My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 108: J-18 Red Eagle

   Chapter 108 J-18 Red Eagle

   Tang Rui read the information.

   I also have a clear understanding of the entire J-18 situation.

how to say.

  He cheated Shen Fei.

  Why do you say that, the main reason is the variable cycle engine.

  Didn’t he hand over the information on the variable cycle engine to the military before?

  After having this engine.

  At present, the engines of all fighter jets basically need to be replaced.

   But this kind of replacement must be ranked from high to low.

   First change to J-20, J-16, J-15, and then change to various models of J-10.

   As for the J-7.

   Let’s talk about it later, and see if we can change another model.

  What does changing the engine have to do with the J-18?

   The relationship is big.

  Because of the vertical take-off and landing system of the J-18, it is not to add a fan in front.

   Instead, the ducted ejection air pumping effect is used to obtain lift.

  How to say this technology.

   If you don’t understand, it’s no different from magic.

simply put.

  It is the airflow ejected from the engine during vertical take-off and landing, blowing to the ejectors of the wings and canards.

  The jet stream is ejected through a duct to produce a pumping effect, and the lift is obtained through the differential control of the ejectors of the wings and canards.


  This vertical take-off and landing system must have a special design for the engine.

  The military has not yet fully grasped the variable cycle engine provided by Tang Rui.

  If you want to make special modifications to the variable-cycle engine to adapt it to this vertical take-off and landing system, basically no one can do it.

  Shen Fei also had no choice.

   They can't wait until the military understands all the technology of the variable cycle engine, and then remodel the engine and re-study the vertical take-off and landing system.

  How long will it take?

  Shen Fei simply couldn't afford to wait.

  So, they could only come to Tang Rui for help.

   "I can help you with this, but..."

  Tang Rui stopped in the middle of speaking.

   "Mr. Tang, please tell me that as long as this project can be completed, everything will be fine."

   "I'm not asking for conditions, but the problem of modifying the engine is not a simple modification, but to cooperate with the vertical take-off and landing system.

   In this way, things will be a little troublesome, I can't stay with you Shen Fei all the time, right? "

  Tang Rui was telling the truth.

  Retrofitting variable cycle engines is not a problem.

  With the vertical take-off and landing system, it is not a problem.

   But the problem is.

  It is impossible for him to stay in Shen Fei, the family is gone, the company is gone.

  As for saying that the transformation will be completed in three to five days.

   That's simply not realistic.

   After listening to Director Liu, he was also troubled.

  He was only thinking about one problem before.

  That is Tang Ruitong disagrees.

   Never thought about this kind of thing at all.

  Do not go to Shen Fei.

  How can I help?

  Open video remote guidance?

   Just kidding.

   "Sorry, we didn't think carefully." Director Liu said.

   "It's okay, in fact, you can try to modify it yourself, just come to me if you have any problems."

   Tang Rui waved his hand and said.

   After listening to Director Liu, he was also very helpless.

   If only it were that easy.

   But at the moment, he can’t say anything, he agrees to help, but you can’t let him not even want his home and company, so let’s go Shen Fei.

  He is a big boss.

  It's not a low-level researcher, you can do whatever you want.

   Although Director Liu's goal was not achieved, he still left the technical information on the forward-swept wing.

  Is this information valuable?

   It can be said that the value is high.

  Only three or four countries in the world have such data.

  But it can also be said that it is useless.

   After all, with the current level of technology, there is no country that will continue to study forward-swept wing fighters.

  Modern air combat explains stealth and super-cruising, and destroys when found.

  Forward-swept wings are of course invincible in close combat.

   But in the current air battle, in most cases, you have been destroyed before you even notice the enemy.

  So close combat capabilities have been gradually replaced by high-performance missiles and other defense systems.

  After Director Liu left.

  Tang Rui transferred the complete set of forward-swept wing technology verification data to the computer.

have to say.

  This information is very valuable.

   But it is still far from solving all the problems.

to be honest.

  If it wasn't for Tang Rui's involvement.

  He didn't dare plunge into the deep pit of the forward-swept wing.

   Tang Rui is looking at the information here.

  Director Liu rushed to the airport with his people and took the flight back to the group.

   After returning to the group.

  Director Liu reported the situation to the top management of the group.

  The seven or eight people in the conference room didn't react after listening.

  Before they seconded people.

  As long as the unit agrees and the seconded person agrees, then there will be no problem.

   It has always been like this.

  But if it is Tang Rui, it will be different.

  He is not a researcher, nor an in-service professor, and he is not dispatched by the system.

   "If it really doesn't work, then I can only take the information over, ask him to help me modify it, and then bring it back."

   "How to modify it, send someone to send the data over if there is a problem, and let the security personnel go to Jinling eight times a day?"

   It is definitely impossible to send materials back and forth in this way, not to mention wasting time, and communication is also a problem.

   "He means he is willing to help, but he can't stay with us for a long time, right?"

   "Yes, that's what he meant."

   "In this case, then send the J-18 over there, transfer people there, and develop it in Jinling."

   "Go to Jinling...the confidentiality issue."

   "Ask the military to help."

   Several people in the conference room agreed to the plan after looking at each other.

   That night.

  Shen Huoyi began to mobilize personnel, equipment, and supplies.

   The prototype of the J-18 also took off directly and flew to Jinling.

  The same as the J-18 went to Jinling, and the forward-swept wing verification aircraft.

  Originally, this verification machine has been sealed up and put in the hangar to eat ashes.

  Before going to Jinling to find Tang Rui this time, Shen Huoyi deliberately dragged the verification machine out of the hangar and re-maintained it.

  If there is no Tang Rui.

  This verification aircraft wants to fly into the sky again, but I don’t know when it will be.

  The next day.

   Tang Rui got up and was having breakfast when he received a call from Lin Chao.

   "Shen Huoyi is here again?"

   I just left yesterday, why did I come here again today.

   "Okay, I see."

hang up the phone.

  The corner of Tang Rui's mouth twitched.

   He never expected that Shen Huoyi would put the improvement work of J-18 in Jinling.

  Even the prototype flew over quietly last night.

   This efficiency is not generally high.

   "Brother Yang, go directly to Ma'an Airport."

   After breakfast, Tang Rui got in the car and said to Gao Yang.


   More than half an hour later.

   "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry, I may trouble you more next time."

   "It's okay, take me to see the prototype first, I'm curious what the J-18 looks like."

"plz follow me."

  Everyone got on the minibus at the airport and came to the innermost hangar.

  There are soldiers standing guard at the gate of this hangar. Like Tang Rui's hangar, the guards are very tight.

  After confirming the access authority.

   Tang Rui entered the hangar.

  A black fighter jet appeared in front of his eyes.

   There are three more chapters, continue to code words



  (end of this chapter)

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