My Iron Suit

Chapter 1172: Can humans defeat God?

In this case, everything was just an accident, not that Thor intended it for Jane Foster.

Odin immediately let go of his anger, turned to Chen Mo, and asked Shen Sheng.

"Who the **** are you?"

Odin did not forget the fact that Chen Mo just flew two elite Asa Protoss fighters in his hand just now. Chen Mo's strength was completely unexpected.

Facing Odin's oppressive eyes, Chen Mo said slowly and calmly.

"I am Earthling."

Odin could not help but hesitated, and Sol on the side was afraid that the two would have a contradiction, he said quickly.

"Father, he is the guardian of the earth, and Rocky was defeated and arrested by him. All the Zetaris he took were also destroyed by him! Moreover, the power of my thunder was also in his help. He just learned, his strength is not weaker than me! "

Sasol said, looking at Chen Mo gratefully, and then said.

"In fact, I lost to him in the test!"

Sor's voice fell, and the entire medical room was instantly quiet, and everyone was shocked by Sol's words!

Sol is their God of War in Asgard, the strongest person in the whole gods except Odin. In these years, he has fought for Asgard in the North, and he does not know how many powerful enemies have been defeated. Now he says Lost to an Earthman!

This shocked all the Asgard soldiers and women doctors present!

Jane Foster was also the first time I heard that she looked at Chen Mo with an unbelievable face. She had known that Chen Mo was the strongest human being on the planet, and she knew many great deeds of Chen Mo, but she never thought about it. Chen Mo was able to defeat the protoss of Sol with a human body, which slightly subverted her three views!

Can humans defeat God?

I thought that I had slapped Thor two times before, and Jane Foster suddenly thought that it seemed impossible!

Look at Chen Mo, then turn to look at Saul, Jane Foster doesn't know if he should be happy or what.

Sol is her boyfriend. Naturally, she should support Sol, but Sol ’s identity is the Asgard protoss, and Chen Mo is an earth person like her. From this point, Chen Mo She should be glad to defeat Sol!

Especially after Sol ’s father, the **** king Odin, said that “goat meat can't be served on the banquet table” with obvious racial discrimination, Jane Foster felt that he should be proud. !!

Personal feelings still have to come after racial justice.

Sol looked at the expression on Jane Foster's face first changed from shock to acceptance, and then became happy after a while of tangling, with a proud look on his face, with a bit of provocation. Watching Odin.

At the same time, Saul's heart was a little lost, and he couldn't help laughing at Jane Foster's revenge.

It was learned that Chen Mo had defeated Sol's Odin, and looked at Chen Mo with a look of surprise. He had been surprised by the strength that Chen Mo had shown, but he did not expect that the strength of this earth man was far more than he imagined. Even more powerful!

Being able to defeat Sol, even in the test, is enough to show that his strength has reached a point where Odin can face up!

Odin is no longer as belligerent as he was in his early years. He now prefers to solve problems peacefully, but he can still be respected by the true strong.

Odin knows his son. He knows that Sol will not lie, so even if Chen Mo's strength is not too much stronger than Sol, he is definitely at the top of the top!

Perhaps, he should re-examine the central atrium, which is located in the most central of the nine nations, Midgart, which is the human world!

Xu glanced deeply at Chen Mo. Odin put away his contempt for human beings and did not mention the matter of returning the two to the earth, but said solemnly to the two.

"follow me!"

Uh ...

奥 Under the leadership of Odin, they returned to the Golden Palace, passed through long passages and stairs, and finally came to a magnificent hall full of stone pillars.

A huge world tree projected in the sky above the Great Hall, spreading over the entire archives. Nine groups of dazzling light clusters of different colors are slowly moving between the branches and green leaves, and will soon be connected into a line!

Odin glanced at the projection of the nine kingdoms that were about to complete the celestial body convergence, but did not stop, and strode directly toward the bookshelf in the hall.

As he looked in front of a bookshelf, Odin said to the three.

"There are some special substances left in the world before the universe was formed. The things in her body seem to be one of them!"

He said, Odin found the book he was looking for, pulled it out, turned and walked to a long table near the window and turned it over.

All three looked at the book with curiosity. On the yellowed parchment, besides the Asgard text that Chen Mo and Jane Foster couldn't understand, there were many illustrations, which made them feel amazing. These illustrations are not fixed, but are slowly moving like dynamic images, like magic books in the legend.

But Odin didn't notice the look of the two, and started to explain after opening this ancient book.

"The Nine Kingdoms are not static ~ ~ They have dawn, and of course dusk."

但 "But before dawn, the dark forces, the dark elves, dominate one side, and no one can match!"

丁 Odin flipped through the pages of the book, and Sol, who was standing aside, looked at the recorded text, and couldn't help but mutter.

"Born in eternal night, the dark elves will steal the light ..."

As I read, Sol could not help but flash a flash of memory.

"I know these stories, my mother told us when I was young."

Sol said as he reached the table, leaned over and looked carefully.

奥 And Odin continued.

"Malkis, the leader of the dark elves, used darkness to create a weapon called ether. The relics from other universes are often like stones, but ether is liquid and constantly changes shape. It can transform all kinds of matter. Into dark matter! "

"Ether looks for the host and draws energy from the host's vitality."

When Jane Foster heard this, his expression couldn't help changing, and Sol looked at Jane with a worried look.

Chen Mo is not too worried because he knows that Jane Foster will be fine. Without the use of ether particles, the short-term residence of ether particles will not absorb much vitality.

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