My Iron Suit

Chapter 968: Unlimited bullets!

For the real gunners, compared to the bulky rifles, the short and flexible pistols are actually able to play their fighting power!

Especially in the case of zombies in close encounters, the pistol can be more flexibly and quickly attacked in complex environments, and the rifle is more suitable for fire suppression at medium and long distances, and the close range affects flexibility.

Chris found that his previous thoughts were taken for granted. It may be because of the training he had received, and when he followed the troops to kill the zombies, most of them were in the cover of the cover, as if they were in prison now. Blocked by the wall, the zombies can't touch them, they can naturally carry the attack with a rifle.

However, after leaving here, they should be close-range raids and sieges when they encounter more zombies. In this case, the flexibility of the pistol is particularly important!

After Chris rethought, he couldn't help but make up his mind. He must exercise his pistol shooting ability, and he might save his life at a crucial moment!

Thinking of this, Chris couldn't help but watch Chen Mo's battle more carefully and wanted to learn a little skill.

But soon he discovered that Chen Mo’s way of fighting he could not learn at all!

Every zombie around seems to be under his perception. Each attack can accurately kill the nearest zombies, ensuring that all zombies are outside the safe range.

This kind of strong control over the battlefield, Chris simply can't do it.

And Chen Mo's shooting accuracy, speed and responsiveness are also beyond his reach!

Chris had to give up the idea of ​​learning, and honestly appreciated Chen Mo’s battle like art!

But then, Chris found another problem!

Another point that the pistol is weaker than the rifle is that the clip has a smaller capacity, usually only six to twelve rounds, but at most twenty shots. A fierce attack like Chen Mo should be lighted up soon!

However, he has never seen Chen Mo change the clip!

This is not scientific at all!

Chris couldn't help but pay special attention to Chen Mo's shooting, and soon he had a new discovery!

Although Chen Mo’s attack looks very fierce, it is not completely without pause. Every time, one of the pistols will have a short pause, but because Chen Mo’s two pistols are fired at the same time, the pauses are just staggered. So I can hardly notice it without careful observation.

And Chris also found that every time he paused, Chen Mo would quickly turn his wrist and press the muzzle down. The magazine at the bottom of the pistol was aimed at the cuff. When he lifted it again, the muzzle would spit again. One bullet.

Because Chen Mo is very fast, the pause time is very short. The whole process is almost a matter of a moment. If Chris pays special attention, it is very difficult to find!

This also led to Chen Mo seems to have been shooting all the time, the two pistols in his hand seem to have unlimited bullets, the entire battle process is very coherent, smooth, almost no fire pauses and loopholes!

Although Chris didn't see what happened after Chen Mo's gun, because of the distance and the occlusion of the zombies, this did not prevent him from making a judgment.

Obviously, Chen Mo is not really a pistol with an infinite bullet, but by the rapid replacement of the clip, creating the illusion of an infinite bullet!

Chris guessed that there are no two possibilities.

It may be a special agent's high-tech combat equipment that can help him complete the replacement of the magazine in a very short time.

Or it's a special clip-changing technique that can quickly change bullets from the cuff as if he were hiding the gun in the cuff.

In fact, Chris's guess is completely correct!

Although Chen Mo can use the ability of space storage to replace the clips instantly, there is no need to waste any time, realizing the continuous shooting of the infinite bullets, but after all, there are other survivors, Chen Mo still has to pay a little attention.

Therefore, when they are close to each other and can be seen by them, Chen Mo deliberately hides the space ability, and instead uses the change of the clip technique in the gun technique to quickly replace the clip.

In fact, with his reaction and speed, even if he uses the skill of the gun, the whole process of replacing the clip can be completed in an instant, so that people are completely unaware of it, but in order to give the survivors a reasonable explanation, Chen Mo is interested. Controlling the speed, Chris first found the problem of cartridge replacement, and quickly found out how Chen Mo replaced the clip.

And Jin Yong is the second of the people who found it wrong.

"He seems to have never changed the magazine?"

When I heard Jin Yong’s doubts, Luther West and others responded fiercely.

They were previously attracted by Chen Mo's powerful strength and rapid attack. They have not considered other issues. Until this time, under the reminder of Jin Yong, they found out that it was wrong.

But Chris quickly said his discovery.

After careful observation, the people also found that Chen Mo replaced the clip with a short pause, and at the same time, the identity of Chen Mo's super agent was confirmed.

This kind of magical fighting skill can only be mastered by those mysterious super agents!

In the eyes of everyone's surprise Chen Mo all the way without any stop, straight into the heavy trucks previously anchored in the corpse rushed over.

Although the distance of 30 meters is very short, it is a gap that is difficult for ordinary survivors to cross in the corpse of zombies.

But for Chen Mo, everything has become much simpler.

In the endless stream of guns, the dense corpse was cleared by Chen Mo, and it took no time for him to rush to the heavy truck.

Chen Mo's double guns fired at the side of the cab, and soon the zombies on the side of the door were cleared. Chen Mo rushed toward the door and quickly retracted the pistol.

Both feet smashed on the door pedal and the tires, and both hands pulled on the roof of the car. In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo climbed to the roof and jumped to the rear of the car.

Under the watchful eyes of the people on the fence, Chen Mo stopped in the middle of the carriage, then leaned over and opened a skylight on the roof and jumped.

"What is he doing?"

Chris asked Louise West.

Luther West heard a look at Chris and replied strangely.

"The car was driven by him..."


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