My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 238: The submarine layout is completed, and the right to live broadcast is obtained

  Chapter 238 The seabed layout is completed, and the live broadcast right is obtained

   "Mr. Tang, how to operate this drilling platform?"

  The person in charge of PetroChina asked.

  Right now crude oil is extracted.

   But the amount of mining is not constant and needs to be controlled, but they have no way to control the current situation.

   “Before the undersea tunnel is completed, you don’t need to worry about the drilling platform. After the tunnel is completed, you can arrange people to come over.

  As for the issue of crude oil extraction, first arrange for two refineries to connect with me, and the rest will be discussed later. "

  Tang Rui thought about it, and decided to let Honglian take care of it for a while.

   After all, the undersea tunnel is not connected.

  If employees are asked to use the emergency passage to and from get off work, the employees will go crazy, let alone the trouble.

   "Okay, then trouble Mr. Tang first."

  The person in charge of petroleum and petrochemicals didn't say anything.

   Don't look at their high level.

   But in this kind of thing, they are really not good.

  The entire Bohai Bay project is completely controlled by Tang Rui. As long as he doesn't mess around, no one can influence his thoughts.

  After the oil pipeline is penetrated.

  Tang Rui left the matter to Honglian, and went fishing in Bohai Bay by himself on a yacht.

  The reason why he didn't leave was mainly because things were not finished yet.

  The project of the Bohai Bay Project is fine, so there is no need to bother him, but he still needs to rearrange the affairs of Bangzi.


  The sea was pitch black like an abyss.

   Tang Rui stood on the deck of the yacht, looking at the flashing red dot in the sky, which was his private jet.

  When the private plane hovered over the sea, the rear hatch was opened, and several robots began to throw the contents of the cargo warehouse into the sea.



  The components of the spaceship hull model were thrown into the sea, and the underwater robot caught these parts and dragged them to the seabed on the back.


  These parts were dragged into the subsea tunnel by the robot, and after half an hour of walking through the subsea tunnel, they came to an underground cavity.

  Then the robot began to assemble the parts of these spaceship models, and introduced liquid high-energy battery solution into them.

  These high-energy battery solutions are the ones that will explode.

   After the solution is poured.

   There are lines of blue lines appearing on the exterior of the spaceship model hull, which looks mysterious and sci-fi.

   "Master, the hull model of the spaceship has been assembled, the high-energy battery has been easily introduced, and the tungsten alloy steel plate has been replaced. The other party has not found any abnormalities."

   Honglian reported to Tang Rui the layout of the spaceship model.

   "Very well, fill in the gaps in the underground space, then evacuate and destroy the traces."

   Tang Rui nodded after listening, and said with satisfaction.

   "Okay, Master, Guren understands."

  Under the control of Guren, a group of robots began to finish and erase all traces.

  After these robots finished their work, most of them returned to the subsea tunnel to continue construction. Only one robot entered the drilling platform through the emergency exit.

   When it came out, the mechanical arm carried two long alloy boxes, and then came to the yacht.

   Tang Rui didn't go there after seeing the two alloy boxes.

   Something inside is a little dangerous.

  In the two boxes, one is filled with deuterium-tritium fuel rods, and the other is filled with yellow cakes.

  He came this time to take away these special supplies.

   Next, he really needs these supplies.

   After all, the higher the level of technology, the greater the demand for energy.

   Nothing to say all night.

   Early the next morning, the yacht docked.

   Tang Rui sat and headed to the airport.

   On the way to the airport, he received a call from the special department of the military, who asked about something.

   It means whether the submarine decorations have been arranged.

  Tang Rui immediately said that the arrangements had been made.

  The decoration is very strong, and the base is also very solid, and it will explode if it is maliciously damaged.

   After listening to the people in the special department of the military, they said that this arrangement is in place and they like it very much.

   At the same time, he also told Tang Rui a news.

   That's the matter of Bangzi Kingdom. If you can't hide it, Yingchan is very curious about the situation of Bangzi recently, so there is a high probability that Yingchan will intervene.

   After listening, I smiled.

   Didn't take it seriously.

  Anyway, everything that should be arranged has already been arranged.

  The special department also wrote the script.

  The rest is waiting for the actors to be in place.

  However, with the current digging speed of Bangzi, it may take some time before he can eat melons.

hang up the phone.

  Tang Rui took the special supplies, boarded the private jet directly, took off and returned to the company.

  Security check or something has nothing to do with him.

  Don't say he brought two boxes.

  Even if he carried a bazooka, no one cared about him.

  Go home.

  Tang Rui asked Honglian to store the special materials, then came to the laboratory, turned on the holographic projection screen, and watched the outer space of the earth.

   During the period of his retreat and research.

   There are dozens more satellites in the outer space orbit of the earth.

  Everyone has made it clear that they are going to make efforts in the aerospace field, so more satellites must be launched.

  Nominally, all of these launches are remote sensing satellites and weather satellites.

   But actually, according to the neutrino satellite scans.

   Most of these satellites are detection satellites and spy satellites, or a few even armed satellites.

   What treaty banning space weapons?

   For the five good people.

   That's all waste paper.

  When needed, this thing is a powerful weapon to restrict others.

   These treaties are useless paper when they are not needed.


  Tang Rui doesn't care about these armed satellites, he mainly observes Yingjiang's moon landing spacecraft.

   I don't know if I was stimulated by something.

  The lunar landing spacecraft, which was originally supposed to be launched at the end of the year, that is, during Christmas, is expected to be launched in half a month.

   This is also an important part of Eagle Sauce's space strategy.

   That's going back to the moon.

  Most of the cabins of the lunar landing spacecraft floating in Earth orbit have been launched and docked.

  The entire moon landing spacecraft looks like a small space station, but it doesn't have such a big solar panel.

  According to Eagle Sauce's news.

   After half a month.

  They will launch the last module, which is the return module.

By the time.

  This ship is equivalent to a spaceship, and it will set sail and head to the moon.

   "There is nothing wrong with the spaceship. It seems that although Eagle Sauce is a bit faster, the quality of the spaceship is still good."

  Tang Rui studied the moon landing spacecraft.

   found that as long as he doesn't play tricks.

   This time Eagle Sauce will land on the moon, basically it will not fail.

   pondered for a while.

  Tang Rui still gave up the idea of ​​playing black hands, after all, this method is too low-level.

   It works.

  But if you often play this method, it is meaningless.

  So, Tang Rui is going to change the game this time.

   "Brother Lin, contact CCTV and use their name to obtain the live broadcast rights of Ying Jiang's return to the moon."

   "Live broadcast rights? Is it a live broadcast of the rocket launch?"

   "It's not a broadcast, it's a live broadcast. It must be clearly written in the contract. It is their right to broadcast live on the moon."

   "Okay, I will contact the above."

   The update is complete, go to sleep



  (end of this chapter)

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