My Iron Suit

Chapter 1354: Fit, super monster!

There were many people who were puzzled or even contradictory to Chen Mo's arrangement, but they were all surprised when they discovered that there was no monster in the direction of Tokyo.

There are more monsters landing in the direction of Tokyo than their eastern and southern defense lines combined. Their dozens of mechas can't stop here, but Chen Mo has blocked the monsters in the direction of Tokyo by himself!

It was not until the moment of crisis that Chen Mo drove a giant mech to rescue, they really realized Chen Mo's powerful strength.

The fifth-level monsters that they can only deal with with three mechas can usually be killed with a few moves in Chen Mo's hands, and they are still empty-handed!

So far, they haven't seen any other weapons used by giant mechas except missiles!

They don't think that a giant mech with such a powerful combat capability will only be equipped with a few missiles.

Obviously, these Level 5 monsters are not enough for Chen Mo to use weapons!

While shocked by this discovery, everyone felt a sense of relief in their hearts.

In the downtown area of ​​Tokyo, on the top of a skyscraper, a man is standing on the edge of the building, looking at the battle between giant mechs and monsters in the distance.

The citizens of Tokyo had been evacuated as early as yesterday, and it was obviously not ordinary people who appeared here at this time.

And he is the black hand behind this monster attack, director of Shaw Industrial R & D, Newt Geisler!

Seeing that many monsters were constantly being killed by giant mechas without fighting back, and they kept falling down, Newt couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Damn! Where did this mech emerge from ?!"

From the beginning of the monster landing, until now, all monsters in the direction of Tokyo have been stopped by giant mechas, and even the urban area of ​​Tokyo can not be out, let alone approaching Mount Fuji.

With the arrival of the mechas from the major bases one after another, the number of mechas around Mount Fuji is increasing, and the number of monsters coming subsequently is getting less and less!

The last five-headed monster has just landed on the east coast of Fuji. This is already the last group of monsters.

On the other hand, the human side continues to arrive with organic armor and join the defense line at the foot of Mount Fuji. Although the monster still has the advantage for the time being, it continues to do so, and the advantage of the monster will become weaker and weaker. , And finally wiped out by Hunter Mecha with absolute quantity advantage!

In this way, his plan for ten years of hard work will completely fail!

But after the anger, Newt's face appeared a smug look.

"But it doesn't matter, I still have preparations!"

Newt said, lowering his head to the tablet computer with the Shaw Industrial logo printed on it quickly.

Soon, a large garage-like gate opened slowly under a building with the Shaw industrial sign in the southeast of Tokyo. Numerous silver mechanical scorpions poured out of the building like tide.

However, they did not rush to the location of Chen Mo, but rushed quickly towards Mount Fuji, not much slower than the speeding car.

Each mechanical scorpion has the size of a heavy locomotive, and the cluster charges like a torrent of steel. Everything that stands in front of them, whether it is a roadside table or chair or a parked car, is hit by them.

The road was completely occupied by mechanical scorpions, and some even climbed directly to the walls of the buildings on both sides. The light boxes and billboards were not spared, and they were all smashed into fragments.

The entire street seemed to be submerged by the flood, and the mechanical scorpions swarmed all the way, rushing toward the south of the city.

This anomaly was quickly discovered by satellites monitoring the situation around Tokyo and Mount Fuji at any time.

"There is movement! A large number of enemies appear seven kilometers south of the giant mech!"

At the command center of Mo Yulan base, the female officer looked at the abnormal picture on the satellite detection image and reported quickly.

General Quan and Asako frowned when they heard it. When they planned to ask Chen Mo, they kept a communication connection with the command center, and Shao Liwen, who was also paying attention to the situation in Tokyo, said suddenly in the communicator.

"That's one of my automated factories, it's Newt! He is in Tokyo!"

General Quan realized that these guys must be related to Newt, and quickly notified all the hunter mechs.

The alarm sounded in the cockpit of all hunter mechas.

"A large number of enemies are approaching quickly from the direction of Tokyo, and all mechas must be guarded!"

As the siren sounded, all hunter mecha drivers noticed the red dots on the map that were approaching from downtown Tokyo to this side, but now they are all busy fighting monsters and have no extra energy to go Coping, can only passively wait for them to arrive.

The tidal wave of mechanical scorpions soon came to the east of Fuji, but they did not rush to the mechs and monsters fighting on the eastern battlefield. Instead, they just landed towards the rear and rushed towards the five-headed monster that was advancing toward Mount Fuji past.

Facing the tide of mechanical scorpions, the five-headed monsters did not show any hostility. The two four-level monsters continued to rush towards the eastern battlefield in front, while the three-headed five-level monsters stopped and gathered together. .

Soon the mechanical scorpions swarmed to the monsters, immediately rushed up, climbed onto the bodies of three five-level monsters, and covered most of their huge bodies.

Then an amazing scene happened.

Many mechanical scorpions crawl on the body of three five-level monsters, some use the huge metal pliers in front of the body to tear the monster's body apart ~ ~ some gather together, forming a series of mechanical The chain of scorpions connects the three monsters.

Under the pull of a chain of chains, the three-headed monsters were pulled together, and various parts of the body were constantly torn by mechanical scorpions, spilling a lot of blue blood, and then connected to the bodies of other monsters under the pull of the chain Together, they were eventually stitched together by the mechanical scorpion using four pairs of tentacle-like feet on both sides of the body.

This group of mechanical scorpions seems to be performing surgical operations on the three-headed monster, using pliers and tentacles to break them down, reorganize them, and build a brand new creature!

Eventually, all the mechanical scorpions became sutures that connected the body tissues of the three-headed monster and disappeared on them.

The original three-headed monster disappeared completely, replaced by a reorganization of the three-headed five-level monster, which is larger, more terrible, and more powerful super giant monster!

Originally, the height of the three monsters of Level 5 all exceeded 100 meters, while the height of this super monster exceeded 150 meters. The body was extremely strong, and its weight was more than 10,000 tons.

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