My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 122: You copied Hollywood movies again

  Chapter 122 You plagiarized Hollywood movies again

   "Boss, are we really going to develop this?"

  Feng Yuanxing asked again.

   "That's right, it's such a happy decision, your first task is to design the aerodynamic shape.

   Remember the vertical take-off and landing system of the J-18? Our Baidi should also have this function. "

  After Tang Rui assigned the task, he ignored them.

  You can think whatever you want.

  As long as you work honestly, you will be fine.

come back to the office.

  Tang Rui leaned on the boss's chair, looked at the screen of the smart glasses, and fell into deep thought.

  The development of Baidi was not a whim on his mind, it just came out of his mind.

  As early as when he exchanged the Su-47 golden eagle with Da Mao, he had this idea.

   Later, Shen Huoyi also came with a wave of assists.

   gave him a forward-swept wing verification aircraft and a full set of research and development materials.

   If he said that he only wants to develop a forward-swept wing fighter, he is not bragging. Give him two months and he will be able to complete it.

   But what's the use?

  Even if a forward-swept wing fighter is produced, does the Air Force need it?

   And if he really makes a fight, the higher ups will be crazy.

  Do you think you don’t have enough fifth-generation smartphones at home?

   Not to mention the J-20, the J-18 has just been developed, and he helped develop it.

   There is also J-31 at home, which is not installed.

  He made another one.

   Good guy.

   Then it was really lively.

  The fifth-generation aircraft in all countries in the world add up, and there are not as many models of the fifth-generation aircraft in China.

  For fighter jets, the more models the better.

   What the aviation industry competes for is the system, not a single one that can be top-notch.

   In this regard, Little Days is typical.

   And even if you build a fighter, it is not so easy to deploy.

   Consider ground crew.

   There is also the cost of maintenance.

  Otherwise, one station is equipped with ten types of fighter jets, the pilot is fine, and the ground crew is crazy first.

   Pulling away.

  Tang Rui stared at the model on the screen in a daze. He was thinking about the material.

technical problem.

  He didn't even think about it.

  Unless it is an optical quantum information capture device, there is no technology that even has a scientific theory.

  The rest of the technology can be easily deduced.

  Even, even the optical quantum information capture technology can be slowly reversed and studied a little bit.

   But only the material problem made him very painful.

  This thing is unreasonable.

   Nor science.

   Instead, he talks about metaphysics.

   Tang Rui can now use the system to strengthen the body material, and can also take the body material out for analysis.

   But the problem is.

  After analyzing the material composition of the body, it was useless.

  Can't make it.

  Materials are not things that can be manufactured just by formulating their ingredients.

  The order in which these materials are added.

   How many degrees of high temperature is required for refining, how long does it last, and what is the pressure.

   Then how to do heat treatment.

   All are problems.

   Only give you the composition of the material, which is useful for farts.

   To put it bluntly, during the refining process, the temperature is increased by 5 degrees and the time is extended by 5 seconds.

  Then the refined material is not the same material.

  Performance parameters may vary widely.

  The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

   "Xiaoyi, display all the papers related to high-temperature resistant materials published in SCI Zone 1 in the last year."

   "OK, searching for..."


  In front of Tang Rui, a long directory appeared.

  The above are all papers related to high temperature resistant materials published by scientists from various countries in the past year.

   "According to the reference data, sort from high to low."


  Tang Rui started reading from the first paper.

   Want to find inspiration.

   At the same time, learn about the latest achievements in materials science.

   In a blink of an eye.

  Two hours passed.

   After quickly browsing a paper, Tang Rui took off his glasses and stopped reading the paper.

   Doesn't make much sense.

  These published papers have only scientific research value.

   Most of them can only be made in the laboratory.

   Cannot be mass-produced at all.

   But he has read so many papers, not for nothing.

   It really inspired him.


  Everyone has heard of this kind of material, whether it is from the self-media or magazines, everyone must have seen relevant reports.

  The future king of materials.

  Very versatile.

   Every year, graduates of materials science write 80,000 papers instead of 100,000 papers related to graphene.

   This thing is about to be played out.

  But after blowing graphene for so many years, why don't you use it?

  Cannot be mass-produced.

  High-performance graphene has two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures, and is only as thin as the atomic layer.

  As for graphene with millions of layers, it is called graphite.

   Tang Rui was thinking.

  If he builds a device that can mass-produce two-dimensional graphene, then the high-temperature resistant material he wants will be easy to do.

  Is graphene resistant to high temperature?

   Don't ask this naive question.

   There is a saying in materials science that graphene is a brick, where it needs to be moved.

  High temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high toughness, superconductivity, superfluidity…

  As long as it is the physical performance you can think of.

  Graphene can be adjusted inside.

   And the performance is mostly good.

   is amazing.

   "We purchased before, have you purchased the equipment for making graphene?"

   Tang Rui asked about logistics.

   "Boss, I seem to have ordered one, let me check."


   Checked it from the computer.

   I actually ordered a small laboratory graphitization furnace and graphene/carbon nanotube manufacturing equipment before.

   These two devices are used for experiments.

   "When will these two devices arrive?"

   "Boss, they have shipped the goods, and they will deliver them the day after tomorrow at the latest."

   "Okay, I see."

   Tang Rui nodded after listening, then turned and left.

  When the two devices arrive, he is going to disassemble them and then strengthen them.

   "Boss, our first sketch is ready."

  Feng Yuanxing approached Tang Rui and reported.

So fast?

   Tang Rui looked at the time, it has only been more than two hours, when did your efficiency become so high.

   "Take it out and have a look."


  Feng Yuanxing placed the sketch on Tang Rui's desk.

  A sketch of a fighter jet with a sharp and long nose, canard wings and forward-swept wings appeared in front of Tang Rui.

  If you just look at the sketches, it doesn't feel very amazing.

   "What's the matter with your tail?"

  Tang Rui soon discovered a strange place, that is, the tail wing of the fighter jet in the sketch is connected with the forward swept wing.

   "Boss, our preliminary idea is to have a variable forward-sweep wing. This tail is used as an elevator when the variable forward-sweep wing is attached to the canard of the ex-husband for supersonic cruise."

  Feng Yuanxing quickly explained.

  After listening to Tang Rui, he thought about it in his mind.

  Variable Forward Sweep Wing.


  No problem.

  However, this variable forward-swept wing can be fitted with the front canard during supersonic cruise.

  Then the whole fighter plane turned into a triangle?


  How does he remember this look? He seems to have seen it in a Hollywood movie?

   You copied Hollywood sci-fi movies again.

   (the author is positive)

   The author was recruited and was infected by his family members. Now he has a splitting headache and only wrote a chapter in one afternoon.

   Write, delete, and delete without knowing what you are writing.

   In the last two days, there may be fewer updates.



  (end of this chapter)

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