My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 225: Tunnel splicing, rod drilling

  Chapter 225 Tunnel splicing, stick holes

   "Guren, catch that fish and hang it on my hook."

   Tang Rui looked at the holographic projection screen, the big fish that ate his bait, and then ran away without biting the hook, and said to Honglian angrily.

   "Okay, master."

  After receiving the order, Honglian controlled the submarine robot to rush over quickly, and then shot out the catch net to catch the fish.

   Then use the mechanical arm to open the fish's mouth, hang the fish on Tang Rui's hook, leave immediately after finishing, and continue to return to the bottom of the water for construction.

   It can be seen that this set is already very proficient.

   Tang Rui grabbed the fishing rod and started walking the fish on the deck.

   Isn't it boring.

no way.

  Tang Rui has a lot of things to deal with, and the project has just started, so he can't leave yet.

  So, all day long, he was either fishing in Bohai Bay, or returning to Dalian, wearing smart glasses and going to the square to abuse food.

  However, compared to his game level, fishing is more hip. Many times he can catch fish by using this method.


   It is not shameful to go to the vegetable market to buy one.

   Not to mention letting a robot grab one.

   "Honglian, pick up this fish and stew it, and drink fish soup tonight." After Tang Rui caught the fish, he handed it to the housekeeping robot beside him, and said to Honglian.

   "Master, do you need to put in tofu?"

   "Put old tofu, don't eat fish, only drink soup."

   "Okay, Guren understands."

   Once a fish is caught, today's task is completed.

  Tang Rui wobbled back to the hall, opened a bottle of happy water, and began to process the documents.

  In fact, most of the files have been processed by Honglian.

   He will only deal with things that Guren can't handle.

   For example, various inquiry types of emails.

  Like this one from three hours ago.

  The modular pipeline of the subsea tunnel has been built, and the tests in all aspects have fully met the standards. China Construction asked him when to start underwater construction.

  For such files, Tang Rui can only reply by himself.

   "Construction will start tomorrow morning, and the laying will start from the seabed mine." Tang Rui replied with a message.

  The reason why the laying is not started from the shore is mainly because the two entrances have not been built yet, and they cannot be directly connected.

  So, it is better to lay from the position of the seabed vein.

  When it is laid to the shore, the entrances on both sides must have been built, and they can be directly docked.

  The docking of the subsea tunnel is actually very simple.

  When the two segmented pipes are spliced ​​together, the water pressure will force the sealant layer in the middle together to ensure that the gap between the pipe connections will not enter the water.

   Not to mention the tunnel construction this time, he also added an insurance to the outer layer of the pipeline, adding a waterproof and anti-corrosion layer.

  As long as the pipeline is not broken on a large scale, even if there is a crack of more than ten centimeters, Tang Rui can guarantee that no water will enter the tunnel.

  This tunnel, he built it for the century-old project area.

   At least within a hundred years.

   Guarantee that there will be no problems with this undersea tunnel.

the next day.

  The two ships came to Tang Rui's place with a subsea tunnel, ready for construction.

   "Mr. Tang, none of the underwater tunnels we built before were so deep. Is it okay to just put them down?"

  The person from China Construction Engineering Corporation asked a little worriedly.

   After all, what Tang Rui did was a bit rough in their opinion.

   Just throw the tunnel down.

   It's not underwater, it's the bottom of the sea.

  There are ocean currents.

  If you don't land on the right position, it's not over.

   "It's okay, I arranged for the underwater construction robot to be below, and you just need to be responsible for making the tunnel."

   Tang Rui said indifferently.

   With Honglian controlling the underwater construction robot, as long as the quality of the tunnel is fine, other problems will not be a problem.

  After listening to Tang Rui's words, China Construction can only cooperate.

  As the two ships retracted the bayonet pins at the same time, the closed tunnel was segmented and fell directly into the sea.

   Tang Rui ignored them.

  He looks at the underwater situation through smart glasses.

  After the tunnel fell into the water, the construction robot came to the side and fixed the tunnel with its mechanical arm.

   Then, under the unified deployment of Honglian, all the robots turned on their thrusters at the same time to adjust the falling posture and direction of the tunnel.

   Since the tunnel is sealed, it is filled with air.

  So when the tunnel sinks, the speed is not fast.

   It took more than five minutes.

  Under the control of the robot, the tunnel slowly landed inside the groove on the seabed, and it fit perfectly with the entire groove.

   This is just the first step.

  After the tunnel was placed, a robot dragged a long pipeline to both sides of the tunnel and began to spray special cement.

  Under the pouring of cement, even if there are gaps and air bubbles, they are all filled, leaving no hidden dangers.

   When filling with special cement.

  Several robots next to it drove long steel columns through the drill holes reserved in the tunnel and into the surrounding seabed rock wall.

  Finally, the corrosion-resistant and tensile-resistant alloy specially made by Tang Rui for the oil pipeline was inserted by the robot into the reserved channel at the bottom of the tunnel.

  In Tang Rui’s design, the subsea tunnel needs a keel, so that when an earthquake occurs, the subsea tunnel will not be dislocated and cause the tunnel to break.

   And this oil pipeline is the keel of the subsea tunnel.

  After the first section of the undersea tunnel was put down, China State Construction Engineering Corporation immediately shipped the second section of the undersea tunnel.

   Same as the previous construction process.

   Only this time, there is an additional docking process for the subsea tunnel, but this kind of docking basically does not require too complicated operations.

  The perfect cooperation of the construction robot allowed the subsea tunnel to be docked at one time, and then began to fix it.

   "There is no problem with the subsea tunnel. Let's speed up the manufacturing progress while ensuring the performance."

   Scanned by neutrinos.

  During the holographic projection, Tang Rui did not find any hidden dangers in the undersea tunnel, so he directly told China Construction to speed up the construction of the undersea tunnel.

   "Okay, Mr. Tang, after we go back, we will increase the drying area and speed up the construction." The person in charge of China Construction immediately replied.

  The next month or so.

  Tang Rui stayed in Bohai Bay and Dalian, and did not do anything else, let alone make trouble.

  Every day is not to deal with engineering, but to eat melons and watch the fun.

  The stick next door has completely believed in the fact that there are spaceships under the sea.

  So, they don't want to explore oil fields.

   began to announce to the outside world that they were going to conduct seabed mining.

   A lot of personnel and equipment have been transferred to carry out seabed mining.

   Its purpose is simple.

  They will drill a one-meter-diameter drill hole on the seabed, drill directly to the bridge of the spacecraft, and then use cutting equipment to open a hole on the bridge deck of the spacecraft.

   At that time, people can be sent into the spaceship to collect data and study alien technology.

  Tang Rui watched the live broadcast of Bangzi every day.

   Really interesting.

  In order to allow the stick to drill holes with peace of mind, he specially asked Honglian to make a tungsten alloy steel plate with a diameter of 1.3 meters and put it underneath.

   Wait until the stick finds the bridge deck, punches a hole, and finds that there are underground rocks underneath, and hope they don't collapse.

   There are many things during the Chinese New Year, and there is no way to guarantee the update time. I hope everyone can understand.

   The only thing that can be guaranteed is that the author will not stop updating.



  (end of this chapter)

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