My Iron Suit

Chapter 1061: iron Man!

Captain America, Steve Rogers!

The body of the four is like a rubber, and the young man who can flex at will grow exactly the same as Steve!

But obviously, this is not Steve!

This is the second time that Chen Mo has encountered the same role as Steve!

And this movie, Chen Mo is also very familiar, only to see the four people's iconic ability can know their identity.

A fireman, a rubber man, an invisible woman, and a stone man!

These four guys are obviously the magic four heroes!

Their abilities seem similar to the mutants, but the sources are not the same.

The ability of the mutant is born, from the mutant genes, and they are the acquired mutations!

The four of them were accidentally bombarded by space storms at the space station and suffered a very special radiation. After returning to Earth, the four people each discovered that they had magical superpowers.

The level of science and technology in this world is higher than that in the real world, but it is still quite different in the world of the Avengers. Therefore, it is not attractive to Chen Mo in terms of technology. The only thing that can attract his interest is only Super power of four people!

However, the way they acquire superpower is not a mature and perfect way of strengthening. It is a sudden cosmic storm. Like the birth of the Hulk, it is completely an accident and there is no replicable at all.

The most important thing is that their variation is completely uncontrollable, with great randomness, the ability of stealth women and firemen is good, and the ability of rubber and stone people is completely unacceptable!

He doesn't want his body to become like a plasticine. He doesn't want to completely lose the appearance of human beings and become a stone man!

Even if Chen Mo thinks of ways to join the space station with them and accept the baptism of the cosmic storm with special rays, what ability will be completely unpredictable at that time, may be strong, may be weak, and may even become a monster. !

In fact, the strength of the Fantastic Four is not as strong as that of the mutants. For Chen Mo, who has a controllable and enhanced x gene serum, the meaning of this world is not great!

So although this is a world with super powers that Chen Mo is very familiar with, Chen Mo does not intend to go!

Of course, if the other two worlds are even less valuable, Chen Mo doesn't mind to look at it. It's OK to take four people to do research. Maybe it will be a bit of a gain.

Then Chen Mo put the consciousness into the second ball of light.

The picture of the world projection once again appeared in Chen Mo’s mind. Coincidentally, this time, four figures appeared in Chen Mo’s mind, but this time the four figures are even more special than the Magic Four!

I saw four tall, burly green figures jumping flexibly in the building, and they were very agile. They had double knives, steel forks, long sticks and nunchakus in their hands, running four strokes in the middle of the brain. Different colors of cloth, but not commensurate with their flexible body shape, behind them, all carrying a huge turtle shell!

If you look closely, you will find that these four tall, burly, and sturdy guys are a long black!

With such a recognizable shape, Chen Mogang recognized their identity as soon as they saw it!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

This movie Chen Mo has also seen that these four ninja turtles, which have a human-like shape and tall and burly, are actually only four pet turtles. They have changed after accidentally releasing some mutagen, which changed. It is now between turtles and humans!

The special physique gives them a strong physical quality, coupled with good combat skills, their strength is very powerful compared to ordinary humans, but Chen Mo still does not look in the eyes!

This semi-animal and semi-human strengthening method itself is unacceptable to Chen Mo, and the strengthening effect is not very strong. It is not even as good as the improved super soldier serum. It does not make much sense for Chen Mo's own strength improvement.

Even if Chen Mo mastered this method of turning an animal into a half-orc, wouldn’t it be useful to him to build a half-orc army and stage a fantasy war?

This movie world was also quickly abandoned by Chen Mo. If the latter world is not better, Chen Mo will choose to take the magical four heroes to study.

Consciously put in the last beam, after seeing the world projection, Chen Mo's eyes suddenly brightened, and even if he did not hesitate, he chose to cross!

When the white light flashed, Chen Mo appeared in a dense forest!

From the space to release the steel battle suit, Chen Mo quickly completed the dress, then vacated and flew toward a leopard-shaped mountain in the middle of the forest!

It was no stranger to Chen Mo, and he quickly flew in from the giant mouth of the leopard, and in front of the mountain with bare rock and shaped like a leopard, there was a tall building that looked more prosperous than New York. And the advanced modern city is hidden in this huge forest valley!

The name of the city is called wakanda!

Chen Mo is once again back to the world of the Avengers!

When he left last time, Chen Mo was not alone. Returning to reality with him, in addition to the old butler and Hill, Brock Rumlow, there are a number of elite agents of Hydra!

It is with them that Chen Mocai can reorganize the Hydra organization in the real world!

But this time back, Chen Mo did not bring anyone, still alone.

There are Hydra and SHIELD in this world. What Chen Mo wants to help is that there is no need to bring back the old housekeeper and Hill and Brock Rumlo.

The world represented by the third ball of light is the movie world of the "Avengers" series Accurately speaking, it should be the world of "Iron Man 3".

Because Chen Mo sees the most in the world projections is the picture of Tony Stark and his steel shirt, in addition to it, there are some weird humans with orange light on the body!

Chen Mo, the story of "Iron Man 3", is very familiar, but the world has long been changed a lot by him. Chen Mo is not sure whether the plot will develop according to the original trajectory!

However, these are not important. With Chen Mo’s control over the world, even if things develop beyond the level of the plot, Chen Mo is confident that he can control it!

Chen Mo gave up "Fantastic Four" and "Ninja Turtle" and chose this world. Besides the world he is most familiar with and has been run into his own base camp, the most important reason is because of those people. Humans with orange light!

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