My Iron Suit

Chapter 1385: Are you looking for me straight?

These cases are both a challenge and an opportunity for him!

As long as these cases can be resolved, he has a great chance to turn over, and even completely get rid of George's suppression of him, one step closer to achieving his ideals.

So despite knowing the difficulties, David's investigation has been fruitless for so long, but David has been reluctant to give up.

Even if it was a knock, he would break these cases!

David firmly believes that as long as it is a crime, it will definitely leave evidence and clues. They did not find that it only shows that his efforts are not enough!

So every day during the day, David will lead a team to carry out various investigations, in-depth investigation of the location of several cases and all the evidence. At night, he will stay in his office and collect the information collected during the day. Analyze and find links and clues.

When David bowed his head again to continue to read the materials in his hand, a sudden flash of black shadow at the corner of his eyes made his heart burst, and the movements in his hands couldn't help.

Immediately, David suddenly looked up in front of him, and at the same time quickly reached out to open the drawer and grabbed at the pistol inside.

The next moment, when he saw the scene before him, David's face could not help but reveal a shocked look.

I saw a mighty figure over two meters tall, covered in black steel armor, standing quietly in the office, his white eyes glowing towards him.

David couldn't help but be too terrified to think about it, and didn't have time to consider how this steel armor suddenly appeared in his office silently, quickly grabbed the pistol in the drawer as fast as possible, toward Taiwan's steel armor pointed.

What made him a little relieved was that until his muzzle was pointed forward, the tall steel armor stood there silently and did not launch an attack.

At this time, David finally had time to carefully examine the steel armor that appeared suddenly.

And when he saw the steel armor thoroughly, David couldn't help but stunned.

In addition to the color, the shape of this steel armor is very similar to that of Iron Man. The heavy alloy armor covering the whole body, the eyes glowing with white light, and the most iconic ark reactor with a dazzling light on the chest!

This turned out to be a steel suit!

David couldn't help but think of the case he was investigating.

According to the clues obtained by their investigation and the description of the passengers on the wrecked helicopter, it was an Iron Man wearing a black steel suit who rescued the crashed aircraft!

Only the performance of the steel suit in the movie can pull the crashed helicopter.

David didn't believe that there was really Iron Man in the real world, but the steel suit that appeared in front of him now clearly told him that everything is true!

And things are likely to be more complicated!

This is the FBI Los Angeles branch office building. The whole building is heavily guarded, even if ordinary people want to mix in, it is impossible to say, not to mention the steel suit that is so conspicuous in front of us.

He didn't hear that the steel suit had the ability to stealth.

And David can be sure that the door of the office did not open at all during the period when Rena left and bowed her head, but how did the steel suit appear here out of thin air?

Is it possible to move instantaneously? Isn't that the ability of the deadpool?

David felt that his brain was a bit insufficient!

Reina had just been out shortly, and the people in his Criminal Investigation Department should not have left yet. He just needs to yell now, and they will be able to come to support soon, but watching him stand still in the office without any movement After hesitating for a while, he still did not act rashly.

Holding a gun and pointing at the steel armor, after a while, David asked with a wary face.

"who are you!"

Although David asked instinctively, he did not actually hope that the other party would answer him.

But to his surprise, a deep and majestic voice came from the steel armor.

"Aren't you always looking for me?"

David couldn't help but stunned, and then reacted violently.

"You just saved the iron man from that helicopter?"

The nature that appeared in David ’s office was Chen Mo. Hearing David call him Iron Man, Chen Mo thought about it and did not refute it. It ’s true that only he owns the Iron Suit in the world. It ’s true to call him Iron Man. I believe that Tony ’s guy did n’t dare to say anything.


Chen Mo immediately nodded at David, but then looked at the pistol held in his hand, Shen Sheng said.

"You better put the gun down, I don't like being pointed at with a gun!"

After hearing this, David looked at the pistol in his hand, and then looked at the thick armor covering Chen Mo's body. After a little hesitation, he dropped the pistol.

On the one hand, he did not think that the gun in his hand could pose a threat to the other party. A set of movie props from the SHIELD Group could easily withstand the attack of the bullet, not to mention the apparently thicker steel armor in front of him, his pistol The bullet is estimated to be very difficult to shake the opponent's body, and the deterrent is almost nothing.

On the other hand, after learning that the iron man who had rescued the crashed helicopter was in front of him, David's precautions against him have been greatly reduced.

The other party can risk his own life to save people, which means that he is not a bad person. He suspects that in several cases related to Iron Man, he also dealt with fierce gunmen and mafia. His behavior can be said to be On the sidewalk ~ ~ to punish criminals and help the weak.

After the Mafia forces were cleaned up, Los Angeles ’law and order situation increased by a large step, the crime rate dropped greatly, and the number of vicious cases was greatly reduced. Compared with before, it can be said that the earth-shaking changes have occurred.

The appearance of the mysterious man in the library shooting incident prevented the killing of two crazy gunmen in time and saved hundreds of civilians in the library.

The Iron Man who appears in the real world is like a superhero like in the movie. Although David has been investigating him, he is still full of admiration for him.

So in the end, David still put the gun down as Chen Mo said, then immediately looked at Chen Mo and tentatively asked.

"In the previous library shooting, both gunmen were killed. Was that the same thing you did?"

At this time, the information on the David ’s desk contained information on the library shooting. One of the gunmen was kicked and flew, and the entire chest was completely squashed. This is not what ordinary people can do. .

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