My Iron Suit

Chapter 1196: Take the initiative!

Latest website: Although I really want to accompany Friega in person, Odin knows how important it is.

A team of soldiers was escorted by Frigar to the medical room to treat his injuries. Odin returned to the palace with Chen Mo, Saul, and Jane Foster, and summoned the generals to understand the situation in Asgard!

The generals arrived soon, and Fandal, one of the three warriors of the fairy palace, reported to Odin.

"The energy barrier generator has been destroyed, and we cannot restore the palace's protective barrier for a short time."

"Our heavy artillery cannot target the dark elves, and even Heimdal cannot see them!"

Vandal said he couldn't help but pause, then looked at Odin and said with a heavy face.

"Sir, we have completely lost our defense!"

When Odin heard his words, he couldn't help being dignified. Then he turned to look at Chen Mo. After being successfully attacked by the dark elves before, he almost lost the lesson of Frigga. More attention has also been paid.

Just now in Friega's dormitory, Chen Mo speculated that Asgard's defense could not stop the dark elves from attacking again, and what he knew now was as he expected, they had completely lost their defense ability!

If the Dark Elves attack again at this time, they are likely to be irresistible!

Seeing that Odin seemed to him, Chen Mo didn't hesitate to ask for his opinion, and said directly.

"Asgard's defense has been completely destroyed, and the next battle will only make the blood here!"

"Still staying in Asgard and other dark elves to attack again will make us completely passive. In fact, we can turn passive defense into active attack!"

Odin couldn't help but say in doubt.

"You mean sending troops? But we can't detect their location at all!"

"No army needed!"

Chen Mo said, shaking his head.

"Malkeith's target is ether particles. As long as we bring Jane Foster to Wat Algem, the dark elves will inevitably follow!"

When Sol heard it flashed in front of him, he felt a clear idea in his mind suddenly become clear, and then said excitedly.

"Yes! As long as Malikis takes the ether particles out of the simplified Chinese, the thing will be exposed fragilely and I can completely destroy it!"

Odin said with a frown.

"But if you miss, that weapon could fall into the hands of our enemies!"

Just then, Chen Mo said again.

"Etheric particles can only be controlled by Malekis. When he removes the etheric particles from Simplified Chinese, Sol is responsible for destroying the ether, and I take the opportunity to kill Malekis, so no one can destroy the ether. Keep using it! "

Odin heard that Chen Mo was right, but asked a little bit worried.

"Malkis will not let you be by his side, he will probably take care of you first before taking out the ether particles!"

Chen Mo heard the words, but said with a look of expression.

"We can do a play! But I still need someone's help!"

In Odin and Sol's confused eyes, Chen Mo smiled slowly and said slowly.

"I need Rocky to work with me on this show!"

Odin and Sol could not help looking at each other, Rocky? Let him cooperate with acting, is Chen Mo's plan really reliable?

Because Frigga was not killed by the Dark Elves, Odin did not sacrifice the entire Asa Protoss to fight against the Dark Elves to the last person.

The dark elves' warships may appear on their heads at any time, but they have no way to detect them. Passively defending in Asgard will eventually cause heavy casualties, and may even be lost. Chen Mo's method seems to be the only option at hand!

So although he was a bit uneasy about Chen Mo's request for Loki to join, Odin nodded in agreement with Chen Mo's plan.

In the dungeon, the chaos created by Algorim has been eliminated. Except for the prisoners who were killed on the spot by Sol and others, all the rest have been returned to the cell.

In Room No. 1 at the entrance to the dungeon, Rocky was sitting in a chair looking at the book sent by Friega, but in his ears a familiar footstep came from the entrance.

Only one person was found, and the commander who had frightened him did not come together, and Rocky's heart could not help but relax.

Feeling that the person stopped in front of the energy barrier behind him, Rocky did not lift his head, continued to look at the book in his hand, and said with some playfulness.

"Sor, how come you think of me, have you solved that big man?"

Sol frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Mother is hurt!"

Rocky heard that the hand holding the book shuddered, and wanted to continue pretending that nothing was happening, but still couldn't restrain his inner worry, and finally stood up, turned to look at Sol, and asked in a deep voice.

"How is she?"

Chen Mo watched Loki's care that Frigga couldn't hide, and nodded secretly in his heart, and said slowly.

"It is being treated, there is no danger to her life, but she almost died in Malecis's hands. If it wasn't for the commander's death and rescue, the mother is now dead!"

Sol told Loki all about what had just happened, as well as the celestial aggregation, the dark elves and the etheric particles. After knowing Algorim's true identity and purpose, and the entire process of Friega's injury, Lo told I couldn't help but be afraid after a while!

Fortunately, Chen Mo rescued Friega in time, otherwise he would live forever in remorse and remorse!

Friega and his last conversation were unpleasant. He even gasped out that Friega was not his mother. He clearly remembered the loss in Friega's eyes.

When Algorim escaped from the dungeon ~ ~, he also pointed him in the right direction!

If Friega really dies, he can hardly blame him!

Therefore, after learning that Chen Mo rescued Friega, Rocky could not help but appreciate Chen Mo in addition to his original fear!

In Rocky's complicated eyes, Sol continued.

"The Dark Elves are bound to make a comeback again, and staying in Asgard will just sit back and wait, so we plan to take the initiative and go to Wat Algem to lead the Dark Elves to completely kill them, and the commander recommends you!"

"The father has decided to give you a chance to repent and revenge with us!"

When Rocky heard his words, it was a very unexpected accident. He did not expect that Chen Mo would recommend him, let alone that Odin would agree.

He thought that from the day Odin ordered that he be put in the dungeon, he would never be released again!

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