My Iron Suit

Chapter 839: uninvited guest!

Seeing that Chen Mo did not continue to attack, the roadblock touched his nose and found that there was only a deep depression in the original nose position!

Looking down at the proud standing in front of him, looking straight into his Chen Mo, the scarlet light in the roadblock eyes instantly became more intense!

"You **** fish!"

The small transformers that had not been put in his eyes completely ruined the nose. The roadblock felt a huge insult. The anger in his heart burned and looked like Chen Mo’s eyes were full of cold killings!

In fact, Chen Mo can just take advantage of his underestimation and cause him more harm, for example, directly exploding his eyes!

However, Chen Moke did not want to end the battle so soon, and finally waited for a Decepticons to be a sparring partner. He must squeeze all its values!

Although the roadblocks are smashing the fish in the mouth, they never dare to take it lightly!

The eyes fixed firmly on Chen Mo, and a tire in the wrist of the left hand quickly deformed and spread out. More than a dozen sharp spikes were extended outwards, turning into a weapon similar to a meteor hammer, while rotating toward Chen Mo. Stride in, want to twist Chen Mo directly into pieces!

Chen Mo looked at the roadblock that rushed toward him. The face covered by the steel shirt was a smile.

Finally entered the state, then, then you can officially start!

Facing the roadblock that was rushing with the meteor hammer, Chen Mo did not use the propeller to fly again. Instead, he ran straight up and rushed toward the roadblock!

Seeing that the "sneak attack" injured his "miscellaneous fish" Transformers did not know the active and motivated initiative to rush toward him, the red awns in the eyes of the roadblocks suddenly flourished, the raised arms forcefully waved, the meteor hammer in the hand swiftly Chen Muzhen, who was rushing to his front, smashed his head!

The diameter of this meteor hammer is almost the same as that of Chen Mo, who wears a steel war suit. When he thinks about it, as long as the hit is hit, Chen Mo’s body shape will be twisted into pieces by the high-speed rotating blade in an instant!

But how could Chen Mo be easily hit by him!

Facing the roadblock, the huge meteor hammer that slammed down on the road, the speed of Chen Mo running at a very fast speed did not decrease. At the same time of running, the foot violently flanked the force, and the straight forward figure instantly shifted two or three meters to the side, just escaped. The attack of the meteor hammer.

The Meteor hammer, which is nearly two meters in diameter, slammed into the ground. The cracked concrete floor was easily smashed by the rotating blade. The cracked cement and the soil stirred by the sharp edge splattered, but it could not catch up with Chen Mo. speed.

At this time, Chen Mo has already rushed to the front of the roadblock. Chen Mo, who is two meters high in a steel war suit, came to his thigh in front of a roadblock nearly five meters high, but the height obviously could not affect Chen Mo’s attack.

I saw Chen Mo’s right foot suddenly slamming, and the whole body quickly rose up. In the air, Chen Mo turned and exerted his strength. The clenched fist carried the power of the force and teared open the air. Kneeling on the roadblock that was covered by armor.

The armor that can easily resist the bullet shooting is like a paper paste under Chen Mo’s fist. The previous scene was once again performed. The steel armor of the abdomen was directly shattered under Chen’s boxing, and the piece of armor debris splashed away. Chen Mo The fist also fell into the abdomen of the roadblock!

However, the size of the roadblock did not cause much damage to him, but the severe pain still made him angry!

"Ah!! You **** bug! I want to crush you!"

The left-handed meteor hammer has not been recovered. Just after the roadblock was shot to the abdomen with his empty right hand, Chen Mo has already pulled out his fist when he wants to catch Chen Mo. At the same time, his legs are forced on the raised armor of the roadblock. A glimpse, the whole person rushed up again!

When the right hand of the roadblock couldn’t stop shooting on his stomach, Chen Mo had once again came to the head of the roadblock!

The roadblock's scarlet eyes stared at the pair of white-lighted eyes on Chen Mo's mask. The palm of his hand caught the air on his stomach and wiped a series of sparks on himself. He grabbed it fiercely toward the top again!

But Chen Mo is obviously faster than him!

The fists under the cover of Edelman alloy armor, and the head of the roadblock are awkwardly kissed together!

As a result, it goes without saying that an armor on the face of the roadblock once again bid farewell to him and turned into a piece of metal and scattered!

Although this attack was weaker than that of the volley, but the roadblock was still involuntarily twisted to one side.

After Chen Mo’s attack was completed, his feet were stepping on the chest of the roadblock, and the body quickly continued to rise. He just escaped the right hand grabbed by the roadblock, and finally his feet slammed, and the body flexed flexibly from the roadblock. Lightweight flip in front of the ground.

Just when Chen Mo was ready to continue his attack, his movement was suddenly a meal.

From the beginning of the battle, Chen Mo’s ecstasy has been covering the audience, and he has always mastered all the movements within the battlefield. At this time, there are two uninvited guests in his mind!

In order to prevent being seen, the abandoned factory chosen by Chen Mo is not only remote, but also inaccessible, and surrounded by walls of more than three meters, plus the shelter of buildings and other buildings, there is no need to worry about being seen inside. .

At this time, the two figures were sneaking along the outer wall and leaning toward the factory gate. Under the cover of the mind, the figure of both of them was clearly reflected in Chen Mo’s mind. Chen Mo is very Quickly found the identity of the two ~ ~ This suddenly broke into two uninvited guests is the last night and Chen Mo had a brief contact with Michela and Sam!

However, they said that because of Chen Mo’s reason last night, they didn’t sleep well. They got up very late today.

Sam, who had just changed a Porsche 911 with a $4,000 dilapidated Chevrolet, was excited to sleep for a night. He slept until the sun went down, and he got up, and then he started himself with great interest. The new car, intends to open the journey of picking up girls again!

Michela was also over and over again, and she didn’t sleep well. From time to time, her mind flashed through Chen’s strong body and cold face. The slender legs did not know how long it was entangled in the quilt!

She didn't know when she was asleep, until she was woken up by the girlfriend's phone at noon, and was dragged out to chat together.

Several people sat on the fast food table on the side of the road and discussed the things that happened at the lake yesterday. Of course, it was natural to laugh at Mikaila, and only Mikaila knew in her heart that nothing happened last night. It’s just a simple ride!

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