My Iron Suit

Chapter 1310: envy, jealousy, hate!

In the square in front of the headquarters of PPDC, a mess, glass fragments, broken walls and various debris caused by the previous attack still remain.

The reporters and demonstrators who originally gathered in the square fled during the attack. Later, when the emergency meeting was held, martial law was directly surrounding the venue. Apart from the soldiers of the defense forces, there were no other idle people waiting.

In the cab of the Vengeful Wanderer, Jack guarded the surroundings, while watching for another attack, from time to time he lowered his head and swept across the door of the building next to him.

The others had already left, but Moriko didn't show up.

When Jack waited a little anxiously, he saw that the electric door on the ground floor of the building suddenly opened slowly. A majestic figure took two mature and cool "female secretaries", surrounded by a bunch of elite black suit bodyguards Out of the building.

At first Jack thought that it was a high-level committee, but when he saw Moriko's figure clearly, he couldn't help it.

His eyes could not help but glance around, and found that apart from Moriko, Shao Liwen and the group of bodyguards, he did not see Chen Mo's figure covered under the steel suit.

In the end, Jack's eyes fell on the front figure. Was it him?

Except for Chen Mo, Jack couldn't think of anyone who would let Moriko and Shao Liwen willingly walk behind like a subordinate.

He remembered Shao Liwen's high-cold attitude when he arrived at Mo Yulan Base.

Thinking of Chen Mo's previous plan about Shao Liwen, and the familiar feeling on the tall figure below, Jack basically confirmed Chen Mo's identity. Obviously, they had told Shao Liwen of the matter and successfully convinced her .

While happy in his heart, Jack looked at Chen Mo, who was surrounded by two beauties with great power. He was more jealous than the senior officials who had left before.

This guy is too prestigious!

Those senior officials who are 40 or 50 years old are just fine. Jack doesn't feel anything at all, but Chen Mo seems to be about the same age as him, and even a lot younger guy makes him helpless to compare himself.

Young, tall, handsome, mysterious, surrounded by Mori and Shao Liwen and everyone behind him, as mighty as a king, mingled with his "dropout" for ten years, and just became a "genius" of the mech hunter driver "A comparison, he has thrown him more than one street in every way!

But thinking of the scene where Chen Mo pulled the helicopter and saved Moriko, all the envy and jealousy in Jack's heart disappeared instantly.

He still clearly remembers his despair and remorse at that time. If it was not Chen Mo, he should now be immersed in the pain of Moriko's death. Where can he still be envious of envy?

Looking at Chen Mo again, Jack no longer had the slightest comparison in his eyes. Chen Mo was able to get the approval of Mori Asako and Shao Liwen, and it must depend on real strength.

Sen Mazi may respect Chen Mo for saving her, but Shao Liwen is obviously not so easy to be convinced. Jack can't help wondering what Chen Mo said to them.

And where did his steel armor go?

What is his true identity?

With a lot of doubts, Jack watched Shao Liwen get off the car with the bodyguard escort, Chen Mo and Moriko looked up at him, and then boarded the square waiting for something similar to the Kun-style fighter, but A larger military aircraft was quickly launched and flew towards the north.

It seems that I can only wait to return to the base before asking.

At the end of the meeting, all the important people participating in the meeting left. The **** mission of the Avengers also ended. Six four-rotor heavy transport helicopters flew from a distance and hovered above the Avengers.

Six multiple strands of rope were lowered under the belly of the aircraft, and Jack lifted his hands to grasp the end of the rope and buckled to the quick buckle specially reserved on the shoulder.

Immediately, six heavy helicopters slowly lifted, lifting the heavy Vengeance Wanderer directly from the ground.

At the same time, near the coast where Furious Obsidian was registered, three Mech Hunters who were previously placed on shore support were also lifted by heavy helicopters.

Four huge mechs slowly lifted off in the whistling sound of heavy helicopter propellers and flew in two different directions.

Although the **** task of the meeting was borne by the Vengeful Wanderers, the Mo Yulan base actually sent three mechas.

In addition to the vengeful wanderers serving as honorary guards at PPDC headquarters, the heroic protector, Warrior Omega, and another mech from the Sydney base were on standby at the Sydney base. It was originally a regular plan, but it was not expected to really come in handy.

Now that the mission is over, the four mechas will return directly to their bases.

Speaking of it, although Chen Mo felt that the method of using six helicopters to hoist mechs was a little backward, one thing has to be acknowledged. The performance of this heavy transport helicopter that seems to be specially developed for hoisting and deploying mech hunters is very powerful.

The vengeful wanderer weighs more than two thousand tons, and the average weight of each helicopter is more than three hundred tons, which is more than ten times the maximum carrying capacity of military helicopters on earth today, and the flight speed and range are far more than that of earth helicopters. .

Including Chen Mo's military aircraft, which is somewhat similar to the Kun fighter at this time, according to Chen Mo's observation, the performance is also more advanced than the Kun fighter.

The shape of this fighter is somewhat similar to that of the Queen's fighter ~ ~ However, because it is not like a fighter, a turbine engine is installed in each of the wings, so the wings are lighter and the cabin space is larger. .

Moreover, the aircraft can also take off and land vertically.

There is a rotatable jet engine on each side of the wing and rear wing. During takeoff and landing, it can be adjusted to vertical direction for takeoff and landing, and can be adjusted to horizontal during flight, and four jet propulsion engines at the tail of the aircraft. Together, they provide a powerful boost.

In contrast, although the two turbine engines in the fighter wing can take off and land vertically, ensuring the flexibility of the fighter fighter, it cannot provide propulsion during high-speed flight, and the utilization rate of power is far worse. Chen Mo was flying on this plane.

In the aircraft cabin, Moriko and Chen Mo sat opposite each other.

When the plane just took off, Moriko was actually a bit nervous. After all, he had just experienced a crash and almost died.

But when she saw Chen Mo sitting opposite, she quickly relaxed again.

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