My Iron Suit

Chapter 1187: Who protects who?

Latest website: Although the attack power of illusion is not strong, it can be used to interfere with the enemy. Protecting Jane can play a great role. In addition, Chen Mo, who has beaten his top power, still has no protection for Jane Foster. Too big a problem.

Jane Foster's safety was worry-free for the moment, and she was worried about Rocky's safety, and Sol no longer hesitated, spinning the Thor's hammer and flying towards the Golden Palace.

Aside from Sol's rushing into the dungeon to clean up the prisoners who escaped, Chen Mo and Friega rushed towards the Golden Palace with Jane Foster after leaving Sol.

But they didn't go to the dungeon. It was enough to have Sol there. All they had to do was to protect Jane Foster from being captured by the dark elves!

The three men hurried forward and met Odin, who was holding a spear of eternity, leading a group of soldiers towards the dungeon at the intersection of the corridor!

"Send a team of people to the arsenal and stay there at all costs to ensure that the dungeon is safe!"

As Odin walked quickly, he explained to the generals around him, and did not notice the three Chen Mo walking in the side corridor.


Friega spoke to him.


Seeing Frigga, Odin stopped immediately, turning his head to the general who stopped behind and said loudly.

"Come on!"

The general immediately gestured towards the soldiers behind him, and then stepped back again, leaving quickly with a large group of soldiers behind him.

After Odin ordered, he turned to look at Frigga and said softly.

"Just a little mess, don't worry!"

Frigga looked at Odin and said with a smile.

"The technique you lied to has never been good."

Just as Odin was talking to Friega, the team of soldiers quickly passed by them. A brave female warrior in silver armor appeared on the team, and Jane Foster's eyes could not help being caught. She attracted.

Shiv looked at the beautiful woman who had never seen Frigga before, and a name instinctively appeared in her heart, Jane Foster!

The eyes of the two met in the air, and they did not regain their eyes until the team passed.

There was no lightning, thunder and fire, but both of them deeply imprinted each other's looks.

Odin, however, fell on Chen Mo at this time. When he rushed back to the Golden Palace just now, Chen Mo had already put on the steel suit. Odin looked at Chen Mo standing next to the two, and said with some sarcasm.

"Guardians of the earth, aren't you going to fight with us? Are you going to hide behind women? But my queen is really strong enough to protect the safety of you two earthmen!"

Chen Mo, who was also looking at Shiv, could not help turning his head to look at Odin, who had a serious tendency to racial discrimination, said coldly.

"I am not your subordinate, and I have no obligation to fight for you. I want to protect the earth, and there is only one earth person who needs my protection here!"

Chen Mo pointed to Jane Foster next to him, then glanced at Friega, who was helplessly watching them, and continued.

"But rest assured, I will help you protect your queen by the way, but not because she is your queen, but because she is Sol's mother!"

Odin was irresistible by Chen Mo's words. He finally gave Chen Mo a stern glance, looked at Frigga who was looking at them with a smile, and said Shen Sheng.

"Take them to your palace, and I'll go to you when the situation subsides!"

Frigga reminded Odin, worriedly.

"Be careful!"

Odin could not help but reach out and caress Frigar's face, and said.

"The wind and the waves are coming, my queen is still so worried about me."

After Odin finished, Chen Mo glanced again, then turned and followed the team toward the dungeon.

Frigga said, looking at Odin's old figure.

"It's because of my worry that I can make you good."

Friega stopped talking and took Jane Foster and Chen Mo through the soldier's line and hurried towards her dormitory.

But as he passed by the last soldier, Frigga reached out and pulled a short sword from his waist, and then whispered to Jan Foster.

"Listen, from now on, you must do exactly what I said, you can't disobey!"

Jane Foster quietly glanced at Chen Mo, and nodded, and immediately responded.

"Okay, ma'am!"

Soon, Friega brought Jane Foster and Chen Mo to her dormitory.

Friega's dormitory is almost the same as Sol's, but the interior is more elegant and feminine.

Entering the dorm, Friega pulled Jane Foster directly to the innermost corner, hiding her behind a large stone pillar.

"Whatever happens in a while, don't move behind, do you understand?"

Jane Foster glanced at Chen Mo, then nodded.

With a wave of the palm of his hand, Friega faded away, and eventually disappeared completely. If Chen Mo could not have felt Jane Foster's existence, he thought Jane Foster had been She's gone.

Later, Frigga turned to look at Chen Mo. Chen Mo naturally would not hide here with Jane Foster. The reason why he did not go to the dungeon with Saul and Odin in order to stay to protect Jane. Foster and Friga's safety.

Turning around, Chen Mo looked at this hall located at the entrance of the palace.

On the side of the hall, there are steps and columns leading to the outer platform, and in the middle of the hall, there is a stone platform with a diameter of about two meters and a smooth surface. There are jugs on the stone platform above and on the outer circle And fruit plate, there are soft cushions on the stone steps, you can sit around the stone platform ~ ~ looks like a modern sofa and coffee table.

Chen Mo immediately stepped onto this two-foot-high stone platform and raised his hand to summon the sword of the king.

A black armor, holding a silver long sword, stands proudly on the dark and smooth stone platform, like a sculpture, powerful and powerful!

Seeing this, Friega understood that Chen Mo was not going to hide, but to help her defend, and she could not help but glance at Chen Mo immediately.

However, Frigga only thought that Chen Mo was trying to protect Jane Foster, and she never thought about Chen Mo protecting him. As for what Chen Mo said to Odin before, she should only be angered by Chen Mo and Odin.

Her divine queen, where she needs the protection of an earthman!

So at the same time that Chen Mo was courageous, Frigat also secretly thought that if a danger really happened, he must protect this brave young man!

Frigga did not let Chen Mo hide again, but she stepped forward to prepare to perform magic to help Chen Mo hide in ambush.

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