My Iron Suit

Chapter 1185: The dungeon has changed!

Latest website: Not far away, a noble and elegant middle-aged woman wearing a long skirt and soft armor also saw them, and walked towards them with a smile.

Sol first introduced her to the two people around her.

"Jane Foster and Commander!"

Then Sol looked at Chen Mo and Jane Foster, and said it in full.

"This is Friega, Queen of Divine Realm, my mother!"

Jane Foster was shocked when she heard it. She did not expect that it was his mother that Sol was going to show them. This made Jan Foster uneasy nervous.

Some complained quietly glanced at Sol around him, secretly blamed him for not making clear in advance, then quickly put his hands in front of him, and nodded greetings to Frigga who was standing in front of them, smiling .


Frigga looked at Jane Foster, who was wearing a beautiful Asgard dress, and nodded with a smile. Obviously, this earth girlfriend he was looking for was not as opposed to Odin. On the contrary, she seemed satisfied with her expression.

Chen Mo, who had never flirted with Odin before, nodded to Friega.

Chen Mo wasn't wearing a steel suit at this time. Frigga looked at Chen Mo, who had a very calm temperament even though she was young, and nodded at him with a smile.

Immediately, Frigga turned to look at her son and asked.

"Sor, is there anything to come to me?"

Sol said to her immediately.

"Mother, I need your help!"


Saul told Frigga everything about the ether particles and Malikis, but Frigga was not as arrogant as Odin, and soon realized the seriousness of the problem, and she looked at Sau seriously And asked.

"How do you want me to help you?"

Saul did not mention the mobilization of the army. Although Frigga was the queen of Asgard, she did not have the right to command the army.

Looking at Friega, Sol said with a serious face.

"The Dark Elves may attack Asgard at any time, and most likely today!"

"I need you to help me protect Jane Foster from Malkis!"

Frigga didn't doubt her son's words and didn't ask more. She knew that Sol wouldn't be alarmist, it must have some basis.

Friega glanced at Jan Foster immediately and nodded.

"No problem! I will protect her!"

And just as the four were talking in the garden, in a dungeon underground in the Golden Palace, a prison cell holding a robber captive who had just been escorted back yesterday was a tall man with horned fangs on his head. The strong man in a helmet and a leather suit, who didn't seem to be much different from other robbers, went to the inside of the cell alone.

Through the special communication device of the Dark Elf, it was confirmed that Malekis had reached the periphery of Asgard and was ready. Algorim, disguised as a robber captive, turned his back against the transparent energy barrier, and physically blocked other prisoners and corridors behind him The eyes of the patrol guard.

Gritting his teeth to endure the intense pain, he put his hand into the bleeding wound on his stomach, and took out the cursing stone hidden in his stomach!

Holding the cursed stone completely blood stained in his hand, Algorim hesitated.

Although the cursing stone can make people become a powerful cursed warrior, and the power is raised to a very terrifying level, it is not without cost!

The tremendous power obtained by the cursed warrior is at the cost of rapid loss of vitality, and the process is irreversible and cannot be stopped!

As long as he used the cursed stone and transformed into a cursed warrior, his life has entered the countdown!

But when he decided to accept the mission, Algorim was ready to sacrifice!

As long as he can recapture the etheric particles and revive the Dark Elves, his sacrifice is worth it!

Algorim no longer hesitated, and clenched the cursing stone fiercely!

A burning sensation came from the palm of his hand, and then the severe pain drowned him completely!

Several of the prisoners behind him were originally in a dull and boring mood, and the movement over Algorim quickly caught their attention.

Then they were shocked to find that a dazzling red light was pouring out of his body, like magma spreading around his body, and the leather armor and helmet that had been worn on him were melted and burned in a blink of an eye!

Several prisoners were horrified at seeing this weird scene, and rushed to the energy barrier and slammed hard, while shouting at the same time, let the guards release them.

In the cell No. 1 at the entrance to the dungeon, Rocky was lying in bed boring and tossing a glass to play, but in his mind, he had been thinking about yesterday.

He knows that what he said under the impulsive anger yesterday hurt Friega's heart. At the same time when he regretted it, he hated Odin even more!

Just as he was thinking how to comfort Friega, there was a noise in his ears, and the light in the cell suddenly dimmed. It seemed that the energy of the dungeon was disturbed!

Feeling wrong, Rocky immediately caught the cup falling from the air, and quickly got up and walked to the energy barrier.

The voice came from the depths of the dungeon. Rocky's mind could not help but emerge from the captives who had just been taken in yesterday. It seemed that someone had hit his mind on Asgard!

Listening to the growing noise deep in the dungeon, and the guards in the corridor rushed into it, Rocky couldn't help expecting it, these guys had better bring Odindo some trouble!

At this moment, Algorim in the cell was undergoing a terrible change!

Bursts of black smoke erupted from him ~ ~ and fell to the ground, covering the entire cell floor.

His body had also been completely shrouded in red light. The whole person seemed to become a hot rock surrounded by lava. Under intense pain, Algorim knelt on the ground, beating the ground like a mad man, and the hard prison floor The direct hit cracked!

At the same time, his body was rising and growing a little bit, and a spur of bone had emerged from his body during the surging of lava on the surface!

The hot red light on the surface of the subject gradually dissipated, Algorim was standing there and roaring, and his eyes flashed with violence and brutality!

At this time, Algorim had completely changed his appearance. Under the transformation of the cursed stone, his taller figure had become even more burly and majestic, even higher than those strong robbers in the cell.

The fangs helmet that was originally worn on his head has been melted and burned, but his skull itself has become more stingy than that helmet!

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