My Iron Suit

Chapter 1376: Innocent!

Otherwise, perhaps the earth at this time has long been reduced to a pioneer new colony, and humanity has long been extinct!

It's just that Xiao He defeated Xiao He.

Ten years ago, Newt found a way to close the wormhole by empathizing with the monster ’s brain. Ten years later, it was also because of the empathy with the monster ’s brain that Newt was infected by the pioneer ’s consciousness, helping the pioneer to open the wormhole again.

But in any case, Newt is indeed a hero who once saved the world, Chen Mo does not want to watch him sink.

The thought that penetrated into Newt's consciousness completely wrapped up the strands of infected mental energy, and immediately strangled.

These mental powers infected by the pioneer consciousness are actually Newt ’s own original mental powers, but they are mixed with the pioneer ’s conscious information during the process of empathy with the monster ’s brain, and become a monster-like consciousness. .

Even the pioneer's own powerful mental powers are not Chen Mo's opponents, let alone these are just the infected and mixed spiritual powers.

With Chen Mo's spiritual strangulation, these confusing spiritual powers were crushed by Chen Mo's thoughts, and became the most basic spiritual power, and the conscious information contained therein was completely erased.

However, compared with Chen Mo ’s previous method of directly strangling the target conscious body, this partial strangling in the conscious body requires high control of the mind, and if you are not careful, you can smash the normal mental power. Will damage Newt ’s memory and consciousness.

Fortunately, as Chen Mo's mental strength continued to strengthen, Chen Mo's exercise of thoughts never stopped, and it was not difficult for him to control the thoughts finely.

The mixed and infectious mental powers were constantly cleaned up, and the crushed pure mental power fragments were continuously absorbed by Newt ’s original consciousness, which was originally suppressed in an all-round way, and the incomparably weak consciousness began to gradually become stronger and gradually began to recover!

Soon, Chen Mo cleared all the infected mental powers, Newt's consciousness completely returned to normal, Chen Mo immediately recovered his thoughts, and looked up to Newt.

At this time, Newt also slowly opened his eyes. The original madness on his face was gone, feeling the change in his body. Newt looked at Chen Mo standing in front of him, and said inexplicably and expectantly.

"The thing in my head ...?"

"It has been cleared by me, and you will not be controlled by it again."

Newt heard Chen Mo's words, combined with the vague feelings in his mind and his current state, and understood that what Chen Mo said should be true.

Finally got rid of that **** thing!

Newt's consciousness was only affected and suppressed, not completely erased, and it was for this reason that he was very painful.

In the past ten years, he has been very clear about all the things that happened, but he can only watch as he walks farther and farther along the wrong path.

At the beginning, his consciousness was relatively sober. When he found a problem in his brain, he also wanted to stop empathizing with the monster's brain.

But that feeling is like reading, it is difficult to control, and the pioneer consciousness in his mind has always affected him. He can only resist by his own willpower.

When the willpower is always loose, after clenching his teeth for a period of time, he is still controlled by the pioneer consciousness and has a synaesthesia again.

After that, after experiencing countless difficult resistances and struggles, he was sinking deeper and deeper under the same empathy with the monster brain again and again, and his thoughts were completely distorted, just like the devil, he was thinking of destroying humanity.

Although occasionally he will wake up and want to resist, but his will is not an opponent of the increasingly powerful pioneer consciousness in his mind, and he can't break away from its control.

He only feels that there is a much stronger consciousness in his head that is fighting him, and he has the upper hand completely, affecting his thoughts and actions, and his own consciousness can only be shrunk in the corner, except for anxious anger. In addition to being at a loss, he was completely helpless. The strong contradiction, struggling, and deep feeling of powerlessness made him extremely painful and almost mad!

He thought he was not saved, or he was completely engulfed by the increasingly powerful pioneer consciousness, or he was completely mad, but he did not expect that there will be a day to return to normal!

After fighting with the pioneer consciousness in his mind for ten years, he knows his situation very well. Now, he can clearly feel that the powerful pioneer consciousness in his mind has completely disappeared, and he has gained his mind and body again. Of control!

At this time, the mind is clearer than ever, thinking, and acting without any obstacles!

Even if Newt wanted to get up from the chair, he suddenly realized that he couldn't move!

Newt's face could not help but change, did the pioneer consciousness have not been completely eliminated, or this is a sequela of the previous control, he can no longer control his body!

Looking at Newt's movements and a sudden startled face, Chen Mo said with a smile.

"You are still tied up."

Newt was surprised for a moment, then quickly looked down at him, and then suddenly remembered that he was being **** in the cell.

Thinking of this, Newt's face did not relax much, and he remembered that he was caught and imprisoned by the Pacific Rim Defense Forces because he betrayed humanity!

Although he was controlled by pioneer consciousness, he did these things!

Newt couldn't help worrying about his own destiny. As the mastermind of this massive monster attack, he might be sent to the International Tribunal to be tried for crimes against humanity. Eventually, even if he was not sentenced to death, he might be in prison Imprisoned to death.

What makes him unacceptable most is that he will spend the rest of his life under the charge of a human traitor and is recorded in the history of humanity!

Thinking of this, Newt couldn't help but lose the strength of his whole body, slumped in the chair and stared at the front with his eyes blank.

Looking at the ashamed Newt ~ ~ Chen Mo instantly understood his thoughts, and said slowly.

"Do you want humans to be destroyed by pioneers?"

When Newt heard Chen Mo's words, Mu Ran's eyes again had a focal length, and looked at Chen Mo doubtfully before he said.

"Of course not, I hope the pioneer is destroyed!"

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and looked at Newt and said.

"As you wish, they have been completely destroyed by me, including the pioneer consciousness in your head!"

"It wasn't you who wanted to destroy humans before, but the pioneer. You were only controlled by them, and the reason why you did it was because you had communicated with the monster's brain twice in a row in order to find a way to destroy the wormhole. Feeling, infected by pioneer consciousness. "

Speaking of which, Chen Mo looked at Newt and said solemnly.

"So, you are not guilty!"

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