My Iron Suit

Chapter 1101: Reflection!

Aldrich Kelly had a cautious early evacuation and let them fly in Miami. In fact, it has already been explained that Kilian is much more ambitious than the film, and he continues to use film plots to predict his actions. It is not suitable!

Chen Mo couldn't help but reflect. He really had a big idea this time.

The two most powerful forces behind the scenes of the world, Hydra and SHIELD are under his control. Together with the unification of Vakanda in Africa, Chen Mo has already mastered most of the world in secret!

The earth of this world can be said to be his back garden!

In addition, he can defeat the powerful strength of Raytheon. In the case that the tyrant has not yet arrived in the earth, he is invincible in the earth. No country, power or individual can threaten his safety!

The powerful control of the world, and the strength that has become stronger after being strengthened by the T virus, has made Chen Mo, who is familiar with the plot, unable to relax, and has not paid enough attention to AIM and Aldridge Kilian.

In addition, for Jarvis, Chen Mo also has some blind trust, but he does not consider that he is only artificial intelligence after all, and has huge dependence on the network and electronic equipment. Once the enemy is prepared, whether it is deliberately avoiding or using targeted Interfering with the shielding device will make Jarvis lose its function!

At this time, after Pepper was suddenly attacked and grabbed by him, Chen Mo finally put away the original ease and randomness and became serious!

Although he can not care about Aldridge and his ultimate creatures, but Tony Stark and Pepper, Hapy and others, including most of the Avengers, can't ignore their power. power!

If they come out in spite of the consequences, it is really possible to pose a great threat to the Avengers!

Of course, with Chen Mo’s clearer understanding of Aldrich Kilian, he should not make reckless decisions to make such an adventurous decision, and continue to follow the plan to complete his huge plan for many years. Is the most sensible choice at the moment!

Chen Mo, who is now completely serious, knows carefully that Pepper will not be in danger for the time being.

Even if Tony Stark is not required to help him perfect the desperate virus, he also needs Tony's steel warrior to help him seize the US president, and Pepper is the only thing he can ask for Tony. Before he reaches his goal, Kilian will not start with Pepper!

Thinking about the current situation, Chen Mo did not delay, if you can find clues, it would be better to save Pepper in advance!

At this time, Happi’s location was not the location of the attack. In order to prevent them from asking for help, Alan Bright set up a signal shielding device at the ambush. Happi woke up and went back a few hundred meters before he got rid of the shield. range.

Inquiring about the position, Chen Mo directly explored the power of the Hani wrapped up, and then launched a teleport, reappeared, has returned to the location of the attack.

The fallen tree still traversed the road and cut off the road. The flame at the original trunk break had spread to the whole tree. Because the time is still early, there is not much car on this road, so it is No other vehicles passed through here and were blocked by big trees.

After the teleport to the scene of the attack, Chen Mo just glanced at it and swept through it, and he completely grasped the situation on the spot.

Without paying attention to the burning trees and the car that was badly damaged, Chen Mo’s body directly vacated and came to the top of the road with a height of more than ten meters.

Above the mountain wall is a dense forest. Each tree is thick and thick, and the height is more than ten meters. It is flourishing and flourishing.

However, at this time, just near the edge of the mountain wall, there is only one tree with a stump that is more than one meter high. The upper part is burning with flames!

Obviously, the big tree that cuts off the road below is from here, and from the signs of burning two trees, it must be the hand of the desperate creatures, and only the high temperature they make can cause this effect!

Retrieving his gaze from the burning stump, Chen Mo looked at the ground under the tree.

Since almost no one is coming up, the vegetation on the ground is very lush.

At this time, in the position near the edge of the mountain wall, there are several obvious traces of treading. The person who launched the attack must have been ambushing here.

They burned a big tree in advance and pushed it down to cut off the road. When Happi found that the road was stopped and stopped, he jumped off the cliff and launched an attack.

From the traces on the ground below and the damage on the damaged car, one of them jumped directly to the roof to launch an attack, and the two blocked the road behind.

Although Happi reacted quickly, he quickly turned around and wanted to rush out, but the two people who were blocked by the road broke the car engine and were trapped here.

According to the observations and observations, Chen Mo restored the situation at that time.

Chen Mo's gaze did not stop on these traces. After sweeping a circle, he finally fell his eyes on a device with several antennas hidden in the grass.

The mind was swept again, and the structure inside the device was clearly presented in Chen Mo’s mind. Chen silently nodded.

This is a high-power signal shielding device. The shielding range should be several hundred meters. Within this range, all mobile phones and communication signals cannot be transmitted!

The location of the attack from below is only a dozen Even if Happi and Pepper escaped directly after the car was destroyed, it is difficult to escape from the shield before they catch up!

The power of the force suddenly slammed, and the signal shielding device was instantly broken like a heavy hammer, and the signal shielding was also released.

Chen Mo used the power to sweep again over the mountain wall, but did not find other traces, the other party should not leave from here!

Jarvis has been monitoring the situation on the road, the other side can not take Peper away from the road, then there is only one direction left!

Chen Mo immediately returned and flew back to the road, falling down near the outside guardrail.

Looking at the steep **** outside the guardrail, Chen Mo Nian Li once again explored and carefully explored the past toward the bottom.

The slopes outside the guardrail are mostly rocks. Although Chen Mo found some traces, it was not very obvious. However, when the mind was exploring the seaside below, Chen Mo’s eyes were bright. On a sand bunker by the sea, Chen Mo discovered. A clear footprint!

Sure enough, I escaped from the sea!

Just when Chen Mo asked Jarvis to use satellites to inspect the surrounding ships, a figure whizzed from the sky and slammed into Chen Mo's side, but Tony Stark was late.


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