My Iron Suit

Chapter 932: Was it cheated?

Either way, whether it's the moon or Mars, as long as they are free to go back and forth, it means they can develop resources for these two planets!

They are known now. There are countless precious resources on these two planets, and no one can compete with them. The benefits behind this are absolutely beyond imagination!

Now, the preparation is ready, the construction of the spacecraft is finally about to begin!

Looking at Anna's excited expression, Chen Mo smiled, took an encrypted hard drive from the drawer of the study and handed it to Anna.

"So, let's get started!"

Chen Mo did not intend to open a press conference. Now that he is ready, start directly!

Last time, he just handed over the information about the equipment and materials needed to build the spacecraft to Anna, and let her prepare. Now that she is fully prepared, Chen Mo will directly hand over all the remaining drawings and materials to her.

Jarvis always monitors the situation of the whole company. Chen Mo is not worried about data leakage. The hard disk specially encrypted by Jarvis can only be opened and read under the authorization of Aegis Group's internal network system. Take the information inside, otherwise no one can open it!

Even if it is taken by others, it doesn't matter. Even the world's top hacker can't crack Jarvis's security encryption program. As long as it is forcibly cracked, the data on the hard disk will be destroyed automatically!

But Anna doesn't know this!

Looking at the hard disk that Chen Mo handed to her, I learned that all the drawings and materials of the entire spaceship were stored in it. Anna’s expression was embarrassing and forced!

Seeing that Chen Mo directly asked her to return to the company, and did not send a bodyguard escort, Anna could not help but swallow a slobber, hands clasped the metal hard disk in his hand, the tone was uncertain.

"Boss, are you sure to let me get it to the company?"

Anna naturally did not take the information to escape, the idea of ​​selling to others at high prices, although this may mean unimaginable wealth.

Anna is also very touched by Chen Mo’s trust, but he is too much to play with it!

This is a spaceship!

As long as you get this hard drive, you have a full set of information to build a spaceship. As long as it has a certain strength, you can directly create it. The meaning of this is not just money!

The value of this small hard disk is hard to estimate!

Chen Mo, like a normal working paper, was handed over to her hand. There were no intensive safes for bulletproof, no bodyguards and bulletproof armored vehicles.

Although, the "Knight" off-road vehicle she drives is safer than any bulletproof armored vehicle!

However, Anna still couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. It’s really hard to use this hard drive!

Chen Mo naturally understands Anna's concerns, but this is obviously unnecessary in his view, and the strong guard is not as reliable as Jarvis's safety protection.

However, the subordinates' emotions still have to be comforted.

"Do not worry, the hard drive is specially encrypted, no one can crack it. If someone steals the road and robs, you just throw it at him, I will give you another one!"

In the end, Anna went out of the castle with her arms and drove her own "Knight" off-road vehicle to the company.

Along the way, Anna was nervous, her eyes fixed on every car on the road, ready to step on the road and escape when the situation is not right!

But in the end nothing happened. When Anna finally returned to the office and sat down in the chair, she felt that she was out of the crowd.

I connected my hard drive to my computer in the pocket, and Anna suddenly remembered that she forgot to ask for the password!

However, when she tried to open the hard disk, she found that it was opened smoothly. The large amount of data was directly displayed, and no password was needed at all!

The boss does not say that this hard disk has been specially encrypted, can anyone not open it?

How is this going?

I was cheated?

Remember to take a "treasure chest" that is unlocked and open it all the way?

Thinking of this, Anna's heart could not help but be afraid for a while, and for her boss, she was completely helpless.

The boss is good, sometimes it is incomprehensible to do the facts!

However, perhaps this is the special place of the boss. At least so far, what she saw in Chen Mo is all the incredible miracles, and there has never been a failure.

Even if it was the several predicaments and twists and turns that had been encountered before, it was all solved very smoothly. In Chen Mo’s eyes, there seems to be no fear or fear!

As Chen Mo's confidant, Anna also faintly felt that behind Chen Mo, there seems to be a mysterious force!

What is the specific situation is not clear to Anna, but she knows that Chen Mo’s power is much stronger than what they see.

Perhaps, he is so arrogant that he can bring the hard disk with the drawings of the spaceship back to the company, because there is enough confidence and confidence, there is no fear.

In any case, the drawings of the most important spaceships are now in place, and then the construction can begin officially!

Thus, without any outsiders knowing, a spacecraft capable of interplanetary flights between the Earth and an alien planet began construction within Aegis Aerospace!

After a long period of time, Anna’s main energy will be put on this manager of the Aegis team will be replaced by Bradley.

Compared to managing Aegis technology, he prefers to take the team on the track!

Moreover, the current development of Aegis technology has also entered the right track. For the time being, there is no plan to develop new products. With Jarvis’ super-artificial intelligence secret monitoring and auxiliary management, Bradley does not need to spend too much effort. You can devote your energy to the Aegis team.

During this period, new anti-cancer drugs have also passed drug reviews in various countries around the world and started to be listed in various countries. Although some branch managers are responsible for specific matters, Su Shi is still busy as the person in charge of Aegis.

In the period of rapid development of this Aegis group, everyone in the company is very busy, except Chen Mo!

Chen Mo, who is used to the shopkeeper, only gives orders in the castle, confesses his own requirements, and provides technical support. All other specific implementation and management matters are handed over to the team.


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