My Iron Suit

Chapter 1340: All mobilized!

Dr. Herman said while operating quickly on the console.

"Quite bad! Mount Fuji is an active volcano, a geological pressure point. According to the achievable mass ratio of the blood of the monster, this reaction will cause an eruption and ignite the entire ring of fire in the Pacific Rim!"

With Dr. Herman ’s operation, a series of complex calculation formulas were displayed on the entire screen of the console. As he finally completed the operation, a virtual earth image was projected in front of everyone.

Starting from the location of Mount Fuji, flames suddenly burst out, and extended rapidly along the entire Pacific Rim to both sides, and soon surrounded the entire Pacific Ocean.

Dr. Herman's voice rang in everyone's ears at the same time.

"By then, billions of tons of toxic gases and ash will be sprayed into the atmosphere, exterminating all living things on the earth, thereby helping the pioneers achieve the purpose of transforming the earth!"

With Dr. Herman ’s words, a large amount of thick smoke on the virtual earth image accompanied by the flames raged towards the whole earth, and soon the whole earth was completely shrouded in thick smoke.

If the entire world is enveloped by volcanic ash and toxic gases, it will undoubtedly mean that humans and even all living things will perish!

"Can't let them reach Mount Fuji!"

Knight said sternly.

Jack looked at the monster data displayed on the holographic map under his feet, but he could not help but frown.

"But even if we have enough mechas, but time is not waiting for people, these monsters move faster in the sea than helicopters!"

Other people could not help but frowned, and Chen Mo suddenly said at that moment.

"We can use Dr. Herman's thruster."

Dr. Herman heard the words, but shook his head suddenly in a panic.

"No, no, they are not ready yet!"

Although the theory of Dr. Herman's flame thruster is completely mature, he has not carried out practical operations, and he is a bit puzzled.

General General Wen Quan couldn't help but looked at him and frowned.

"Can't it?"

Dr. Herman said bluntly in the eyes of General Quan.

"In theory, if, maybe, it might work ..."

Jack said with a serious face.

"Herman! What does it theoretically mean?"

Feeling the long-term entanglement in his heart, Dr. Herman finally looked up at Jack and gritted his teeth.

"Meaning ... no problem!"

Dr. Herman's reaction was as early as Chen Mo's expectations. In fact, when Jarvis invaded the server of Mo Yulan base, Chen Mo had already obtained detailed technical information of the flame thruster that Dr. Herman was studying.

After Jarvis ’analysis, the technology of this new type of rocket thruster using the blood of rare metal catalytic monsters as fuel is mature and can be directly put into practical use, so compared with Dr. Herman himself, Chen Mo Instead, he is more confident.

Looked at General Quan and Moriko, Chen Mo said in a deep voice.

"Fifty-headed monsters will land in Tokyo tomorrow morning. The six mechas at Mo Yulan base are not enough to resist these monsters. We need to transfer all the active mechas to Tokyo and guard Mount Fuji!"

Seeing the two nodded, Chen Mo ordered directly.

"Mori Asako, sent Dr. Herman ’s rocket thruster technical information to major bases, instructed them to collect the blood of monster mechs and beheaded monsters, and immediately built rocket thrusters. In addition, announced the monster ’s route. Governments of all countries will evacuate all the cities that are blocking the path of the monster! "

In the surprised eyes of Dr. Herman, Moriko nodded toward Chen Mo, then turned around and said to him.

"Dr. Herman, please prepare the technical information of the rocket thruster."

"Good, good!"

Dr. Herman said, too late to think about why the secretary-general of Mori Asako Pacific Rim Defense Force would obey Chen Mo ’s order and quickly walked to a computer next to him and logged into his account to operate.

Mori Asa went directly to the console and started to contact the major bases and governments in accordance with Chen Mo ’s request. After all arrangements were made, Dr. Herman also sorted out the technical information of the rocket thruster and sent it to the major bases.

It has been more than 20 years since the appearance of the monster. In response to the monster attack, Japan and the Pacific Rim countries have established a large number of underground fortifications in order to quickly evacuate civilians into the underground when the monster attacks and avoid causing major casualties. .

Although no monsters have appeared in the past ten years, the threat of monsters has always been there. Not only are there no deserted underground fortifications in these cities, but they have become more and more massive and solid during these ten years, just like an underground fortress.

Including Tokyo, which is the closest to Mount Fuji and is about to face a joint attack by dozens of monsters, the fortifications are all over the streets ~ ~ When the two monsters that appeared outside the Tokyo base attacked the urban area of ​​Tokyo, many The citizens quickly withdrew underground.

After the Japanese government received the notice from Mori Asako, a full evacuation was opened. The large city was evacuated in a very short time, and the originally densely populated city suddenly became an empty city.

Just under the city, there are tens of millions of people hiding in it. For ten years, many of them have forgotten the days when they were threatened by monsters, and they were staying in the dark underground fortifications. The fear dominated by those scary monsters once again hit my heart, and the whole underground fortification is filled with anxiety and fear.

When the civilians in Tokyo evacuated to the underground fortifications, the three mechas at the Tokyo base had already gotten started.

Fortunately, there are only two UAV armors dispatched to the base in Tokyo, and the wormholes they open are also very small, so both of the faces they face are level 4 monsters.

All three mechas work together to kill all the monsters before they land in Tokyo.

Although all three mechas also suffered considerable damage, there were no casualties.

However, they did not feel the slightest relaxation. The two monsters that were killed were only the weakest of the upcoming monster army.

If other bases can't come to support in time, they will have to face many terrifying monsters coming from all over, and they have no idea of ​​whether they can defeat the next batch of monsters.

Although the nearest Mo Yulan base did not appear monsters, there were three monsters in the northern Vladivostok base, including even a powerful fifth-level monster!

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