My Iron Suit

Chapter 943: resident Evil!

With the last hope, Chen Mo puts consciousness into the last ball of light.

This time the world projection screen appeared, but it made Chen Mo shine.

I saw a dozen meters wide, hundreds of meters high indoor patio, two almost exactly the same **** and strong figure is descending along the rope, they hold a double grab, and continue to shoot towards the surrounding stairs and the enemy below the patio, constantly Some people were hit by them and fell to the ground.

Just this picture, Chen Mo already knows which world this is!

Compared with the first two worlds, this world has very important things for Chen Mo. If it is used well, his strength is likely to be greatly improved!

However, as opposed to the benefits that may be obtained, the world also has great risks. If you are not careful, even Chen Mo may be able to overturn in the gutter!

But this does not stop Chen Mo, just want to get the benefits, but does not want to take any risks, then he can never become a true top powerhouse!

Moreover, although there are many risks in this world, Chen Mo has a great grasp of his own safety in the case of knowing the plot and getting prepared in advance!

However, he is not afraid of not representing any problem. Because of the special nature of the world, once an accident occurs, it is likely to have a devastating effect on the real world. Therefore, cautiously, Chen Mo did not directly choose to cross, but first Moved to the Hydra base in the laboratory underground.

As the headquarters of Hydra, after this period of development and construction, this secret base in the underground mountain of the castle is quite complete, and all kinds of facilities are complete.

When the figure flashed, Chen Mo appeared in a sealed glass room with only a few tens of square meters. Here, it is actually a small biochemical laboratory with sealed isolation and disinfection function.

After the teleport, Chen Mo directly ordered Jarvis to order.

"Jarvis, closed laboratory, fully isolated, does not allow anyone to open!"

"Follow, lord!"

With the sound of Jarvis, the sealed door and the upper vent of the laboratory sounded the sound of the valve closing at the same time. The electronic access door outside the sealed door also illuminates the red light that is forbidden to open, except for Chen Mo. It is now the head of the Hydra, and there is no permission to open this door.

The entire laboratory is completely enclosed and completely isolated from the underground base!

Subsequently, Chen Mo did not rush to cross, but took out the steel shirt from the space and quickly finished the dress!

If it is other worlds, Zhenjin nano-combat uniforms are enough to provide the necessary defenses. Chen Mo does not need to wear steel warplanes to cross, and if it appears directly on the streets of the city, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

However, the world is obviously different. Although there is a great confidence in one's physical quality. Cautiously, Chen Mo chose to wear a steel warrior to traverse. As for being discovered?

That must also have a talent line!

After confirming that everything is ready, Chen Mo once again put consciousness into the space and chose to cross!

The white light flashed, and the figure disappeared from the laboratory, and the next moment appeared on a broken street.

Chen Mo looked up and looked at the streets. It was a mess on the streets. There were cars huddled together after the collision. The blood on the ground, walls and car wrecks scattered around the black and dry.

In the distance, many places are still braving the thick smoke, many buildings have been burned to leave only the frame, and some even collapsed directly, the city is full of broken scenes, like a dead city, no The slightest sign of human survival!

It seems that there have been some huge disasters that have occurred in this city. The human beings who lived in this city have disappeared. Looking at the black blood scattered all over the place, I don’t know if their end will not be too good!

Just as Chen Mo looked at the broken city, Jarvis’s voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

“Warning! An unknown virus component was detected in the air at a concentration of 42/L. The threat level is unknown! The air filtration system has been activated and the air inside the suit is safe!”

"it is as expected!"

Chen Mowen was not surprised, but it was a look that was expected. This is why he chose to wear a steel war suit. He is not trying to defend against enemy attacks, but to block the virus in the air!

This unknown virus in Jarvis's mouth, Chen Mo has already known its name!

T virus!

This time he is crossing the world of Resident Evil!

However, looking at the current situation, it is obviously not before the outbreak of the Resident Evil, but the T virus has spread completely throughout the world!

Therefore, there will be the existence of T virus in the air. This originally prosperous modern city will become the ruin of this ridiculous ruin, quietly dead!

According to Chen Mo's understanding of the plot, the virus first spread through the air, spread to the whole world, and eventually led to more than 99% of the world's human beings become zombies!

However, most of these people are not directly infected by the virus in the air, but become zombies, but only after being bitten by a small number of zombies that have been mutated first!

Moreover, there are still a few survivors who have survived the zombie attack and survived and were not infected by the virus circulating in the air, mutating into zombies.

Therefore, Chen Mo speculated that the infection ability of this virus is not as strong as many people think, and the human immune system does not have any resistance at all!

Just like HIV, mosquito bites, droplets and other ways can make HIV into the human body, but because the amount of virus is too small, the body's immune system can remove it all in time, so it does not make people Infected with AIDS.

However, if a large amount of virus enters the body through blood contact through the wound, the original immune system of the human body is not enough to resist the invasion of the virus, and eventually it will be infected with AIDS!

According to Chen Mo's understanding and speculation, in addition to being directly bitten by zombies, infection of a high concentration of virus through the wound directly leads to mutation. In addition to the low concentration of the virus in the air, it can actually be resisted by the normal immune system.

Only those people with poor physical fitness and very weak immunity will be infected by airborne viruses and become zombies, which will cause the rapid spread of the virus by attacking other people and spreading blood through the wounds, and eventually lead to the end of the world. break out!

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