My Iron Suit

Chapter 902: A huge opportunity for life!

In fact, this is not a lie. The result of this network is indeed a virus, but it is not a hacker on the planet that releases the virus, but a group of evil alien mechanical life!

The bodies of the Decepticons were quickly disposed of!

In view of Megatron's foresight, they did not leave these corpses left behind. The President of the United States directly ordered that all the bodies of the Decepticons, including the previous roadblocks, be sunk into the deep sea trenches, using the bottom of the trench. High pressure and extremely low temperature squash these debris without leaving traces!

And with the Decepticons' body being processed at the same time, there is the seventh district!

The President of the United States personally ordered the dissolution of the seventh district!

The establishment of the seventh district was aimed at studying the source of fire and Megatron. Now, the source of fire and Megatron have been destroyed, and the seventh district that has lost its research has no meaning of existence!

Therefore, after processing the endgame of the Decepticons, the seventh district was directly disbanded, the cancellation was completed, and all the personnel were sent home!

In the style of the work of the government of the country of Mi, this group of secret personnel who have served the country for many years, after the dissolution of the seventh district, not only lost the work of the original body, but also did not even have a pension!

The original agents and all the staff who were proud of being a member of the seventh district can be said to have fallen into the region from heaven and become nothing.

The body of Megatron was hoisted from the warship by two helicopters. Under the guard of a whole aircraft carrier formation, when it was sunk into the bottom of the sea, in the elevator tower of the Hoover Dam, Simmons also held a private The carton of the item came out of the elevator.

Two black suits in a straight suit, the agent wearing the FBI ID on the chest stood at the door, and looked at Simons, who was wearing a jacket and holding a cardboard box.

In the past, as the head of the field department in the seventh district, the second person in the seventh district, Simmons' identity and rights were far above the FBI undercover agents responsible for the alert.

But now, the seventh district has ceased to exist. At this moment, Simmons is just a poor middle-aged man who has no job, no deposit, no pension!

Coldly, I looked at the two ridiculous FBIs. Simmons ignored the two men. They took their own boxes and walked forward with their heads high.

He is not in the mood to pay attention to these two clowns.

Walking on the bridge, Simmons looked at everything that was familiar around him. This place where he worked for more than 20 years, mixed feelings in his heart!

The other people in the seventh district have already left, he is the last one to go.

No matter how sad the heart is, he is unable to change this reality. The seventh district no longer exists!

It’s the turn of the world, and now it’s time for him.

Standing on the side of the road, Simmons raised his hand and stretched his thumb to take a ride, considering his future.

It seems that he has no other choice than to go back to his hometown to help his mother run the ancestral restaurant.

But there is a strong unwillingness in his heart. Isn't his next life, destined to be a cook?

I don't know why, Chen Mo's powerful figure standing proudly stood up in his mind.

Perhaps, like Chen Mo, being a hero to save the world is what he wants. Unfortunately, he is now destined to have no chance!

Just as Simmons was somewhat ecstatic, a black GMC large-size pickup suddenly stopped in front of him, and Simmons noticed that it was dark, and he couldn’t help but look back from his meditation and look up.

The car stopped, the front passenger's window was just facing him, and Simmons' sight was through the window, just to see the scene in the cab.

What surprised Simmons was that there was no one in the cab!

This car turned out to be unmanned and drove itself!

Suddenly, Simmons’s mind flashed, and he remembered Chen Mo’s yellow Chevrolet, which he could drive, and the real identity of the car was a deformable alien mechanical life!

Simmons clearly remembers that Chen Mo called their kind-loving Transformers a car man!

Could it be that? !

Simmons’s heart could not help but reappear Chen Mo’s figure!

Just as Simmons was shocked, the door in front of him suddenly opened himself, showing the empty cab in front of him.

Simmons couldn't help but turn his head and quietly glanced at the two FBI agents who were guarding the entrance to the 7th district. They found that they were turning around and chatting together, not paying attention to this.

Simmons immediately bit his teeth and no longer hesitated. He threw the box in his hand into the car and quickly grabbed the armrest and climbed the car.

Simmons had just sat in the position of the co-pilot. Before he could get the seat belt, the pickup truck slammed himself and started to go forward.

When the two FBI agents turned around and looked around again, there was no trace of Simmons.

The two didn't think much. They only thought that Simmons had a good luck and got a ride when they were chatting. They didn't know that they had just lost everything. They were schadenfreat and silently ridiculed Simmons. Come to a brand new, huge life opportunity!

His life will embark on a completely different path!

Sitting in the car and looking at the steering wheel in front of the driver's seat, the Sims's heart suddenly slammed again.

How did you just get a hot head and got on this "car"?

It’s one thing to look at Chen Mo’s sitting in the bumblebee. It’s another thing to sit in and out!

After all, this is an alien mechanical life that can become a huge robot and can kill him with a slap in the palm of your hand!

Even if Chen Mo said that they are peace-loving car people, they can't change the fact that they are aliens from the Decepticons from a planet!

Moreover, Simmons suddenly remembered that Chen Mo was first killed in the abandoned factory he was personally led back to the 7th district of the Decepticons "roadblock", the body is also a car!

Thinking of this, Simmons' eyes couldn't help but round out, and a little cold sweat slowly slipped from his forehead!

Who said that the cars that they can exercise are all car people, in case they are Decepticons? !

Isn’t he a sheep into the tiger’s mouth and sent it to the door?

What are these “Decepticons” catching him?

Has the source of fire been destroyed by Chen Mo?

Their leader Megatron is also dead!

They are arresting themselves, is it to avenge their companions?


The more I think, the more sweat on Simons’s head.

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