My Iron Suit

Chapter 1047: Familiar temperament!

This makes the two little girls very excited, it is rare that they also have the opportunity to be a teacher, and still give the film's actor!

Doesn't this mean that their two acting skills are good enough!

So when they just received an Enron call, they directly dropped the chicken that had been played for half a game. They temporarily put down the "combat training" of the future superheroes and drove the company to the company with interest.

"Ran sister, we are here!"

Pushing open the door of the Enron office, Zhang Xin shouted directly.

After joining the Aegis Film Company, the two of them did not come to Enron’s office, and they were already familiar with it.

Just entering the door, the two noticed the tall figure sitting on the sofa on the side of the door.

The familiar temperament made the two men unable to look at each other. They looked at each other and saw a trace of doubt in the eyes of the other party.

The two immediately stared at the Agent No. 0 and looked carefully.

The height is close, the body is also very similar, the most important thing is that the cold atmosphere of the body is very similar!

However, the two of them finally looked at each other and shook their heads.

Although this person is very similar to "" at the first glance, it still has a big difference. With the familiarity of Chen Mo, they quickly discovered the difference between the two.

At the same time, there was a little bit of regret in the heart, and the two were more curious about this guy who had something similar to "".

When the two just came in, Enron was sending the first draft of the equipment she had drawn to Su Shi. At this time, after sending the mail, Enron stood up directly from the table and moved toward Zhang Xinhe, who was still standing at the door. Xu Qing came over.

"To introduce to you, this is the bodyguard of the chairman of the Aegis Group, and the hero of our film, David Nord."

Enron introduced the agent No. 0 and introduced him to two women.

"They are the training teachers I am looking for, Zhang Xin, Xu Qing, they are my school girls, studying in the performance department, and also the heroine of this movie, playing your sister and her classmates respectively."

It was learned that Agent No. 0 was the bodyguard of the chairman of the Aegis Group. Zhang Xin and Xu Qing’s doubts dissipated a few points.

They are now members of the Aegis group. They are naturally very clear about the strength of the Aegis group. As the only owner of the Aegis group, Chen Mo is definitely the world's top super rich, and Agent 0 can give him When it comes to bodyguards, the strength is absolutely very strong, and it is no wonder that they feel some familiar places in him.

However, compared with "", the super bodyguard in front of them is still a lot worse!

In the view of the two little gimmicks, even if he is the world's top bodyguard, there is only a slap in the face of ""!

Although this judgment of the two is mixed with many personal subjective factors, it has to be said that it is completely correct!

The reason why Agent No. 0 was able to join the crew so reluctantly was completely under the pressure of Chen Mo’s arrogance. He didn’t want Chen Mo to open a small stove for the devil training. The days when he first learned the fighting skills were the darkness that could never be erased in his heart. Memories!

Although he is not considered to be more powerful than Chen Mo, but for him to star in the movie, Zhang Xin and Xu Qing still agree.

Prior to this, they also helped Enron to consider the actor's choice of candidates, whether it is Hollywood or Huaxia actors, or well-known athletes, wrestling wrestlers, no one in line with their hearts.

So far, only the No. 0 agent in front of you is the closest!

Subsequently, Zhang Xin and Xu Qing began to carry out quick training on the performance of Agent No. 0!

Agent 0 asked Enron to find two little gimmicks to teach him. At first, he felt that it was not reliable, but as the training began, he quickly discovered that the two little gimmicks were not as simple as they seemed.

Although Zhang Xin and Xu Qing are not very old, they are very talented in acting, and they are very hard at learning. The basic knowledge is very solid.

Moreover, the two men's brains are very lively and not rigid at all. Agent 0 is not boring to learn, and after discovering that his learning and understanding ability is very strong, the two quickly adjusted the teaching methods and made the No. 0 agent learn. The efficiency has improved a lot.

He is confident that he will promote his acting skills to a qualified level before the official start of shooting, so that Chen Mo will not be able to clean up his brilliant image and influence his glorious image!

Zhang Xin and Xu Qing went to the training with Agent No. 0, and Enron continued to make the final revision of the script in the office.

After the protagonist, equipment and other issues have been determined, many related plots and details that have not been determined before can be officially fixed. After the final revision of Enron, the script is completely completed, as long as other preparations are completed. Finished, you can officially start shooting!

On the other hand, in the office of the president of the Aegis Group, Su Shi looked at the black armor on the computer screen that was very similar to the alloy armored combat uniform that Chen Mo had worn on the desert island. The face could not help but reveal a smile.

Enron, this gimmick, is really a movie created by the boss. Even the boss’s equipment has been drawn for a long time. If it is not a matter of revealing the It is estimated that it has already been taken out.

Although Enron sent her over half an hour, the fineness of the design of this manuscript is obviously not something that can be done in a short time.

However, Su Shi did not break, but forwarded the design to Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo had already returned to the castle with a car driven by Agent No. 0. Jarvis immediately displayed the design on the screen on the wall after receiving the mail.

Chen Mo looked at this and the same design that Jarvis had found from Enron's computer before, and couldn't help but smile. It seems that Su Shi has successfully "convinced" Enron in "inadvertently".

However, this design is obviously drawn by Enron completely. In the library, Enron just hurriedly saw him. It is impossible to fully remember every detail. Although this manuscript is wearing an alloy with him. The image of armored combat uniforms is very similar, but many details are still quite different.

If you let them improve a little bit, I don't know how long it will take.

Let me help you again!

"Jarvis, sent the drawings of the alloy armored combat uniform to Su Shi, let her make it directly with H-3 alloy, right, and by the way, the drawings of the sword of the king were also sent."

"Okay, lord!"

Jarvis’s voice fell shortly, and on the other side, Su Shi’s mailbox contained two more specialized mechanical drawings.

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