My Iron Suit

Chapter 1162: Go through the wormhole!

Standing on the stairs, in the doubtful eyes of the three, Chen Mo picked up a wine bottle from the ground.

"Watch carefully."

After Chen Mo said, he threw the bottle towards the patio in the middle of the spiral staircase.

Although he did not understand Chen Mo's actions, the three rushed to the edge of the stairs and looked down.

I saw that the bottle quickly fell downstairs under the influence of gravity. When a few people thought that the bottle would eventually fall to the ground and broke, the bottle that fell to the second floor position seemed to pass through the water. Generally, it suddenly disappeared in a ripple of water!

"Where did it go?"

Jane Foster asked, surprised.

Chen Mo didn't speak, but just motioned for a few people to continue watching.

Just when a few people were puzzled, a fast falling shadow suddenly appeared over the corner of their eyes. When they saw it clearly, they were surprised to find that it was the wine that had just been dropped by Chen Mo and suddenly disappeared. bottle!

I watched the bottle disappear on the second floor again. Several people quickly looked up and looked up. This time, they finally saw the appearance of the bottle.

Just as it disappeared, in a wave of water-like ripples, the bottle broke out from the position on the fourth floor, and then fell downward under the effect of gravity.

Then disappeared again on the second floor!

I fell down and down several times in this way, and everyone's heads kept moving up and down as the wine bottle dropped again and again.

When the wine bottle fell again against the edge of the stairs, Chen Mo suddenly reached out and grabbed it and closed it.

"This is simply incredible!"

Jane Foster said with excitement.

默 Handed Jane Foster around, Chen Mo said to several people.

"This is another anomalous area, you can try."

Immediately, Jan Foster curiously pushed the bottle out of the stairs and let go.

The wine bottle fell again and disappeared on the second floor. However, when everyone looked up and looked up, they did not see the bottle again.

A few people could not help but turned to look at Chen Mo in doubt.

"what happened?"

Jane Foster asked, puzzled.

Chen Chen shrugged and said slowly.

"They can come back sometimes, sometimes they can't."

Dr. Selvig soon heard what he wanted to understand, and said immediately.

"The positions of these two wormholes in the different space should not completely overlap, but they are partially staggered. When the bottle is dropped, it may detach from the staggered position and stay in the other world."

Dr. Servig said excitedly, turning to look at Daisy.

"Daisy, arrange the detector, we will detect these two wormholes!"

Daisy nodded immediately, and her intern Ian began helping Dr. Servig set up the detection equipment.

And Jane Foster looked up with her handheld detection device.

"I have never seen such a reading, except in ..."

Jane Foster looked at the abnormal reading on the detection device and said something a little bit shocking.

Daisy, who was next to Hyundai's hypothetical detection device, could not help but interject.

"New Mexico?"

They met Sol before, it was in New Mexico!

Jane Foster heard that she could not help showing a smile on her face.

"I'll look elsewhere!"

Anxious Jan Foster, holding her gravitational value detector, was going to take a look upstairs alone.

Dai Dai looked at her eagerly and couldn't help laughing, she also hoped that her friends would find Sol.

Chen Mo said suddenly when Jane Foster was about to leave.

"There may be space passages here and there, it is not safe, I will be with you."

Jane Foster heard that it also made sense, and that the site, which did not know how long it had been shut down, was gloomy. She herself was indeed a bit scared. She nodded towards Chen Mo immediately and did not refuse. .

Chen Mo turned to look at the others and reminded.

"Each of you also pay attention to safety, don't leave other people's eyes alone! Lest accidents happen!"

Everyone immediately nodded in agreement.

默 Chen Mo immediately came upstairs, and Jane Foster immediately found that the readings on the detection device in his hand fluctuated more violently, and the prompt sound became more urgent than before!

"Gravity anomaly area ahead!"

Jane Foster said with excitement, and then quickened his pace and walked in the direction indicated by the detector.

Chen Mo followed her, and the two went deeper into the building.

The more I walked in, the darker the surroundings were. If there weren't Chen Mo with her, Jane Foster would have been very scared.

As the two progressed, the sound of the detector's prompts became more and more urgent, almost to become a whole, and the expression on Jan Foster's face became more and more excited.

As Jan Foster hurriedly walked along the dark corridor, suddenly, a huge gravitational force came from the front, and Jan Foster seemed to be attracted by something, and his body was fierce toward him. Sliding past the corridor, Jane Foster couldn't help but change his face!

When Chen Mo saw his eyes moved, he quickly followed, and was pulled forward by this strange gravity that appeared out of thin air.

Chen Mo could naturally resist this gravitational pull, stopping him and Jane Foster, but he did not do so, but let the gravitational pull pull them quickly towards the end of the corridor, and Jane Foster Stewart was in a panic, not paying any attention to Chen Mo's reaction behind him.

After sliding out more than ten meters, Jane Foster in front of Chen Mo flickered like a ripple, disappearing out of thin air.

Then Chen Mo also slipped to the place where Jane Foster disappeared, and then just felt a flash of light ~ ~ The surrounding scene changed, and the disappeared Jane Foster appeared again in front of him. !!

Jane Foster just noticed that the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and found that she seemed to be at another place, and was standing on the edge of a cliff!

The forward inertia just made Jan Foster's body continue to rush forward. Just when Jan Foster lost his balance and stared in horror, a wide palm suddenly caught. Pulling her forward body back on her shoulder.

Jane Foster quickly turned her head and found that Chen Mo held her behind him, relieved, and thanked him quickly.

谢谢 "Thank you! It was dangerous just now! Thank you for holding me, otherwise I would fall!"

Chen Mo nodded and didn't speak, but turned his head and looked around, Jane Foster quickly observed the situation around him.

的 The light here is very dim, much darker than the corridor where they were just now. It seems that there is no sunlight, only a dim light in the distance, so that they can see the situation around them.

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