My Iron Suit

Chapter 1462: impeach!

Iron Man is saving people, they shouldn’t have attacked, and, tentatively, they attacked the second tank where Iron Man is located in order to catch Iron Man, then the wire mesh shot at the first tank that was all soldiers was what happened?

They finally escaped from the tank, and were trapped on the tank tightly by the wire mesh. Once the leaked fuel was ignited, they would be burned alive!

Facts speak louder than words!

The accuracy shown when attacking Iron Man with a wire mesh is definitely not a mistake!

There was nothing wrong with what the soldiers said before, the military wanted them to die inside!

And their purpose is also obvious, that is to frame Iron Man and smear him!

Not only that, the image of Iron Man launching small missiles to intercept the Tomahawk missiles directed at reporters was also exposed. People only knew that those missiles were not detonated by the military, but were intercepted by Iron Man!

Many of Chris’s lies have been completely exposed, endless deception, unscrupulous attempts to kill soldiers to frame Iron Man, and indifference to the lives of civilians have completely detonated the anger of the people. More people took to the streets to participate in demonstrations, Ask to impeach Chris and thoroughly investigate the incident!

Demonstrations and demonstrations broke out in almost all cities in the entire country of the United States, and the momentum was huge!

Outside the White House, it was surrounded by countless people. In the face of angry protesters, in order to prevent the crowd from rushing into the White House, President Chris even hid in the underground fortress.

Faced with a gradual runaway situation, President Chris was reluctant to step down. In order to solve the immediate crisis and keep his position as president, Chris started a series of actions.

First, Chris defined the demonstrations that are taking place throughout the country as riots, claiming that behind these actions are certain foreign forces and radical organizations instigating and organizing, trying to advance the country and must immediately stop it.

Immediately he ordered police from all over the country to deploy explosion-proof equipment to disperse the demonstrators, and the White House directly fired tear gas at the protesters to disperse the crowd.

Finally, Chris threatened that he would dispatch troops to suppress the riots, and strongly recommended that each governor deploy a national guard to ensure that there is sufficient manpower to control the streets.

The governors and mayors must deploy an overwhelming advantage in law enforcement until the violence is stopped. If a city or a state refuses to take action, he will directly send federal troops to fight the violence.

A series of actions by Chris did play a role. Police were dispatched in many places to disperse rubber bullets and tear gas to the demonstrators, temporarily suppressing the demonstrations to a certain extent.

But in fact, this is just drinking thirst to quench thirst!

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Although the violent suppression by the police temporarily controlled the demonstrations, it made people feel more deeply from the oppression of power. Originally they were for Iron Man, for journalists attacked by missiles, for being Soldiers abandoned by the military, but now they are for themselves!

So after a brief contraction, this activity not only did not subside, but ushered in a huge rebound, becoming more intense and vast, and the originally relatively peaceful demonstration gradually evolved into a violent protest, facing the armed forces, firing at them The police and demonstrators of rubber bullets and tear gas also began to fight back, throwing stones and wine bottles at them. The conflict between the two sides was intensifying, and there was a tendency to get out of control.

The protesters outside the White House began to attack the White House. The White House had to close the door urgently, locked the door, and sent a large number of secret agents and police to defend. After listening to the angry roar of the protesters outside the White House, Chris hid again. In the underground fortress, fearing that the protest crowd would rush into the White House and tear him to pieces.

Moreover, not all cities and states have dispatched police to suppress them in accordance with his instructions. The United States is a federal state. The states are relatively independent, and do not need to obey the president’s orders, and between the two parties, including within the party. Not entirely one mind, many cities did not suppress the protest too much, and even many mayors and governors stood up to support the protesters.

As the protests intensified, and in the face of a gradual runaway situation, many people who were originally on the side of Chris also turned their guns for their own future, and joined the ranks of condemning Chris.

Mayor Watson directly evacuated all police around the White House and left the mess to Chris himself.

Although the Secret Service personnel responsible for protecting the president are all elite, after all, the number is limited. In the face of hundreds of thousands of angry protesters, the White House may fall out at any time, and Chris simply hides in the underground fortress and never dares to come out again.

Seeing the situation getting worse, he had to put hope on the military.

But for Chris' request for the military to send soldiers to suppress the riots, the military's top level did not pass, but only sent a team of soldiers to help guard the White House, so that their president was not really torn into pieces by the angry people.

In fact, the military did not want to quickly suppress this "riot", but they dare not!

A series of actions by the military have already caused the anger of the people, and even there has been an unstable trend within the army.

From ordinary soldiers ~ ~ tank soldiers, missile soldiers, to naval officers and fighter pilots, all of them are seriously dissatisfied with their previous actions. Although there has not been a major riot for the time being, if they send troops at the request of President Chris To suppress the "riot", the final result is likely to be that these soldiers directly joined the "riot" and pointed the gun at them!

This time the action against Iron Man not only failed to frame him, but also made him extremely popular in the army.

He first rescued the soldiers abandoned by the military in the burning warehouse, and then showed mercy under the siege of many fighters.

The tiny tracking missiles launched by Iron Man when intercepting anti-aircraft missiles can easily destroy their fighter planes directly, but Iron Man did not do this, but adopted a more troublesome method. Although all the fighters were shot down, they did not Injured the life of a pilot.

Moreover, when the fleet ignored their safety and launched many missiles towards them, Iron Man also came forward to help them block it and detonate the missile actively.

Otherwise, they will definitely have a lot of people affected by the incoming missiles or subsequent explosions, and they will die on the spot.

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