My Iron Suit

Chapter 988: Parting ways!

Soon, when the last bullet flew out of Chen Mo’s gun killed the last zombie in front of the armored vehicle, the street that had been blocked by the zombies in the distance finally appeared in front of Angel Ortiz!

The wheel crushed the last batch of zombies that had just been killed by Chen Mo. The armored vehicles rushed out from the gap of the corpse. The few people in the compartment who were already stunned by the injection only felt that the eyes suddenly suddenly brightened, and the vision was occupied by countless zombies. An empty, broken building in the distance immediately caught the attention of everyone!

They finally rushed out!

Alice, who turned her back to the front of the car, quickly discovered this. She was standing in the car. She could only see the prison in the distance and the boundless zombies, like the boundless sea. At this time, she Finally boarded the land and saw the border of the sea!

Although there are still countless zombies in the car, they are desperately chasing them, but they seem to rush to the waves of the beach, they can't reach them!

Without the obstruction of the zombies, the ground became flat, the speed of the armored vehicles quickly increased, and the zombies that were chased were far behind them, and farther and farther!

The armored vehicles were full of horsepower and rushed toward the distant streets, while Chen Mo and Alice, who stood on the roof, turned at the same time.

"Your shot is great!"

Alice smiled and looked at Chen Mo, her eyes full of appreciation and worship.

Chen Mowen said that he only smiled a little and said.

"You're good too!"

Alice did not think that Chen Mo’s evaluation was too low. Chen Mo has proved his strength with facts. It is far above her and can be recognized and praised by Chen Mo. Alice has felt very satisfied!

"First enter the car."

Chen Mo said, leaning over and opening the hatch, while reaching out to Alice.

Alice smiled brightly and immediately stepped forward, holding Chen Mo’s hand and leaping into the armored car with his help.

As for Chen Mo himself, he jumped back into the car after Alice let go.

Except for Angel Ortiz, who is still driving in front, everyone looked at Chen Mo with excitement. They knew very well that if they didn't have Chen Mo, even if they found and repaired the armored vehicles, they would not be able to break through the dense ones. The corpse sea will eventually sink into it, either eaten by zombies or starved to death!

It can be said that they can safely escape now, relying on Chen Mo!

A few minutes later, the armored vehicles had completely opened the zombies behind them, and they were finally completely safe, but at the same time, a new problem was placed in front of them.

"where are we going?"

Luther West looked at Chen Mo with some confusion and asked in a loud voice.

Chen Mo did not answer directly, but turned to look at Alice.

Feeling Chen Mo's gaze, Alice glanced at Claire and immediately looked at Chen Mo's eyes and said firmly.

"We have to go to the boat to save people!"

Chen Mo's gaze swept over Claire and Chris, nodded slowly, and immediately yelled at Angel Ortiz.

"Go to the pier first!"

Angel Ortiz naturally had no objection to Chen Mo’s words, even if he adjusted his direction and headed for the coast.

In the back of the car, Christo hesitated for a long time, or went to Alice, said with a worried face.

"The people on the ship are very powerful, you still don't take risks, leave here with us!"

Alice heard a slight smile, but there was a hint of coldness in her eyes. She looked at Christo, who worried about her, Alice said with a confident smile.

"I have been fighting with the umbrella many times, and I am afraid that they should be afraid of me!"

Although Cristo was very surprised, she continued to persuade.

"But you are not saying, is there a trap?"

Alice shook her head and said slowly, with a hint of chill in her tone.

"The trap that has been discovered is not a trap, it will become the grave of the hunter!"

After Alice finished this, her tone softened and she looked at Christo with a smile.

"When we solve the problems there, save people, we will go to you!"

Looking at the confidence and firmness on Alice's face, Christo continued to persuade her to swallow her back. She knew that Alice and Claire would not give up those friends!

The car suddenly fell into a silence. Seeing Alice and Claire’s idea have been fixed. Others, though worried, did not say anything more. They just silently found the magazines used by the two men from the weapon bag and handed them over. The past.

When Chris began to add ammunition, everyone quickly reacted, and Chris would go with them to save people!

Although Chris really didn't have a long time to get along with him, but the feelings of his people were not much weaker than others. Their weapons and equipment, as well as the armored vehicles that were riding at this time, were all obtained by Chris. of.

In the past few days, everyone accepted the new member who was transformed from a "prisoner". At this time, he saw that he had to go with Alice to try to save people. Everyone was worried.

But thinking about the relationship between Chris and Claire, they can fully understand Chris's choice If they change them, they will not watch their own sisters take risks, since they can't stop, then I can only go on adventure with her!

In a slightly heavy atmosphere in the carriage, the armored vehicle quickly came to the dock on the coast.

It’s been a few years since the outbreak of the disaster. The bustling city has long been ruined, and the busy terminal is now a desolate and run-down.

However, the structure of the pier is still strong. There are still some small boat speedboats on both sides of the pier. However, there is no smoke, and even the zombies have been attracted to the prison, on the pier and other parts of the city. The same, a silhouette is not there, there is silence everywhere!

However, this silence was quickly broken by the armored car that was opened by the rumble!

The armored car stopped at the dockside, and Angel Ortiz came out of the cab and came to the crowd.

Chris's gaze swept through the faces of the crowd, and finally nodded to Chen Mo, then turned and opened the hatch, and jumped first!

Claire, who was eager to save people, didn't look at other people. He immediately jumped out of the car behind Chris. In the end, only Alice was left. She didn't get off the bus, but looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"Where are you going?"


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