the powerful power without fear of any organization and power!

But no matter what, this world is his home, the scene of the "Resident Evil" world that has just been experienced can't help but emerge in her mind. He definitely does not allow similar things to happen in this world!

Although it is neither a crisis, a strongman, a Martian universe that is threatened with destruction at any time, there is no such thing as a umbrella company and a T virus that can quickly destroy the whole world, but this does not mean that there is no world. The problem will not break out any disaster!

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