My Iron Suit

Chapter 1334: The biggest suspect!

General Quan could not help but looked at Morimako.

According to what Morimako told them before, Chen Mo's first suspected target was Shaw Industries!

This student really seems to have discovered something!

General Ziquan then looked at the female student recruited by Sen Mazi, and asked immediately.

"How did you know? The technician scanned the furious obsidian several times, but found no clue."

Amara said seriously but said seriously.

"Furious obsidian has Shaw Industrial's technology. The insulation metamaterial in the parallel cable is wound counterclockwise, and only Shaw Industrial will do that."

"you sure?"

General Quan looked at Amara and asked solemnly.

"I'm sure! When I made a boxer, I stole a lot of things, and I'm familiar with them."

Amara finished, but found that everyone did not take care of her, but turned around and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's previous judgment was confirmed once again.

First, the conspiracy of the pioneers to control the monster admirers, and now Shaw Industries, including the previous guess that the furious obsidian will go to the Northland Islands, all of Chen Mo's judgments were finally proved to be completely correct!

This made Chen Mo's position in the minds of everyone could not help but rise to a higher level.

But this does not include Dr. Herman and Amara.

The two were very puzzled by the crowd's reaction, and Dr. Herman spoke directly.

"Shaw Industries? They don't even have a biological department, and it's impossible to create such a monster."

Hearing Dr. Herman's words, everyone frowned.

Although they trust Chen Mo, it does not mean that they have lost their self-judgment ability, and will blindly believe whatever Chen Mo said. Dr. Herman's words do have some truth.

Shaw Industrial has always put all its energy into the heavy industry fields such as mecha manufacturing, and has not been involved in biological research.

Jack couldn't help nodding and said.

"As far as we know, it is."

Knight frowned.

"The cable may have been stolen, just like in Amara's mecha, and we want more evidence to connect the furious obsidian with Shaw Industries!"

Dr. Herman thought for a moment, and his eyes lit up suddenly, and he immediately looked up and said to the crowd.

"How about Newt? He is the director of Shaw Industrial's R & D department, and has access to internal information, and may be able to find evidence."

But what surprised Dr. Herman was that everyone heard the words and looked at Chen Mo again.

Dr. Herman apparently did not know that Chen Mo had long sought the owner of Shaw Industries, Shao Liwen, and asked her to investigate the matter in person.

Seeing Dr. Herman look at him along with the others, Chen Mo looked at him slowly.

"I don't think this is a good idea."

Dr. Herman asked, puzzled.


Although Dr. Herman is obsessed with research, he is not a fool. Although he does not know what Chen Mo is, but just seeing the attitude of General Quan and others on him, he also knows that his identity is not ordinary.

Like most other people who have seen Chen Mo, he also regarded Chen Mo as a senior member of the Pacific Rim Defense Force Committee.

Chen Mo looked at the puzzled Dr. Herman, Shen Sheng said.

"According to the information we have, the monster admirers controlled by the pioneers are hidden in the Shaw industry and are the top level of the Shaw industry."

Both Moriko and General Kwon knew that Chen Mo ’s “we” actually meant SHIELD, and that unknown Dr. Herman and Amara thought he was talking about the Joint Pacific Defence Force.

Both were shocked by the shocking news revealed in his mouth.

How could it be possible that the pioneers controlled monster admirers? !

The shocked two couldn't help turning their heads to look at the others in the laboratory, but found that except for the two of them, the others didn't show a surprised look, apparently already knowing it.

Just when the two were shocked by the shocking news, Chen Mo continued.

"There are not many people who can use Shaw Industrial's equipment to secretly produce furious obsidian, and Dr. Newt Geisler is the most suspected one!"

Dr. Herman couldn't help but change his complexion, and said for a moment before he hurriedly said.

"You mean that Newt did all this? This is impossible! I know him, he is a good person, and it was we who discovered the way to go through the wormhole together at the beginning, which finally succeeded in blowing up the wormhole, Newt and We are a group, he cannot do this! "

Chen Mo glanced at the somewhat excited Dr. Herman and then said to him.

"How did you discover the way through the wormhole?"

Although Dr. Herman did not understand why Chen Mo suddenly asked this question, he replied.

"We used the mind-sharing system of the mech hunter driver to connect with the monster's brain, and read the way through the wormhole from their brain. This is how Newt thought!"

Chen Mowen looked at Dr. Herman and said with a solemn deep voice.

"Then you should know that the driver's sympathy is two-way, you can read the monster's thoughts, and the pioneers can also read and even control your thoughts through the monster's nest consciousness!"


Dr. Herman couldn't help being dumbfounded, but then he responded quickly and said quickly.

"But I'm fine. We used to have a synaesthesia with the monster's brain. If the pioneers can really control us, why am I okay?"

Chen Mo glanced at Dr. Herman and said coldly.

"You only communicated with the monster once, but what about Newt? As far as I know, the monster brain that you used to communicate is still in his home ~ ~ and still alive."

Speaking of which, Chen Mo looked directly at Dr. Herman and asked coldly.

"Don't tell me, you believe he hasn't communicated with monsters in this decade!"

"This one……"

Dr. Herman wanted to deny but couldn't open his mouth at all.

He has worked with Newt for many years and knows nothing about him. He is a monster fan himself. He is addicted to the study of monsters. After the base commander denied his synesthesia plan, he still secretly and himself. The monster's brain made a sense.

In addition to the one that was carried out with him later, there have already been two.

And as Chen Mo said, he did bring the surviving monster brain back to his home, and with his knowledge of Newt, he could not have had a sympathy with the monster brain in the past decade.


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