My Iron Suit

Chapter 909: East window incident!

Nowadays, the prices of various anti-cancer drugs that are being sold in various countries are not expensive, even if the middle class with higher incomes can be ruined, let alone ordinary people.

The price of the new anti-cancer drugs of Aegis is very cheap. The cost per month is less than one thousand yuan. It is only one hundred yuan converted into dollars. Almost everyone can easily bear it. Many people suspect that this is enough money for them. R & D production costs, worried that Aegis will lose money.

Judging from the price of new anti-cancer drugs sold in China, Aegis is doing charity!

In this case, there are still people who want to profit from it and get stuck with the drug review as a threat, which has caused the people of the country to accept the treatment of new anticancer drugs, and how many seriously ill patients have lost their lives!

Moreover, once the Aegis creatures really compromised, let Merck Medical Group master the new anti-cancer drugs. At this time, the vampires who only have money in the eyes will not be at the same price as the current Aegis creatures. Selling.

In the past, drugs that could only control the disease to a certain extent, they can sell high prices, forcing countless cancer patients to die, and with the powerful therapeutic effect of new anticancer drugs, they will definitely set a much higher price. Even the sky-high price that ordinary people can't match, squeeze more benefits from the rich!

This kind of unscrupulous act of disregarding the interests of the people in order to make the people of the country out of the anger!

Numerous cancer patients and their families, including many ordinary people, have furiously embarked on the streets, and large-scale demonstrations have taken place in major cities in the country, demanding that the government severely punish the Merck Pharmaceutical Group and the many officials involved!

Even if the Merck Pharmaceutical Group has a lot of hands-on support behind it, there is no one who dares to help them again under the pressure of great public opinion that affects the entire country!

In this sensitive period of intense excitement, they are even more afraid to put themselves in, thinking about how to make their own choices clear, and where to dare to intervene.

The Merck Pharmaceutical Group, which was also a huge force, was instantly rebellious and turned into a street mouse that everyone called. Fbi sent a large number of talented people to investigate the whole incident.

David, the director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Fbi Los Angeles Division, was selected by the above for his outstanding performance in the successful theft of new anticancer drugs. He was also selected to join the investigation team along with his team. Their first task was to arrest the high-level Merck Pharmaceutical Group involved!

With the previous experience, David first let the men confirm the position of the personnel on the arrest list one by one. After discovering that they mostly stayed at the Merck Medical Group, only one person was in other places, David immediately took the initiative and all the soldiers were divided into two. Road, arrested all the people involved!

Merck Medical Group, President's Office.

Justin looked at the crowds on the LCD TV on the wall and the slogans in their hands that wrote the name of the Merck Medical Group.

He did not think that things will eventually develop to this point!

They haven’t done this before. The most popular and profitable anti-cancer drug that Merck Pharmaceutical Group is buying now is that it’s almost exactly the same way a few years ago, by slamming each other’s drug review, letting the other party consume After a large amount of research and development funds, but for a long time can not be put into the market to achieve profitability, and finally forced the other party's funds to break, have to grit their teeth to accept their conditions.

Aegis creatures were not originally put in their eyes, even if there is a small Aegis group behind him, but in Justin's view, Aegis is just a small company that has just risen, although several cars are sold. It's very good, but it doesn't have any background or relationship. It can't be the opponent of the Merck Pharmaceutical Group with deep political background and deep political background!

The review of the new anti-cancer drug was a test of them. When it was discovered that no one stood up to help them, Justin even completely let go of his heart. In his opinion, as long as Aegis did not want to be dragged down by life. Inevitably, he will accept the harsh conditions he put forward, and put the medicine in his hands.

This new type of anticancer drug, which will bring huge and uncountable wealth, is destined to be captured by him!

However, he did not expect that the Aegis creatures did not follow the routines, gave up the rice market directly, and retreated to other countries, and also conducted drug reviews in many countries.

Although the Merck Pharmaceutical Group has strong capital and a huge network of contacts, it cannot be done in every country like the country of rice.

They have also tried various ways to block, including sending people to deduct the new anti-cancer drugs and all the drug production equipment that He Han is going to bring to China.

But in the end, all their efforts have no effect!

The batch of drugs that were deducted turned into a pile of waste after they were handed over to them. All the ingredients inside were destroyed. The laboratory did not have any gains after trial and error.

Although the equipment was stopped, the new anti-cancer drugs in China were still produced. From the current situation, the production capacity has not been affected!

There are many other actions, all of which ended in failure!

After repeated failures, Justin had some bad feelings in his heart. These things are really strange. If they calculate their plans, the other party can always easily crack them and never let them succeed!

What he didn't think of most was After the release of the new anti-cancer drugs in China, everything they had done was actually smashed out on the Internet, without any omission!

After seeing the detailed events recorded in the inside, one by one, Justin’s heart could not help but sink. It seems that he did not feel wrong before. This Aegis group is not simple, they finally got it!

However, Justin did not intend to sit still. After a long period of thinking, he picked up his mobile phone and set a call.


As the long beep sounded, the expression on Justin's face became more and more heavy, and the fingers holding the phone became more and more powerful. This is his last life-saving straw!

Just as Justin was almost desperate, the phone was finally connected, and Justin quickly said with respect in an excited tone.

"Mr. Minister!"


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