My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

: tell me about the situation

  Tell me about the situation

  First of all, it is not aimed at an industry.

   Everyone can guess that it is a matter of seeing a doctor.

  At the end of December, the author became positive, and his family members were infected. At that time, the whole family became positive.

  The author was fine in just over three days.

   Others are similar.

  But in the later stage, my mother’s coughing incident was a bit long, and it lasted for more than half a month and she still didn’t get better.

   As a result of the filming, there was a white circle in the lungs at that time, about 10% of the area, neither too big nor too small.

  The doctor said there was nothing wrong, just an injection.

   Then I received injections for a week.

   But to no avail.

   Still coughing.

   Then I went to the hospital for an examination, and did an enhanced CT. The white circle did not decrease. The doctor said it was a lung nodule.

   The nodules are okay, so I will continue to take injections and medicines.

   After that, it will be Chinese New Year.

   After a year, I still cough and struggle to breathe.

  The injection was also taken, and the medicine was also taken.

   didn't work.

   I went to the hospital again three days ago to check what was going on. It’s been a month and I still haven’t recovered.

  This time, the doctor said that something was wrong, it was not a nodule, but it had a tendency to spread, and it needed to be hospitalized for further examination.

  This **** is not a nodule, but also spread.

   Isn’t that lung cancer?

  At that time, the whole family was buzzing.

  The doctor asked my mother to be hospitalized at that time, but there was no bed, so she had to wait for two days, and asked her to come to the hospital two days later.

to be honest.

  The author was a little confused at the time. When he got home and woke up, he felt that the treatment in the hospital at home would not work.

  The level of medical treatment in a small city, cancer treatment, just kidding.

  Go to the big city.

  Go to the hospital in the provincial capital today, and show the specialists the films that were taken before, as well as the films that were taken in the provincial capital hospital.

   A word from the experts.

   Nodules are certain, caused by inflammation, and accompanied by allergies.

   Spread to no, just a little fibrosis.

   Anti-inflammatory injections are no longer available.

   Anti-inflammatory drugs can only be taken for another week at most.

   Wait until the end of next month for a review.

  Experts said that from these three films, there is no tendency to see a malignant tumor, and there is no need for hospitalization or overtreatment.

  These are narratives, not the author's subjective statement.

  The author’s subjective statement, what he wants to express is: “¥*(…&&¥%¥#…%&(*)))¥#…&…”

  The author has finished what he wants to say.

  Go to Xiehe at the end of February to see and confirm the diagnosis.

   Update resumes tomorrow.

  Update at least 15,000 words, if one word is missing, you will tear up the monthly pass.


   Don't worry, start coding and update 4000 words before 12 o'clock.

  (end of this chapter)

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