My Iron Suit

Chapter 1389: Agree!

According to Chen Mo, the SHIELD in the real world is not the same as in the movie.

They are not an organization jointly established by various countries and managed by the World Security Council, but an ancient organization created by Chen Mo and that has existed since millennia!

Their aim is to maintain world peace and protect the earth!

Compared with them, David felt that his ideals were too small, but when he thought about Chen Mo's age and magical ability, David was relieved.

Although David thinks that he is already very good among ordinary people, compared with Chen Mo, who has super powers and has lived for thousands of years, it is completely incomparable.

According to Chen Mo's description, David found that the SHIELD that exists in the real world is far more pure and noble than the SHIELD in the Marvel movie.

However, David ’s biggest concern is the style of SHIELD. Without the supervision of the World Security Council and other international organizations, while there are no restrictions, SHIELD ’s actions are more radical. Previously, the Los Angeles Mafia The move clearly shows the style of SHIELD.

From the perspective of the FBI, the act of directly and violently killing Mafia members without evidence and without arrest and trial is clearly illegal and will be defined as murder or even terrorism. From this level, there is a great conflict between the way SHIELD works and his original idea.

Over the years, David ’s way of justice is to obtain evidence through investigations and send bad guys to prison through trial. Most of the dead in his hands are guys who violently resisted during the arrest process, and most of the remaining bad guys were caught. Now, they are actually alive in prison.

The FBI's philosophy puts him first in compliance with the law. Even if he is suppressed by George, he still tries to get rid of the predicament through the normal way of solving crimes.

But at this time, after Chen Mo told him everything about SHIELD, David couldn't help but start thinking about what he had done before, right?

The Deadpool did kill many Mafia illegally, but David knew that the murdered Mafia members were guilty of crimes, and no one was wronged!

Deadpool's behavior can be regarded as a way for heaven!

And if you follow the rules of the FBI, if you do n’t say you ca n’t take them without evidence, even if you have evidence and send them to jail, it can be released after a maximum of a few decades. If they hire a lawyer to give them The defense may even escape the crime directly!

In this way, the practice of deadpool is actually the right choice!

The death of these Mafia means that the interests of countless civilians, security and even life have been saved. After the Mafia cleansing incident, the crime rate of Los Angeles fell sharply proved this point!

This has shaken the philosophy that David has always followed firmly. It seems that sometimes, he violates the law and is not bound by the rules. Instead, he can better achieve his goals and maintain justice!

Before, he had always been bound by laws and regulations, and he had to do things to restrain his hands, so he could only watch those evil villains living alive, wasting taxpayer ’s money in prison, and will continue to be heavy in the future. Get free and continue to do evil!

Facing the corruption of the FBI, in the absence of evidence and no way of suing, he can only let them continue to rot. In the face of George's suppression, he can only endure in silence, trying harder to solve the case, trying to use formal Way out of the dilemma.

Recalling his own experience over the years, David couldn't help but feel very suffocated, followed by deep disappointment, anger and unwillingness!

This is not the result he wanted when he joined the FBI!

At first, he was full of ambition to provide justice for the people oppressed by sin, but now he is firmly suppressed by laws, rules and corrupt bosses. He has completely stopped in these years and has not done much meaningful things.

Not only is he not close to his ideals now, he is getting farther and farther!

But after recognizing his current situation, David also realized the significance of Chen Mo's invitation to him at this time.

Isn't a secret organization with the purpose of maintaining peace and protecting the earth, but not bound by any laws and rules, just the best choice for him to realize his ideals?

Isn't the thing Chen Mo and Deadpool did exactly what he always wanted to do but couldn't?

Every time he saw a case of a civilian killed by the Mafia, he was filled with righteous indignation. He did n’t know how many times he wanted to clean up all the mafia, but he had to "correct" this because of the FBI principles and laws. Throws his head behind.

But now, he doesn't want to be bound by these rules anymore!

At this moment, David finally dispelled all his worries, looked up at Chen Mo who was standing in front of him, and nodded seriously, Shen Sheng said.

"I am willing to join SHIELD!"

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction and said.

"You made the right choice."

"I think so!"

When David heard the words, he was a face of approval, then looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"What do I need to do in the future?"

Chen Mo raised his hand and took out a holographic smartphone and a nail-sized copper sword shield crest, and placed it on David's desk.

"From now on, you are a first-class agent of SHIELD, and you will remain in the FBI in the future."

David couldn't help but frown.


Before David finished his speech, Chen Mo raised his hand and interrupted him, and continued.

"I'm very clear about your situation. We will help you solve George's problem. In the future, you will not have any obstacles in handling the case."

Chen Mo looked at David's eyes ~ ~ said slowly.

"Aren't you dissatisfied with the status quo of the FBI? Then climb up and wait for you to have a high enough position and voice in the FBI, and even become the director of the FBI, you can change all this! And we will help you achieve it!"

David listened to Chen Mo's words and couldn't help but feel excited. He didn't think Chen Mo was drawing a pie.

Not to mention the Aegis Bureau held by Chen Mo, just the identity of the chairman of Chen Mo Aegis Group, is enough to provide him with a huge help.

In the final analysis, the rice country is the world of capitalists, and Chen Mo, who controls the entire SHIELD group, is obviously a powerful capitalist. The wealth and great influence he has in his hands are enough to affect the top level of the rice country. Chen Mo even has a decisive position. Even George, he would not dare to move him casually, and he might even be very afraid.

This time is just the strength on the bright side, not to mention the powerful SHIELD!

David believes that Chen Mo has enough strength to help him get rid of his current dilemma.

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