My Iron Suit

Chapter 1072: 10 points suspicious!

Aldridge Kirian heard the admiration of Pepper Potts, but he said with a smug look.

"Thank you, this is my brain!"


Pepper Potts turned to look at Aldrich Kilian in amazement.

Aldridge Kilian raised his hand and filled the room, like a star-shaped brain current projection, and said with pride.

"You are now in my mind, like a live broadcast."

Aldridge Kilian said, pointing his finger at the finger-sized device that he had just put on his ear. Seeing that Pepper Potts still had a puzzle, Aldridge Kilian immediately went straight from Standing up on the sofa, stepped over to the large coffee table in front of the two, and reached out to Pepper Potts.

"Up, I prove it to you!"

Pepper Potts was very curious about the technology that Aldridge Kilian wanted to show, and he refused. He immediately stood up and stood Aldridge Kilian's hand on the coffee table.

"Look at me now."

Aldridge Kilian lifted his arm and handed it to Pepper Potts.

"I can stand it, oh."

It wasn't like Pepperick Potts seeing Aldridge Kirill, who just made a joke on his arm.

With the fingertips of Pepper Potts, the blue "Starry Sky" projected around them suddenly turned into a yellow area, and spread like a network, and then restored to its original state.

"what is this?"

Pepper Potts asked with amazement.

"This is the primary somatosensory cortex, the center of pain in the brain."

Listening to Aldridge's explanation, combined with the changes I saw with my own eyes, Pepper Potts finally believed that the spot that was as beautiful as the starry sky was the projection of Aldridge's brain. .

Aldridge Kilian looked at Pepper Potts' face and smiled slightly, then raised his hand and operated in the air.

"But this is what I want to show you!"

With the operation of Aldridge Kilian, the brain projections around the two also zoomed in and out as he moved.

"The neurobial potential of the ultimate creature has been fully developed and controlled. Now, look here!"

The projection picture around the two finally stopped, and finally appeared in front of Pepper Potts is a blank area like the black hole in the "Xinghai".

"This is essentially an empty slot. It tells us that our brain, our DNA system, is destined to be upgraded!"


In the reception room, when Pepper Potts was attracted by Aldridge Kilian’s “Ultimate Biology” theory, there was a public rest area outside the glass wall, Happi Hogan. A serious look stared at the young man sitting in a face that was not far from him.

Hapy Hogan was originally Tony Stark’s personal bodyguard, but after Pepper Potts was appointed president of Stark Industries, his work became the protection of Pepper Potts. Not long ago, he was appointed by Pepper Potts as the security minister of Stark Industries.

At that time, the young man who was the focus of his attention was a man brought by Aldridge Kilian.

Originally, Happi Hogan just waited for the safety of Pepper Potts and waited outside the meeting, but noticed a slight difference between Pepper Potts and Aldridge Kilian in the meeting room. After the intimate move, as the old man and good brother of Tony Stark, Hapy Hogan focused on Aldridge Kilian.

When he investigated the information of Aldrich Kilian through the visitor record, he was surprised to find that he and Tony had seen this guy.

As a top bodyguard, Hapy Hogan has a strong ability to recognize people. As long as he has contact, he can recognize him again, but he just did not recognize Aldridge? Come, because the gap between this guy and his image is really too big!

At the scientific conference in Switzerland, this guy was still crutches, walking limping, timid and wretched, but now, it has magically turned into a tall and tall handsome guy, even younger. Many, like a person.

This made Hapy Hogan unable to help him with great doubts. Together with the one brought by Aldridge Kilian, the look of his face was obviously not a good person, but even Hapi Huo. Root feels they are very suspicious!

In the reception room, Aldridge Kilian had put away the holographic projection device, and Pepper Potts re-sit back on the sofa.

"Imagine that you can invade the control center of any creature and re-encode DNA!"

Aldridge Kilian said with excitement and pride, he was obviously very proud of the "ultimate creature" technology he had mastered.

"It's incredible."

Pepper Potts said, but his face was no longer amazed, but he became serious.

"Unfortunately, it sounds like it can be highly such as super warriors, private armed, and Tony can't..."

"Tony! Tony!"

Pepper Potts had just said half, Aldridge Kilian interrupted her directly, and said with a disdain.

"In fact, 13 years ago, I invited Tony to cooperate with us. He refused me, but now it is different. It is a new genius who is in charge of power. She does not need to bow to Tony, nor Tony is so pretentious."

I don't know why, Pepper Potts seems to feel a deep hatred from Aldridge's tone and look.

Pepper Potts felt that there was nothing wrong with it. She didn't know that Aldridge Kilian said that although it was an understatement, it was a shame that he could never forget in his heart 13 years ago!

At the technology conference in Switzerland, Aldridge Kilian once sought cooperation with Tony Stark, and was busy picking up girls, eager to return to the hotel room with the beautiful female biologist Maya Hansen. Stark, verbally promised to cooperate with him and trick him into waiting for him on the rooftop.

When Tony Stark was happy in the room with Maya Hansen, Aldridge Kilian was on crutches, waiting for the arrival of Tony Stark on the cold night of winter night with excitement and hope. .


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