My Iron Suit

Chapter 897: According to yourself!

Now, Chen Mo used this cluster gun after the death of Megatron, naturally not for the abuse of the body!

After melting the external armor, Chen Mo did not stop, but continued to emit a hot beam, melting Megatron's chest!

After another ten seconds, the hot white light beam suddenly shrank and finally disappeared. The heat in the air also slowly dissipated, but Megatron’s chest seemed to have experienced a volcanic eruption. The original armor It has disappeared long ago, and the mechanical devices in the chest are all melted by the high temperature. Only a pile of hot magma slowly overflows from the chest, and slowly flows along the armor gap of the armholes!

The ruler of the Cybertron planet, the leader of the Decepticons, and the generation of the "Megatron", died in the sword of Chen Mo, and he was "opened up!"

Just after Chen Mo slowly fell back to the ground from the air, a shadow suddenly flew from a distance, and soon came to Chen Mo, steadily suspended in midair.

It was the Jarvis who left with the source of the fire!

Chen Mo reached out and seized the source of the fire that was held by him by Jarvis. The "Javis" immediately deformed and retracted the arm of the fire source.

Taking the source of the fire back, Chen Mo did not rush to leave, but turned and looked at the side of the hill.

The battlefield of Chen Moxuan is an open space surrounded by several low peaks. It is about a dozen kilometers away from the previous road, with several hills separated.

At this time, on the hill in the direction of Chen Molai, several tall steel bodies are slowly coming out from behind the mountains!

It’s the hornet and Optimus Prime who followed him all the way!

Although there are several mountain barriers, after the formation of the robot form, these not tall peaks are no different for them from several small slopes.

Soon after the start of the Chen Mo and Megatron wars, the hornets arrived first, but Chen Mo had a strict order, and they were not allowed to intervene, so the bumblebee did not show up, just hiding behind the mountain and watching the battle between the two. .

Soon after, Optimus Prime and others followed closely.

Not counting the time that Chen Mo was warned outside Chen Mo’s residence, and when I left the base, I passed by on the road. This is the first time they have gathered on the planet!

After first confirming the safety of Chen Mo and the source of the fire, Optimus Prime temporarily let go of his heart.

Since the source of the fire was not obtained by Megatron, and Chen Mo did not seem to be in any danger, Optimus Prime was not in a hurry to intervene in the battle between the two. Together with the Hornet, they hid in the mountains not far away. Later, observe the battle between the two.

Of course, Optimus Prime did not relax his vigilance. He always pays attention to the location of the fire source and the battle situation of Megatron and Chen Mo. He is ready to help Chen Mo in the event of danger.

Only, obviously, this is not necessary!

The battle between Chen Mo and Megatron is completely one-sided!

Seeing that he once dominated the world, once ruled the entire Cybertron planet, and forced the autobot to flee the home of the Decepticons leader, Megatron, retreating in the hands of Chen Mo, completely suppressed, Optimus Prime and others The mood is unspeakable!

Especially when Chen Mo knocked out one of the steel teeth of Megatron, they were saddened by Megatron. At the same time, they could not help but chill out, and even dared not to run out easily, disturbing Chen Mo’s. fighting.

They don't think their teeth will be stronger than Megatron!

Even Optimus Prime felt his teeth sore, and he couldn’t help but be glad that he accepted Chen Mo’s warning that night and kept hiding his identity according to Chen’s orders. He quietly acted without affecting his plan. Otherwise, Optimus Prime is not sure whether Chen Mo is Will clean up like Megatron at this time!

His strength is not stronger than Megatron. According to the performance of the two, he is only able to find the teeth on the Chen Mo!

I have been anxiously eager to help the iron sheet, and I don’t say anything. I’m honestly kneeling behind a rock, and I’m more careful than anyone else.

At this time, Chen Mo is more fierce and brutal than Megatron in the eyes of the car people!

Looking at Megatron, Chen Mo was constantly smashed, and the parts were dismantled a little bit. The hearts of the people could not help but have a deep sympathy for this once-defying enemy. The generation of the hegemony fell to this place and was picked up by an earth man. It’s really embarrassing!

If there were people who doubted the power of Chen Mo and the organization behind him, then now, there is no doubt that Chen Mo has successfully proved himself with his powerful strength, and will also Optimus Prime. The car man suppressed by the Decepticons is completely conquered!

Although the Autobots are not as violent and violent as the Decepticons, they are full of aggressiveness. As the Boss in the Transformers, they are more passionate about peace, but one thing they are the same as the Decepticons, that is, respecting the strong!

The reason why Optimus Prime can become a leader of the car, in addition to his personal charm and leadership, his own ability to compete with Megatron is also an essential reason!

The weak are not qualified to lead them!

The power displayed by Chen Mo in front of him is completely above Megatron. This Optimus Prime, which represents the same strength as Megatron, is not Chen Mo’s opponent!

In terms of strength Chen Mo is fully qualified to lead them and give them shelter!

Chen Mo’s choice to say to them seems to have no suspense to make a decision!

Stay on the earth, accept the management and supervision of the SHIELD, and live under the protection of Chen Mo!

When Chen Mo recalled the source of the fire and looked at their position, Optimus Prime immediately stood up and took a group of car people from the mountain and quickly rushed down from the mountain to Chen Mo.

Faced with Chen Mo again, whether it is Optimus Prime or Iron Man, the attitude of looking at Chen Mo's eyes is very different. If it is said to be friendly, then now is a deep respect or even worship!

After several people from Optimus Prime came down from the mountain, Chen Mo threw the fire source in his hand toward Optimus Prime.

"You will keep this for me first."

Megatron reached out and caught the source of the fire. He looked at Chen Mo and slowly nodded. Then he opened an armor on the chest and put the source of the fire into it.

For Chen Mokou’s “preservation for him”, it is clear that he intends to use the source of the fire as his own. Optimus Prime has no opinions.

Or, they don't dare to have any opinions!


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