My Iron Suit

Chapter 1318: Falling fast!

The outer protective armor of the cockpit door has been lowered!

Mecha body connection is ready!

Confirmation of reduction gear!

The buffer device is confirmed!

The cockpit connection channel isolation gate is open!


Jack looked at the readiness prompts and found that Chen Mo was operating much faster than the two of them were driving, and closed his mouth quickly.

But Jack wasn't surprised when he thought about it for a while. Although Chen Mo's miniature mech is very small, but obviously the technology is very advanced. Chen Mo can manipulate that mech freely. It is not difficult for him to drive the Vengeance Wanderer.

Jack didn't know that the operation of the steel suit was not the same as the hunter mech.

Although Chen Mo does not know these complicated operations, Jarvis does!

The main enemy of human beings today can even be said to be monsters, and all aspects of technology are dominated by fighting monsters. There is almost no valuable result in artificial intelligence. Jarvis easily invaded Mo Yulan's base. The main control system obtained the highest authority of the base without being noticed, and naturally all the data in the base server was obtained by Jarvis.

Just now a series of operations were done by Chen Mo with the assistance of Jarvis.

Others in the command center also noticed the constantly green options on the holographic screen. Before they were surprised, they heard Chen Mo's voice ringing in the communicator.

"The Revenge Rover is ready and starts to descend!"

In the cockpit of the Vengeful Wanderer, Chen Mo finished speaking and pressed the lock release button directly.

Immediately, the huge locking device that fixed the cockpit in the air began to be released.

The locking bolts that snapped into the cockpit slot quickly retracted and raised, and the brakes on the sides of the cockpit were released. Under the effect of gravity, the cockpit quickly fell down along the four vertical tracks on both sides!

After pressing the release button, Chen Mo in the cockpit was ready to fall. In the snoring sound of heavy machinery running, Chen Mo felt only the cockpit shake, and then a sudden weightlessness struck instantly. Outside the cockpit The picture also began to fly up quickly.

The head cockpit of the Vengeful Wanderer quickly descended along the straight track in the connecting channel at nearly free-falling speed. The dazzling yellow warning lights on both sides of the fixed bracket were rotating and flashing in the deep and dim channel. The red light from the safety lights shines on each other, reflected on the sharp and icy head armor of the Vengeful Rover, full of the unique beauty of heavy war machinery!

The feeling of weightlessness did not have any effect on Chen Mo, he clearly felt every trace of information from the outside world.

The channels and lights passing by in front of me, the vibrations coming from my feet, and the roar of the ear track seemed like ordinary, but when combined together at this time, Chen Mo experienced a different kind of feeling .

Chen Mo also jumped directly from the plane, but the feeling of pure weightlessness was completely different from that in the large and heavy mech cockpit.

Especially below is not just the ground, but a giant mech waiting to be connected!

In a blink of an eye, the cockpit fell tens of meters down, passed through the connection channel hidden in the dome, and crashed down from the opening opened above the vengeful wanderer's mech.

However, at the same time as the cockpit came out of the passage, the deceleration device began to operate, and the speed of the cockpit's falling quickly slowed down. Chen Mo quickly changed from a weightless state to an overweight state. The blood that had originally flowed to the head under weightless state again Under the influence of acceleration and gravity, swept towards the legs.

This feeling of weightlessness and overweight Chen Mo is actually very familiar. In fact, when flying in a steel suit, various weightlessness, accelerated dive, and rapid maneuvering, the acceleration load and changes brought by it are far more intense than at this time.

With Chen Mo's powerful physical qualities, this kind of intense acceleration changes that can make ordinary people feel dizzy, nausea, or even comatose, does not make him feel any discomfort.

However, Chen Mo is very clear that among ordinary people, only the top fighters with super physical fitness can withstand and recover quickly.

It's no wonder that Jack and Knight rarely use this way of cockpit separation.

This rapid change from weightlessness to overweight is not easy even for the well-trained and extremely physically fit people.

Being able to withstand does not mean that there is no effect at all. Even ace drivers like them, under the action of strong acceleration, it will take some time to recover from dizziness.

Previously, in Sydney, they were crushed by the rage obsidian, largely because after each hit, they needed a short time to recover from the vertigo caused by the violent shaking of the mech, but the rage obsidian It does not need.

When the feeling of overweight reached its peak, a loud sound of mechanical impact came from under Chen Mo's feet with a strong vibration.

The connecting mechanism under the cockpit and the complicated mechanical connecting mechanism in the center of the shoulders of the Avengers Rover's Mech came crashing together!

However, with this loud noise, the feeling of overweight quickly disappeared, the cockpit continued to descend at a gentle speed, and the head cockpit and the connection mechanism of the mech body gradually combined.

The main connecting rod at the bottom is inserted, the card slot is docked, the fixing bolt is locked, and the buffer device is reset.

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical connection transmission, the head cockpit is connected with the Vengeance Wanderer!

The fixtures on both sides of the cockpit are retracted backwards, the neck bezel and armor are slowly closed and reset, the head cockpit automatically turns its head slowly to both sides, and detects the connection ~ ~ complete revenge rover again Appear in front of everyone!

Suspended in the combat command center in the middle of the dome, through the large glass windows in front, Moriko and others can clearly see the vengeful wanderers connected on the berth.

"Successfully connected, General!"

The female officer looked at the data displayed on the holographic projection in front of her and said to General Quan.

Moriko looked at the vengeful homeless man who was slowly turning his head in front of him, and could not help thinking of driving a dangerous homeless man 10 years ago.

At that time, she also fell suddenly with the cockpit and completed the connection with the mech. At this time, her heart would beating faster, not only because of the stimulation of the acceleration, but also because of the process itself!

As if in this process, she herself, like the cockpit, was truly integrated with the mech and became a whole!

She is not just a driver, but the brain and soul of this mech!

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