My Iron Suit

Chapter 912: 1 event!

Although these new supersonic private jet orders, no matter the quantity or the total amount, are far from being comparable to Aegis and Aegis technology, they also quickly filled up the monthly supply of Chen Mo.

And among these orders, there is even a lot of power from all sides!

After a period of detailed investigation, although they have limited access to Aegis’s strict security forces and confidential means, they are all well aware of the performance of this supersonic private jet. Will be more tempted!

Although they are the top leaders of major consortia, they have amazing wealth and resources in their hands, but they have not spent billions of dollars in research and development costs to build a supersonic private jet.

They are first of all businessmen, they will not do the loss of the sale!

But now, the situation is different!

Aegis Aerospace has built this supersonic private jet. Although the price is as high as $150 million, they still think it is worthwhile compared to its performance and great convenience!

Moreover, the escape cabin of this supersonic private jet is an unprecedented innovation, and it is the most attractive place besides the powerful performance of the aircraft itself!

For the capitalists who stand on top of the pyramid, life safety is actually the most important!

Although private jets are not like ordinary passenger planes, some are equipped with parachutes, but when an airplane crashes, the probability of successful escape is still very low.

The supersonic private jet with its independent escape cabin guarantees almost 100% safety!

With this in mind, these big men can't wait to change their original private jets!

Chen Mo is naturally very clear about the investigation and attention of the military of the country and the forces of the major consortia. It is also Chen Mo’s attention to hand over the captured agents to the police.

Unlike the government, the military, and the private sector, Chen Mo could have directly erupted the commercial espion sent by Fengtian Group, but it could not be so rude to the US government and the military.

At least for now, the government of the United States and the military are still only "attention" to the Aegis industry. After all, the Aegis industry has indeed "provoked" a lot of things, and cutting-edge technologies such as supersonic private jets will inevitably attract their attention.

However, in the absence of other problems, they will not easily shoot Aegis.

And if they kill those agents, then the nature is completely different. Just this one, the rice government can send people directly into the Aegis industry to search!

A few agents who did not even break through the external defense had no influence on the Aegis industry. Chen Mo did not need to be empowered because of them.

Of course, if these forces do not know how to be good, and really violate Chen Mo’s bottom line, then it is another matter!

Although Chen Mo will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of anything!

Perhaps because of Chen Mo’s control over the level of technology applied to the application, the scientific and technological strength demonstrated by Aegis Industry did not touch the nerves of these forces. Therefore, after the investigation, although there is still concern about the Aegis industry, there is no further action. .

Chen Mo also temporarily put them aside and ignored them. His attention was shifted to a grand event that will begin in Europe!

The first stop of the World Formula One Championship will be held in Britain!

The Aegis team consisted of the only driver, Carlos Sainz, and all the personnel, including the team manager Anna, arrived in Britain a few days ago to prepare for the preliminary period.

And just tonight, the qualifying session that determines the starting position during the official competition will be the first to start.

After being renamed by Aegis Industry, the Aegis team that participated in the competition for the first time naturally gained a lot of attention.

Aegis car has risen rapidly, and the strength of the top super luxury car brands has been crushed by three super cars. It has also made countless people full of curiosity about the Aegis team. It is necessary to know that the Aegis car has released the “Thunder” super run. In the advertisement, the super sports car they built defeated an f1 car on the track!

From this, we can see the strength of the Aegis car, and what kind of strength does the f1 car built by such a powerful car company show on the track?

Many fans are waiting for this!

And tonight, they can see the Aegis team on the court!

Although Chen Mo did not personally go to Britain to watch the game, but also opened the TV in the castle, sitting on the sofa with the old Albert, Wade, and Agent 0 to see the live broadcast of the game.

As for Su Shi, the time of the game is 9:00 in the British time, and Los Angeles is about one o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, Su Shi should still be busy in the office. How can I have time with Chen Mo? This group of idle followers watch the game together!

But Bradley is not here, as the coach of Carlos Sainz and the technical director of the team, Bradley went to Britain with the team a few days ago, and several people just broadcasted from the TV. I saw him in the middle.

Although the qualifying is not an official competition, it determines the order of the next day's official competition. The best drivers will get pole position. In the official competition, they can be ranked at the top. The importance is not. It goes without saying.

The rules of qualifying are not to look at the rankings, but to see the best results in the Although there are competitions among the drivers, they are not as intense as the official competitions. They are more focused on their own. Play.

Even so, the atmosphere on the scene is still very high, although the game has not yet officially started, but the roaring engine sound that sounds from time to time in the field is still unpredictable!

The Aegis team's pure black painted f1 car finally appeared in front of everyone.

The long and narrow body, the directly exposed suspension mechanism and the huge tires, the complicated front nose, and the nine-headed dragon emblem in front of the front of the car, are dark and have almost no motley black body. Feeling mighty and powerful.

Ordinary viewers just think that this black f1 car is very handsome, cool, but can not see too much difference with other cars, but the other team's professionals have seen a little doorway.

This car seems to be similar to other F1 cars, but there are obvious differences in many details. For example, the design of the front nose, the layout of the air intake, and the structure of the suspension mechanism are all subtle. It is not very familiar with the F1 car. People who don’t look carefully can’t see it.


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