My Iron Suit

Chapter 1043: Dispel your concerns!

Su Shi couldn't help but look at Chen Mo, wondering why he should risk exposing his image of his secret identity.

In the face of other people, Chen Mo naturally did not say what he thought directly, and immediately looked at Su Shi slowly.

"The armor does a good job. After the movie is released, you can do some things around the movie. Maybe someone will wear them as a superhero!"

Su Shi heard Chen Mo's words, looked at the smile of Chen Mo's mouth, and immediately understood the meaning of Chen Mo, could not help but shine.

Yes, if Chen Mo’s armor image is made into a movie, even if it is seen later, it will only be thought of as someone imitating, and no one will suspect that it is really a superhero!

It’s as if people even see someone wearing the captain of the United States or Superman’s clothes, they will only think that they are imitators. At most, they don’t have any problems. After Chen Mo, they can even wear metal armored combat uniforms to go to the streets. No one can know that he is the prototype of the movie protagonist, the real superhero in the real world!

"You go back and talk to Enron and give me the new plan."

Although Chen Mo did not say clearly, Su Shi also knew that Chen Mo was letting her convince Enron!

After the library shooting incident, Zhang Wei and Xu Qing told Su Shi that they had encountered "" again. They lived with Chen Mo for a long time on the desert island. Su Shi originally knew his existence, two people. Naturally it is not necessary to keep her secret.

Su Shi also learned from the two of them that Enron also saw the appearance of Chen Mo wearing an alloy armored combat uniform.

Obviously, Enron had the same concerns as her before, fearing that she would reveal Chen Mo’s identity. What she has to do now is to say what Chen Mo’s words have been to Enron and dispel her concerns.

The meeting ended soon, and everyone dispersed and completed the task of Chen Moxin's arrangement. Su Shi spent some time to explain the development of new drugs, and then went directly to the upstairs film company to find Enron, who was still changing the script.

"How, the idea of ​​the protagonist equipment has no idea?"

Su Shi walked to Enron's desk and leaned back to the table and smiled and said to Enron.

Su Shi usually pays attention to the image in front of the company's employees, but he is not so concerned about it in front of Enron. The two have already become good girlfriends, and they have been relaxed all the time.

Enron did not stop the work in his hand, and said helplessly while typing.


After writing the story that I just thought of, the Enron stopped, and leaned back on the back of the chair, stretched out hard, stretched and kept sitting in front of the computer, and some stiff body. .

Then Enron leaned over and got in front of Su Shi, and some asked awkwardly.

"How is the meeting going, the boss is not angry?"

Su Shi smiled and shook his head, said funny.

"The boss has a good temper and never gets angry."

Enron heard the words in his mind but could not help but think of the first encounter with Chen Moshi, watching Su Shi’s unbelief.

According to Chen Mo’s cold and arrogant look she saw, he said that he had a good temper and that he did not believe in 10,000!

Su Shi looked at Enron's unbelief, and couldn't help but smile, and then talked about business.

"The boss not only did not get angry, but also made a good suggestion."

"What advice?"

Enron heard curiosity and asked, although Chen Mo’s temper was not flattering, but since she cooperated with the Aegis group, Chen Mo’s suggestions have been very good, and it’s hard to see. She is looking forward to this Chen Mo. What good suggestions have been put forward, can you solve the problems they are currently experiencing?

"The boss suggested that we look for inspiration from the Cavalier buggy, learn from Iron Man's armor and the armor of the ancient knight, the title of the protagonist can also consider the use of 'Knights', by the way, can also give an advertisement to the Cavaliers."

Enron was still looking forward to seeing it, but he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

Drawing on Iron Man's steel trenches and the armor of the ancient knights, it is not like the armor of ""!

Enron has been avoiding "", even if it is a similar armor shape, she also instinctively has some resistance.

Su Shi also saw the embarrassment of Enron, and immediately said with a smile.

"We can also make some armor as a perimeter, maybe someone will wear them as a superhero, but I believe that our protagonist will not be angry!"

Su Shi seems to be joking, but his eyes have been watching Enron’s reaction.

If Enron didn't want to understand, she would have to say a little more straightforward, but it would easily lead to Enron's suspicion, letting her think that she knew the existence of "" and her concerns.

Enron had some frowns at first, but when she imagined the surrounding armor that could be seen everywhere, the eyes could not help but shine.

She just thought about not exposing the armor and helping to hide her identity. But she didn't think that this thing actually has two sides. In the meantime, when it exposes the armor of "", it can actually help him to hide his identity better!

Su Shi looked at Enron's look and knew that she had figured out the stakes couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but she saw the frowning brows stretched out completely, smiling and looking up Su Shi, said with delight.

"This is a very good idea. I think I already have an idea. I will send you the design later!"

In fact, there is an original "" version of the design in Enron's computer, but she naturally can't take it out right now.

Even so, Enron’s heart is still uncontrollable and happy. “The armored combat uniform was originally the solution she most wanted to use, and now it seems that this scheme will not only violently blame *LACKMAN” identity, but hide his identity instead. It was even more helpful, so it was the best thing to solve Enron’s most tangled things, and she could not help but be happy.

Then she remembered another question, and immediately asked her head to Su Shi.

"Is the boss of the protagonist questioned?"

Su Shi nodded lightly and said with a smile.

"Well, the boss said, we are shooting the first 3D holographic projection movie in history. It has an absolute attractive advantage. It does not need any concerns at all. It creates the first film in your history. Chinese superhero!"


Enron can't help but clench her fists with excitement. If she can, she naturally hopes to keep the original settings and shape the superhero who combined her with Chen Mo and "" memory!

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