My Italian

Chapter 232: Battle of Thessaloniki (middle)

As the defenders adjusted their stance under the orders of their commander, Lieutenant General Ouz, the landing Italian army and the Bulgarian Third Army finally joined forces under the city.

Although the two sides were separated by Saronica, they were able to communicate with each other, and the battle plan for the city was also brought up.

In Semir, seven kilometers from Kalamaria, the headquarters of Lieutenant General Grove, the landing force, was established here.

Inside the headquarters, Lieutenant General Grove was holding a pre-war meeting with others in the conference room.

"After consultation with the Bulgarians, our current task is to capture Kalamaria. The area is currently defended by the fourteenth division of the enemy Ottoman Army, and we need to penetrate their defenses and capture the coastal batteries so that the fleet can prepare for the next to provide fire support for the battle of the city."

After talking about the purpose of this battle, Lieutenant General Grove immediately assigned the task. "Major General Banks, your 1st Marine Division flanks us and is also responsible for blocking enemy reinforcements. I have discussed with Major General Uzunov, commander of the Third Bulgarian Army, before we launch an attack on Kalamaria. When the time comes, the Bulgarians will also attack the Saronica to contain the enemy."

Facing Lieutenant General Grove's words, the tall Major General Banks answered immediately. "As ordered, General."

Major General Banks is so obedient, which also involves his background. He was originally from the Guards. When facing the orders of Lieutenant General Grove of the Guards, he naturally only had to obey.

In fact, it is not just him, but Major General Roy of the Second Marine Division, who was also on the mission of destroying the defeated army on Crete, was also born in the Guards.

And officially because of this, only the future commander of the landing force will be the most suitable candidate. As for the generals of the army, they are not suitable for this position at all.

After Major General Banks answered, Lieutenant General Grove continued to issue the task. "Colonel Lores, your brigade will launch a containment attack on the defenders from the northeast. The main task of the attack will be completed by the guards. The attack will be launched on May 7 in two days. Let's prepare."

With the words of Lieutenant General Grove, the meeting was declared over.

And several division brigade commanders also got up immediately, ready to go back to arrange their own combat missions. As for Lieutenant General Grove, he is also very busy. In addition to paying attention to the overall battle plan, he also needs to pay attention to the affairs of the Guards. Although Major General Pulev, his deputy, was watching, he still needed some attention. After all, this was the Guards.

As the battle time approached, various units stepped up various preparations one after another, collecting various guns, ammunition, artillery and other materials. At present, the only two temporary ports in the army have been converted from those two fishing ports? Very tired and paralyzed a group of logisticians.

Of course, their exhaustion also allowed the landing troops to obtain the last supply before the war? More than 1,000 rifles, 800,000 rounds of ammunition, 11 artillery pieces (including one heavy artillery piece), more than 3,000 rounds of artillery shells, 310,000 grenades and other supplies? as a result of their transport to the frontline troops.

Strange? Why are there so many grenades?

This is the experience accumulated in the previous combat.

When they landed on Crete, the Marine Corps and the Guards discovered that grenades are very useful in street fighting, far exceeding the role of guns? So this time, all the ministries strongly requested that more grenades be added.

In fact, it's not just them? The army on the other side of the Balkans is also full of praise for its opponent's grenades. Therefore, at present, the domestic arsenal in Italy is working overtime to produce grenades to meet the needs of front-line soldiers.

As for the Bulgarian Third Army on the other side of Thessaloniki? It is also doing various preparations. Replenishing ammunition, reorganizing damaged troops, etc., was equally busy.

As the defenders of the city of Thessaloniki, the Ottoman army was no exception. The unscrupulous preparations of the enemy outside the city, they are not blind? So stepping up the construction of fortifications, building barricades, building vitality points, etc. are equally busy.

After such a busy two days, a new day has come? The war is about to break out.

The Italian artillerymen arranged outside the city of Kalamaria took the lead in firing the first artillery of the offensive and defensive battle of Thessalonica.


On the artillery position, with the commander's order, the artillery, as the king of war, immediately burst into sufficient power. Hundreds of artillery pieces were placed in 12 positions, and shells were fired at the city of Kalamaria. These artillerymen fire shells at the fastest speed? Basically, they can reach a rate of fire of 3-4 rounds per minute? The highest artillery group has a rate of fire of 4.8 rounds.

And these shells lived up to their expectations, and fell on the buildings in the city and on the positions of the defenders. The violent and continuous explosion covered many places in the city with smoke and dust, which could not be dissipated for a long time.

Of course, in the face of enemy artillery fire, the defenders would not be polite, and the counterattack artillery fire came soon. Although the defending artillery is not as many as the attacking Italian army, but they have a big killer, the 254 mm coastal defense artillery, its ultra-long range and huge power, become the core of the defending artillery counterattack.


A deafening explosion sounded next to an artillery position, and the officers and soldiers on the position were all shaken by the loud noise of the explosion. Even the tethered horses in charge of transportation became restless, and these animals accustomed to artillery shooting were also alarmed.

The seasoned commander immediately became discolored. "It's heavy artillery, hurry, hurry up and move your position."

Following his order, the officers and soldiers who were restrained by the heavy artillery immediately hurriedly led the horses over, and quickly drove away with the artillery on them. No one wants to stay and try the power of heavy artillery.

And in the very well-hidden headquarters on the side, Lieutenant General Grove couldn't help shaking his head when he saw such a scene. It's not that he has an opinion on the transfer of artillery, but he did not expect that the accuracy of the enemy's artillery fire is so high, so it seems that this battle will be difficult.


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded from a mountain col. Lieutenant General Grove glanced at it. He clearly knew that this was originally an artillery position, but now it seems to be more dangerous.

"After ordering the artillery to fire at most one base of ammunition at each position, it must be moved immediately."

Although this will greatly reduce the sustainability of the artillery, it is important to keep the artillery, and this method can only be used. Moreover, the current fire is with small and medium-sized artillery below 100 mm, and medium and large calibers cannot participate in this artillery battle in order to avoid unnecessary losses due to insufficient mobility.

After a morning of intermittent shelling like this, Lieutenant General Grove felt about the same. On the one hand, the shelling effect was not good, and on the other hand, he did not have enough shells in his hand. So at one o'clock in the afternoon, he picked up the phone. "Now I order that the various ministries start the attack according to the previous combat mission."

Following his orders, the officers and soldiers of the Guards and the First Marine Brigade immediately jumped out of the trenches and attacked the city of Kalamaria.

The brutal siege battle begins now.

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