My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 232: Is there a possibility...

  Chapter 232 Is there a possibility...

   Guren controls the equipment for experiments.

  Tang Rui looked at the holographic projection in front of him. On it was the particle model that Honglian simulated in real time based on the detection information inside the device.

   Experiments are simple.

  First engage in a pair of entangled quantum, and then let it collapse into a black hole within the Planck time.

   Here comes the key point.

  When two entangled quanta collapse into a black hole, are the two black holes entangled with each other?

have no idea.

  Theoretically, it is connected, and the channel of this connection is the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

  Even if you use a quantum computer and let Honglian do the calculations, this wormhole is still connected.

   But the problem is that no one has done it, and it cannot be measured.

  Wormholes take too little time to form.

   Planck scale.


   Now the experimental equipment made by Honglian can't make the wormhole stable, but it can make the wormhole absorb a piece of information at the moment of formation.

   Then, start to observe another wormhole, whether to release information.

   As long as another wormhole releases information.

   That means that Einstein's theory is correct, and at the same time, he can combine quantum mechanics to come up with a brand new theory.

   "Master, the experiment is over."

   Tang Rui blinked, the experiment was over.

   Actually not so slow.

  The moment he called start and Guren started the experimental equipment, the experiment was over.

  The various particle fluctuations and data displayed on the holographic projection are all the data collected by the sensor in the previous experiment.

  The experimental result is very simple.

   No information about traveling through wormholes was found.


   This does not mean that Mr. Einstein was wrong. The main reason is that the time is too short, coupled with the performance of the equipment, so the results obtained may not be accurate.

   "Honglian, according to the holographic theory ER=EPR, the quantum information shuttle experiment you simulated should be correct, right?"

   Tang Rui looked at the two wormhole models on the holographic projection, squinting his eyes and asked.

   "Yes, the data of the three-dimensional boundary of the black hole is projected onto the plane of two-dimensional space-time, and imported into the quantum field theory for calculation, the result obtained is correct."

  Theoretically both are correct.

  Actually do experiments, but can't find anything.

   Who is to blame?

   Blame the device.

  However, Tang Rui is not in a hurry to strengthen the experimental equipment. He has to wait for another equipment to come out and experiment.

   Another half hour passed.

  The signal transmitter manufactured according to the quantum information transmission equipment and method has been manufactured.

   Tang Rui asked Honglian to experiment with this device.


   Signal is OK.

   Of course, this does not mean that the previous theory is correct, nor does it mean that his experiment is correct.

   There must be something in it.

   "Honglian, compare the functional accessories of the two devices, and mark the accessories with the same function."

   "Okay, master." Honglian immediately marked the accessories with the same function in the models of the two devices in red.

   In this way, Tang Rui looked much clearer.

   "What is this accessory for?"

   Tang Rui pointed to one of the unmarked accessories and asked.

   "Master, this is a space expansion sensor."

   "What about this one?"

   "This is a gravity sensor."


   "Location sensor."

  Why are they all sensors? What does a piece of communication equipment do with so many sensors?

   "Tell me briefly about the functions of these sensors." Tang Rui leaned on the chair and asked.

   "Master, the space expansion sensor is used to measure the fine space diameter of the signal transmitter, the gravitational sensor is used to detect gravitational fluctuations, and the positioning sensor is used to locate the distance of the signal transmitter."

   "Space expansion? Gravitational fluctuations? Project the program algorithm of the device."

  After Tang Rui listened to it, he felt that these devices became taller in an instant, but the problem is that it doesn't match with communication devices.

   "Okay, master."

  On the holographic projection screen, lines of code and algorithms appeared.

   After reading these codes and algorithms, Tang Rui realized that he was thinking too much, thinking too much about these things.

  How to measure the expansion of space?

   Run out.

  The speed of light is constant, the space expands, and the parameters of light transmission are wrong.

  As long as the parameters are wrong, it means that the space has changed.

   Either expansion or collapse.

  How to measure gravitational fluctuation?

   Still running out.

   However, there is an extra timer inside, and gravity will cause space-time bending, resulting in a slight deviation in time.

   Whenever it is found that the transmission of photon information is incoherent, and there is a time error, it is caused by gravitational fluctuations.

   After reading it, Tang Rui pouted.

   But it's not a waste of time.

  Because he found a blind spot, which is the programming algorithm of these devices.

   What is the algorithm?


   What is a formula.

  The mathematical expression of physical theorems is the formula.

  Among these algorithms, Tang Rui saw a pretty guy, a pretty guy he was very familiar with.


   Everyone knows this formula, the Schwarzschild radius.

  But if you add this formula with certain conditions and combine it with time coordinates and space coordinates, what can it be?

   Count as a black hole.

  Through the formula, it can be calculated that within the horizon of the black hole, the time coordinate and the space coordinate are opposite.

   The time axis and the space axis are interchanged.

   Tang Rui saw this formula, as well as the program algorithm.

   Let’s take a look at the quantum entanglement wormhole created by Red Lotus.

  He realized it!

  He found that he had overlooked a big problem, the coordinates, without coordinates, you are doing nothing.

   buzz buzz...

   At this time, Tang Rui's cell phone rang.

   "It's 10 o'clock, don't be busy, come back to sleep."

   "Sleep with a hammer, I want to stay up all night, don't disturb me."

   Tang Rui doesn't want to sleep.

  He looked at the experimental equipment with bright eyes. Next, he will modify the experimental equipment.


the other side.

  While Tang Rui was researching the quantum field and high-end academic issues such as wormholes, the Yingjiang family was having a meeting.

   Following the report sent by NASA last night.

  The entire top of the eagle sauce was fried.

   Alien invasion.

  This can be adjusted.

  So, the big boss called a group of elites to have a meeting to discuss ways to think about how to solve this problem.

  The people in the conference room are all real elites.

   They save the world and don't invite drilling workers, cell phone virus creators or homeless people.

   The questions they ask.

   Hit the nail on the head.

   "Does this mechanical dog have anything to do with Crimson Corporation?"

   After the think tank read the information, a member of the military directly asked.

   Then everyone was dumbfounded.


   That's what I said.

   This thing looks more and more like a mechanical dog sold to Camel by Crimson Corporation.

  The only difference is that it is more refined, and the weapon loading platform is also removed, and the rest is basically unchanged.

   Someone will go get the materials immediately.


  Compare the mechanical dog on the data with the mechanical dog on the moon.

   Good guy.

   Isn't this just twins?

  Looking at the documents sent by NASA in his hand, the alien mechanical civilization invaded, and the people in the think tank closed their eyes in pain.

   How did you guys come up with the title.

  Difficulty The funds approved to you recently are not enough, so you use this thing to fool us?

   Do you think we have too much time?

   So find us something to do.

  I was called early in the morning and rushed to a meeting, and this was the result.

   "Can you please explain?"

  The big boss was very angry, and asked seriously to the only NASA personnel in the conference room.

   "This... last night we contacted people from CNSA, and they didn't know about this matter, and they also agreed with us, so... is this an alien conspiracy?"

  NASA people forcefully explained a wave.

   After listening, the think tank said with a smile: "Is there a possibility that CNSA is deliberately cooperating with you, just to see your jokes."

   Thanks to the boss for the reward, add another chapter



  (end of this chapter)

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