My Iron Suit

Chapter 950: Strong gunming!

Chen Mo, who is at the center of the zombies, did not panic. He turned a blind eye to the many zombies and the numerous arms that stretched out around his head. A pair of eyes crossed the corpse and his eyes fell on the wall.

Among the three remaining people on the fence, Luther West and Angel Ortiz kept shooting, helping Chen Mo to eliminate the zombies that climbed around the heavy-duty truck. Only Bennett’s sleeves were worn. The hand stood next to it, a look of irrelevance.

Both Luther West and Angel Ortiz thought that Bennett had no weapons, so no one expected him to help kill the zombies.

But in fact, Bennett has always been hiding a small women's pistol!

He never showed this pistol in front of anyone, and even Jin Yong, who had been with him, didn’t know that he had a pistol hidden in his body!

This is his killer, Bennett will not be easily exposed!

And they are now trapped in jail by the zombies. Not only are food limited, but there are not many bullets. He doesn't want to waste his precious bullets for others!

As for the others, he would have liked them to waste the bullets, and no one would dare to oppose him at that time!

It’s not that he has the final say in this prison!

Chen Mo, standing on the roof of the car, took all the performances of the people on the wall, including every expression and movement of them, and everything they had hidden in them, but they could not escape Chen Min’s sensitive eyes and the sense of power.

In this short period of time, Chen Mo has a very clear understanding of the situation of these five people, and then correspond to the performance of several people in the movie, everything becomes clear at a glance!

No need to delay any more!

The firepower of Luther West and Angel Ortiz is limited, and the number of zombies around the front of the car is really too much. At this time, some of the zombies around have climbed the upper body to the roof of the heavy truck. Waving your arms and stretching in the direction of Chen Mo!

Chen Mo, who has been standing on the roof of the car and quietly watching the performance of everyone on the fence, finally moved!

I saw Chen Mo’s hands lifted up to the sides quickly. Two dark pistols slipped out of his cuffs and he was caught in his hand. The muzzle just pointed to the edge of the roof on both sides!

Immediately, under the eyes of everyone on the fence, Chen Mo quickly pulled the trigger!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

A series of rapid gunshots sounded one after another, and a bullet was shot from the muzzle, accurately hitting the heads of the zombies that had just come out on both sides.

All the zombies that were hit had a headshot and fell down from the roof!

This scene also happened to fall in the eyes of Christo and Jin Yong who had just ran on the fence with ropes and iron hooks. The shocked two men invariably opened their mouths and looked at Chen Mo, who suddenly broke out. Forgot to hand the ropes and hooks in the handle to Luther West.

The surprises of Luther West and Angel Ortiz are more than two!

Compared to Kim Yong and Christo, who haven’t touched the guns, Luther West and Angel Ortiz’s shooting methods are not bad. They even exercised for their own battles with zombies in recent years. The shooting method that came out, there is still a strong confidence!

But I saw Chen Mo’s marksmanship with his own eyes, and they only knew what a real master is!

Not to mention the magical power of Chen Mo's cuffed guns, the horror shooting speed and precision that Chen Mo has shown has already surprised them!

Don't look at Chen Mo's proximity to the zombies on both sides, but don't forget that he shot both pistols at the same time!

He simply can't aim at three points and one line at a time, but relies entirely on the sense of guns. He feels that he is shooting toward the zombies in the light on both sides. In this case, even if it is close to the target, the hit rate is not May be too high!

And Chen Mo not only hits the gun, but also shoots many times faster than their frontal shooting!

That is about to catch up with the automatic rifle bursting fire, almost a series of gunshots, and the zombies on both sides of the roof smashed into pieces, all of them telling them how terrible the shooting speed of Chen Mo is!

This tall Chinese youth in a suit, with two pistols, exerted an attack effect beyond the automatic rifle!

The two asked themselves, if they changed them, even if they were holding automatic rifles, and even bursting fire, it was very horrible to kill Chen Mo!

Originally, because Chen Mo dared to stand alone in the sea, and in the face of the desperate situation, Luzer West, who had a different look at Chen Mo, could not help but sigh in his heart. No wonder the psychological quality of the other party is so strong and always fearless!

Just looking at this powerful shot, Luther West can conclude that this person's identity is by no means simple, before the disaster broke out, it is definitely the top fighter!

Even the soldiers of the special forces, it is estimated that there is no such combat power!

Compared with the rapid killing speed of Chen Mo's cutting wheat, the previous attacks by Luther West and Angel Ortiz are not worth mentioning!

In shock of Chen Mo's gunshots, Luther West also suddenly remembered his plan!

He was also worried that Chen Mo would not be able to carry out the rescue and now Chen Mo has erupted such a powerful combat power. These zombies obviously do not threaten him at any time, they can have time to start rescue according to plan.

"Give something to me!"

Luther West stopped shooting, inserted the pistol back into his waist, and then took the rope and the iron hook from the back of Jin Yong and Claire, and quickly tied one end of the rope to the iron hook!

And just as he looked up again to Chen Mo, the situation changed again!

In the hands of the two pistols kept firing, where the muzzle pointed, the head of the zombies was quickly killed!

At the same time, Chen Mo’s arms were also swiftly swung forward, crossing two long arcs on both sides of the body, eventually pointing to the front, and in the process, the bullets from the two pistols also came from the car. The zombies in the top edge of the dense zombie swept through, and all the zombies on both sides of the top of the truck and in front of the truck were cleaned up!

However, although Chen Mo’s killing speed is horrible, the attack range is limited to the front of the body and the front of the front. Behind the long carriage behind him, there are countless zombies who are continuing to climb wildly and in the front. When the zombies of the site were cleared, finally the zombies climbed up to the top of the carriage and rushed toward the front of Chen Mo!


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