My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 243: Hang on, we can win (2 in 1)

  Chapter 243 Hang on, we can win (two in one)

after an hour.

  The space shuttle landed in the compound of the military region, and the two astronauts were already awake at this time.

   But the soldiers in the military region don't care if they are awake or not.

  Take off their spacesuits and send them to the General Hospital of Jinling Military Region by ambulance.

  Actually, their injuries were not serious.

   It only needs a few days of cultivation, and nothing will happen.

  But in line with the principle of humanitarian rescue, everyone has been rescued, so arrangements must be made to ensure nothing goes wrong.

  Sent to the special ward of the General Hospital of the Military Region.

   After Gao Yang threw him to the military area, he took the space shuttle again and returned to the company.

   "President Tang, do you want to go to the moon next?" Gao Yang asked Tang Rui's opinion.

  However, when Tang Rui saw Gao Yang's appearance, he seemed a little unfinished, and didn't want to end it like this.


   He's fine anyway.

  In addition to playing games in the company every day, he just plays games, and his level is fast enough to catch up with him.

   "Go, why not go, Ying Jiang is not going to the moon, we can go to the moon. Let's do this for today, tomorrow you take He Yun to the space command center and ask them if they want to go to the moon.

  But tell them that we can use our space shuttle to land on the moon, but it must be able to broadcast live.

  Confidentiality issues will not be broadcast live, but for popular science, it is best to broadcast live, otherwise He Yun will have nothing to do. "

   Tang Rui said to Gao Yang with a smile.

   This made Gao Yang blushed. Although his face was dark, the background color had obviously changed.

   "Okay, I will go to the space command center tomorrow, then I will go back first." Gao Yang nodded, then turned and left.

   "Brother Yang, come on, I'm waiting to drink your wedding wine." Tang Rui yelled at Gao Yang who was leaving.


   Gao Yang who walked out the door took a long time to hold back a word.

   Tang Rui smiled, and then continued to eat melons.

  On the holographic projection screen, the only remaining astronaut of Yingjiang's family was displayed.

   He has received orders from nasa.

   Return directly.

   At this time, the astronaut's heart was broken.

  What is he here for?

   This is called landing on the moon?

   Make sure it's not for unloading.

   With a broken heart, the astronaut took control of the lunar spacecraft, began to accelerate around the moon, and then returned.

   Eagle sauce home.

   Pennsylvania Avenue.

  It’s still the same familiar house, the same group of think tank members, and the same conference room, where everyone gathered for a meeting again.

   I have had a lot of meetings recently.

The key is.

   Meetings alone are useless.

  They also made a plan before, but the plan is a plan, not a war, so how can there be such a quick feedback.

  But in such a short period of time, the other party came up with scary things one after another.

   Especially the space shuttle this time.

   That's a level beyond their technical level.

  The gap between the two.

  There has been a generation difference.

  Information warfare in modern warfare is about air supremacy.

  But air supremacy, if facing space hegemony, is another level worse.

  In outer space, people can fight as they want.

  You are helpless.

  The return to space plan they formulated before is to compete for space supremacy, and they have made a lot of efforts for this.

  The moon landing plan is part of it.

   But the problem is.

  The development speed of the other party is much faster than them.

  The moon landing spacecraft that the other party took out this time, and the kind of delay-free communication technology that can broadcast live on the moon.

  Just these two technologies.

   It's not something they can do now.

what to do?

  Do you want to try harder, or just let it go?

   Open swing is easy.

  But what if the opponent becomes stronger, just like they bullied each other back then, what if they bully them in turn?

  It's hard to think about it.

   "Director Wilson, I wonder if you have found the key to each other's rapid technological advancement?"

  The big boss looked at the director of the special department and asked.

   "Found it." Director Wilson replied lightly.

   "Huh? I found it, what is it?" The big boss asked excitedly, curious about the reason.

   "They found the alien spaceship and cracked the technology in it." Director Wilson said.

   "This...then what should we do?" The big boss was a little panicked.

  Cracked alien technology.

   That is technology rolling.

  They all know what will happen if technology is crushed.

   "It's very simple, we just need to dig an alien spacecraft." Director Wilson finished speaking and took out a file bag.

  After the big boss took the file bag, he saw the contents inside, and immediately smiled, he couldn't control his excitement.

"This is real?"

   "That's right, this is the news we got from Bangzi." Director Wilson said with a smile.

   Others in the room are curious.

what's the situation?

   "You guys should take a look too." The big boss handed the file bag to the person next to him to read it by himself.

   After he reads it, pass it on to the next person.

   After everyone reads it.

  The atmosphere in the entire conference room became cheerful.

   Isn’t it alien technology?

   They also have alien technology.


  You said that this alien spaceship belongs to Bangzi’s family.


  Bangzi’s is from Yingjiang’s.

  My son’s things, I can’t use them anymore, isn’t that a joke?

  So, this group of people directly regarded the alien spacecraft on the bottom of Bangzi Country as their own.

   "The most important thing right now for my mission is to dig out the alien spaceship and then decipher the technology inside.

   As for disputes, we can make concessions, or even compromise, as long as our own interests are guaranteed.

   Everything else can be given away, and when we crack the alien technology, then everything can be taken back. "

  A member of the think tank said.

   They are too familiar with such things as pitting allies.

  As long as their own interests are not damaged, it doesn't matter what their allies are, and they have nothing to do anyway.

   "I agree. Now we don't need to fight directly with each other. We can let our allies send it. We also have to learn from each other and develop steadily for a period of time."

   "That's right, let the allies hold each other back. We increase investment in scientific research. Even if the allies are gone, they will come back when we become stronger."

   "In addition, we can do one more thing, which is to help Da Mao and stop the bloodletting plan on it.

   After all, they are too close, and Da Mao doesn’t want his neighbor to be too strong, so he can move without us doing anything. "

   A meeting ends.

   Eagle Sauce has made new changes, and they are about to start growing.

   And we.

   Recently, I have become aggressive, talking about cooperation and projects everywhere.

  Everyone has become what they hate the most.


  The change of eagle sauce should not be so obvious.

   On the contrary, on the bright side, Ying Jiang is still the hot-tempered young man who made troubles, hindering our international cooperation.

   But in fact, the major companies of Eagle Sauce, especially the consortium.

   But began to contact us.

  For example, the former Internet upstart groups, it is indeed a bit difficult for them to fight against the old oil consortia in China.

   But things are different now.

   They don't need to fight hard, as long as they give benefits, they can borrow our strength.

this day.

  Tang Rui is making small dumplings at home.

  Lin Chao found him and told him again that someone from Yingjiang was looking for him and wanted to talk to him.

   "Why are you still talking? Those people haven't left yet?"

   Tang Rui was very strange after hearing this.

   "The previous ones are gone, but this time they are here again, and they are very sincere." Lin Chao continued.

   "How to say?" Tang Rui was curious about what conditions they offered, which actually made the above tempted.

   "The dominance of the global semiconductor industry and the patented technology in the semiconductor field."

real or fake.

   Tang Rui was taken aback after hearing this.

   This is no longer a hemorrhage, it's almost catching up with the shock therapy that Mao Xiong used back then.

  Once it cannot be saved.

   Then it is not shock, just hang up.

   "That's it...let them send a representative." Tang Rui thought for a while and said to Lin Chao.

  This kind of sincerity is not impossible to talk about.

   Obviously, the other party also knew the consequences of doing so, but they really did it.

  What does this mean?

  The benefits are large enough.

  For capitalists, everything else is nonsense, and the most important thing is interest. As long as there is a large enough interest, there is nothing that cannot be sold.

   That afternoon.

   Tang Rui was right next to the reservoir, and met the representative of the Internet interest group, James.

   It doesn't matter if it's a real name or not.

  Anyway, Tang Rui just wanted to hear what he had to say, and if there was anything that moved him.

   Cast out the fishing line.

   Tang Rui put the fishing rod on the shelf and looked at James.

   "Mr. Tang, we have no reservations about this cooperation. Whether it is chip technology or Internet technology, we can use it for authorization. If you have any requirements, you can also raise them. As long as we can do it, there is absolutely no problem."

   James didn't ramble, he just showed his hole cards, just to let Tang Rui see their sincerity.

no way.

   If the semiconductor problem is not solved, and the domestic equipment is upgraded and the production capacity explodes, then they can only wait to die.

   Even regional protection is useless.

  Product lag is the deadliest.

"What benefits can I get from what you said? Crimson is not a semiconductor company, we don't produce chips, and we don't make money on the Internet. Your technologies don't mean anything to me." Tang Rui squinted and smiled Said.

   These are not negotiating words, but the truth.

   But it's scary because it's the truth.

  Crimson Corporation doesn't care about the technology, but it is related to their life and death. This is the scariest thing.

   "We can accept the financing from Crimson Company, any company can do it, and we can give up 20% of the shares, including the seats on the board of directors.

  The future International Semiconductor Alliance can be fully dominated by Crimson Corporation, and the decision-making power of the entire semiconductor industry can also be handed over to you. "

  James said again that he thought of this proposal temporarily. During the previous discussion, he didn't talk about buying shares.

  But it is impossible to go back to a meeting to discuss this kind of thing.


  If there is financing from Crimson Corporation, it is actually not a bad thing.

   Tang Rui laughed after listening.

   "Do you know the current international oil price, how much is a ton of crude oil?"

   "About $700."

   "You know the news about the Bohai Bay Oilfield."

   "I know, the current production capacity is 680,000 tons per day."

   "20% of it is mine, how much do you think I can earn in a day?"

   "Mr. Tang, the issue of the Semiconductor Industry Alliance is not just about money, but also about international influence..."

   "I know, so this kind of thing is troublesome, and I hate trouble, let alone financing.

   How about it, let me see your ability, it is 3:15 in the afternoon, how many cubs of rare and exotic animals can you collect before 5:00 pm tomorrow.

  For example, the cubs of special animals such as white lions, snow leopards, and golden brown bears, let's see how tall you can be.

   If I am satisfied, the authorization channel will be opened directly, so the technology will be treated equally to you, and the raw materials can also be sold to you.

   If I'm not satisfied, then I'm sorry, although this is very willful, but the strong are qualified to be willful, what do you think? "

   After listening to James, his expression didn't change.

   "You are right, this is the right you should have. We will do our best to satisfy you and let you see our sincerity."

   "Okay, then walk slowly."

   After James left, Lin Chao was still frowning.

   "Brother Lin, what are you thinking?"

   "I'm just curious why you made such a request. For them, this kind of thing is too simple."

  Lin Chao really couldn't figure out Tang Rui's brain circuit.

   What happened this time, it was obvious that the higher-ups let Tang Rui take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of it.

  The carbon-based semiconductor industry cannot be closed to the outside world.

   Completely monopolized by the family is not a good thing.

   Not to mention.

   This time Ying Jiang made a big concession.

  We can also obtain the global market, and at the same time open the crude oil market.

   It can be said that it is very profitable.

   As a great hero, Tang Rui will naturally not be forgotten.

  So, this time, it was obvious that Tang Rui was going to be ripped off to make him take advantage of it, but Tang Rui made such a request.

   Isn't this a waste of opportunity.

   "There's nothing to think about, because this request is what I want now. Anything else, whether it's money or power, is not what I want."

   "Okay, I know, but don't think too much about it." Lin Chao looked at Tang Rui's winking expression and said helplessly.

   "I really didn't think much about it." Tang Rui didn't think much about it.

  He is living a very happy life now, so he has a lot to think about.

  In fact, even if he has some other demands now.

  The above will not disagree.

   But it doesn't make sense.

  His future is destined to be stars and seas, but now he is just too lazy to move, and the earth is also quite fun.

   Wait until he feels that life is boring.

  When you want to find excitement and passion.

  He will leave the earth.

   Otherwise, why go out to find excitement, the earth is too small to accommodate him, so he has to go into the universe.

   Back to the lab.

  Tang Rui received the news from the special department of the military that many people from the Yingjiang family appeared on the drilling platform on the other side of Bangzi.

   Good guy.

   This was tricked by his son.

   We plunged into the big hole of this alien spaceship together.

  After Tang Rui received the news, he asked Honglian to show the situation there.

  But now the stick has only been dug less than 500 meters, which is still far from 1724 meters underground.

   Not to mention.

  The further you dig, the harder it gets.

  He wants to eat melons, and it may take a while.

   "Master, the aerospace command center sent a video call request, is it connected?"

   Just finished chatting with the special department, the aerospace command center came again.



  On the holographic projection in front of Tang Rui's eyes, the projection of the person in charge of the aerospace command center appeared. It was not a two-dimensional image, but a three-dimensional projection.

It is clear.

  The other party is on the space shuttle, using a holographic projection device to communicate with him.

   "Mr. Tang, can't you give us the lunar rover?"

  After the video communication was connected, the other party spoke, which made him a little confused.

  What rover?

  Where did the lunar rover come from?

   "Wait a minute... Did I make a mistake, I don't have a lunar rover." Tang Rui asked confusedly.

   "It's not yours, it's Eagle Sauce's lunar rover."

   "What does Yingjiang's lunar rover have to do with me?"

   "Their lunar rover has been locked by your people, and we are not allowed to move."

   Tang Rui understood after listening.

   There is no one else involved in this matter, Gao Yang must have done it.

   "Well, let me talk to Gao Yang, and I'll talk to him." Tang Rui didn't care about the lunar rover at all.

   Space Command wants it, just give it to them.

  The image of Gao Yang appeared in front of his eyes.

   "Mr. Tang."

   "What's the matter with the lunar rover?"

  “When I returned to the moon again, I found that Yingjiang’s lunar rover was overturned, and the internal system also malfunctioned.

  Afterwards, I asked Honglian to help, repair the system failure, and then put it away, and then return it to them when Eagle-chan lands on the moon next time. "

   Gao Yang was talking nonsense in a serious manner.

   "Well, that's it, you just repaired it briefly, it's hard to say whether it has been completely repaired.

  Let the people in the aerospace command center drive out to test it. If there is something wrong, we can continue to repair it. We can’t leave the broken things to Yingjiang. "

   Tang Rui also replied seriously.

  (end of this chapter)

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