My Iron Suit

Chapter 961: Closed iron gate!

How many people did he kill? !

To say that it is a zombie, he and Angel Ortiz have actually killed a lot, but they have no feeling of killing at all, and they have not felt the slightest murderousness from each other.

Therefore, Luther West believes that only those who have truly killed people will have a murderous existence, which is why he has always believed that Chris is a murderer!

But to say that Chen Mo is also a murderer, Luther West is hard to accept!

A murderer will risk his life in order to save people?

Moreover, Chen Mo’s powerful strength and his special temperament make it impossible for them to connect Chen Mo and the murderer. They are more willing to believe that Chen Mo is a top agent!

It’s not surprising that a top agent killed a lot of enemies while completing a mission!

But thinking about it, Chris really can be a soldier!

Maybe he is really wrong?

He believes that Chen Mo’s eyes are definitely more accurate than him!

Moreover, even if you make a mistake, it doesn't matter!

Before they used Chris as a dangerous murderer, they didn’t dare to let him out, but there was Chen Mo, they didn’t need to worry at all, and Chen Mo’s strong strength, even if Chris really is a serial killer, I can't afford any waves.

On the contrary, it is very likely that Chen Mo will kill it directly!

Luther West quickly figured it out. After recovering from Chen Mo’s murderous shock, he didn’t hesitate any more. He went straight to the front of the cage and took a hand out of his pocket. The key, opened the iron lock on the cage!

In the excitement of Chris, the door to the cage that had imprisoned him for several years was finally opened!

Trying to control their excitement and complex emotions, Chris slowly stepped out of the cage!

Without the barrier of bullet-proof glass, Chris once again looked at Chen Mo who stood in front of him, and his eyes could not help but show a deep gratitude!

If it weren’t for Chen Mo, he didn’t know when he would be shut down!

Seeing Chris coming out, Chen Mo said directly to him.

"Take us to see what you said to leave, let them know if you have lied."

Chris couldn't help but look at the other people present. From their gaze to him, Chris felt fear, alertness and suspicion. Obviously they didn't really believe in themselves, it was because of Chen Mo's command. Let him out!

But Chris can feel that Chen Mo has actually believed what he said, or that Chen Mo can accurately judge the true and false of what he said!

Under Chen Mo's gaze, he felt that all his secrets were invisible, and any lies would be easily seen through!

When he saw him, Chen Mo was not affected by the surrounding environment and other people. There was no difference between seeing his eyes and treating other people, and he could finally order him to be released, apparently from his words. Out, he did not lie!

The original intention of Chen Mo is actually to let him use the facts to prove it to others, let them know that they have blamed him for so long!

Chen Mo, this is to clean up his innocence!

Chris has nothing to hesitate, has been released, and then fulfill his promise, and this is indeed his chance to prove himself!

Although Luther West put him out under Chen Mo’s tough demands and suppression, everyone still has great doubts and defenses against him.

Chris was not angry at this. At the beginning, he really felt very angry, but after being shut down for so long, he had already wanted to open.

It’s not to blame Luther West for them. They are just ordinary people who are struggling to survive. In the face of a murderous prisoner who is locked in a highly dangerous cage, he may not be willing to The adventure to believe each other's words.

They didn't kill him because they thought he was a criminal, or simply let go of it and let him die in the cage. In the past few years, although they have refused to let him out, they have been providing him. food!

You know, in this end of the world, food is very precious, and they are trapped in prison by a large group of zombies. There is no way to go out and look for food. They have always lived on the rest of the prison.

However, the amount of these materials is limited, and how to save them has been consumed in the past few years.

Bennett opposed giving food to him from the very beginning. Some time ago, as the rest of the food became less and less, Bennett once again demanded hard, not to waste food on him.

However, Luther West never agreed, insisting on guaranteeing his food supply, and the food given to him has always been no different from others.

So even though he was imprisoned for several years, Chris couldn't really hate Luther West. Of course, except Bennett!

If Bennett is not there, Chris will rush to the ground to teach him a meal!

If you really want to blame someone, you can only blame the prisoners who attacked him and put him in the cage. But now they should have been dead, maybe there is some luck, no The corpse that has been eaten has become a zombie, and now it may be wandering in the corpse outside!

In the face of the suspicion and precautions of Luther West and others, Chris is not angry, as Chen Mo said, since he is innocent, then prove himself!

Chris squinted at the crowd and said in a loud voice.

"follow me!"

Looking at the stride in front of Chris, Luther West and Angel Ortiz and other people face each other, see Chen Mo did not say anything, even if they took a step together, followed Chris and went out!

Under the leadership of Chris, a group of people once again walked out of the prison building and came to the open space outside.

Just over 20 meters away from the crowd, the dense zombies are squeezing outside the gates of the tall walls, and the railings are smashing through the railings. Many of the sly arms are coming in from the middle of the railings. Everyone is constantly waving.

However, everyone just swept their eyes and turned their heads directly, followed by Chris to the side of the prison building. They now have no intention to care about the zombies outside!

Soon, a thick and sturdy, fully enclosed steel gate appeared in front of everyone!


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