My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 268: Help from the Institute of High Energy Physics

  Chapter 268 Seeking help from the Institute of High Energy Physics

  The man Tang Rui wore came to the capital looking like a dog.

  He did not wear a suit this time, but a tailor-made suit from a tailor in Jinling.

  Can't tell what it tastes like.

   Anyway, it is comfortable to wear and looks handsome.

   There is nothing to say about the awards ceremony.

  Although he is the youngest one, there are many young people among the winners.

  Scientists in their early thirties, it is certainly not too much to say that they are young people.

  The whole process of accepting the award was smooth and harmonious.

  There is no such thing as pretending to slap your face.

  Running over to make connections, there are quite a few people who are familiar.

   After all, during this period of time, the biggest topic in the academic circle is the country's future aerospace strategy.

  Those plans were invested in real money.

  The chief engineer of each plan has a lot of autonomy and decision-making power.

   It’s okay to talk about the funding.

  For such projects, the basic funds can be guaranteed, and you don’t need to go to the department to ask for funds.

  But among these plans, there is one thing that is more important than funds, and that is the establishment.

   Although Tang Rui didn't pay much attention to this matter during this time.

  But more or less still can understand some situations.

  There will be some changes in the future research institute model.

  The current research institute is a bit rigid.

  But it is not realistic to want to restructure the institute as a whole.

  After all, researchers and scientists are not civil servants.

   As long as you recruit civil servants, there are as many as you want, but there are not so many researchers and scientists.

   So want to modify the current schema.

   is to create another framework.

  The current space program is such a framework, and it is still in the experimental stage.

   If there is a problem with this pattern.

  After the plan is over, everyone will go back to their respective homes.

  If there is no problem with this model, and even achieved good results, then the framework can be fixed directly.

  This is also the reason why the staffing of various projects this time is more precious than usual.

  Tang Rui is too lazy to participate in this kind of thing.

  So after the meeting, he went to find Academician Yu.

  Compared to major institutions.

  He is more willing to find military cooperation.

  In addition, the projects he is in charge of are all related to weapons, and the military naturally cannot get around it.

  So he left the problem of personnel and a lot of troubles to Academician Yu and the military to deal with.

  Anyway, when the project starts, he can see that the people under his hand have real skills, and the rest is not important.

  Stayed in the capital for a few days.

   Either accepting an award, or going to a meeting, I have nothing to do every day, and I am too busy to die.

   "Teacher, I'm going back now that things here are over."

   After finishing the necessary meetings, Tang Rui ran away directly, not daring to stay in the capital any longer.

   "Okay, I will give you the personnel issue before the end of the month, and then I will take a look and confirm it.

  The entire project will start at the beginning of next year, and you should also make an overall plan. "

   Academician Yu nodded, and didn't care about Tang Rui's running away.

  In his opinion, Tang Rui, who is still very young, should focus on scientific research, and don't need to worry about other things.

  No one dared to do anything against him anyway.

  As for the things that Tang Rui doesn't like to deal with, they are actually big cakes for other people.

  Unfortunately, they couldn't connect with Tang Rui.

   "Okay, then teacher, I'll go back first." Tang Rui nodded after listening, and then got in the car to leave.

   But at this moment.

  Academician Ouyang ran over suddenly, and hurriedly called Tang Rui to stop.

   "President Tang, wait a minute, I need your help in an urgent matter."

   "Slow down, I won't run, don't worry."

  Looking at Academician Ouyang running towards him, who was a little out of breath, Tang Rui hurriedly got out of the car and went up to him.


   If this big guy can't catch his breath, then his crime will be serious.

   "It's okay, I know my body well, and there will be no problem at all if I persist for another ten years."

  Academician Ouyang stopped, and said with a smile after calming down.

   "That's necessary, let alone ten years, even thirty years will be fine." Tang Rui nodded quickly.

   "Okay, let's stop talking about it. There is something that needs your help urgently. Don't worry, there is no need for a meeting."

   "What's the matter?" Tang Rui asked curiously.

  He studied magnetic fields and wormholes before, so he can be regarded as an expert in the field of physics, but Ouyang, as a master in the field of high-energy physics, it stands to reason that the two fields are different, so he is not needed.

   "There are some problems in the magnetic field research at the high-drain hadron collider, and you need to take a look."

  Hasron Collider research problems?

   It shouldn't be.

   As the domestic natural science field, the most powerful and most expensive experimental equipment.

   Various technologies must be the best.

  Tang Rui didn't keep it private either. A series of black technologies such as superconducting materials, high-strength materials, and super capacitors are all open to the Hadron Collider.

   It is reasonable to say that with so many black technologies, there should be no problems, and it is the magnetic field that should not be the most problematic.

   "What's wrong with the magnetic field?" Tang Rui asked curiously.

   "Academician Li plans to increase the magnitude of the hadron collider, so the requirements for the accelerating magnetic field are even higher.

  The question about magnetic field transformation and control that you wrote in your paper earlier made Lao Li very excited, and he also improved the new equipment.

   But there is a problem with the improvement. They calculated and designed the magnetic field according to the formula you gave, and the strength reached 180T.

  But after it was actually manufactured, the magnetic field strength was only 163T, and it was checked to 17T, and the reason could not be found. "

  Academician Ouyang told Tang Rui about the specific situation.

   "Let me do the math."

  After Tang Rui listened to it, he immediately asked Honglian to calculate the magnetic field strength of 180T. Is there any problem?

   The result is no problem.

  The magnetic field strength can be increased to 180T. In the case of superconducting materials, as long as the electric energy can keep up, there will be no problem.

   "Where are they? I'll go and see."

   Tang Rui thought about it, and asked.

  Actually, he was also very curious as to what went wrong.

   "It's at the Institute of High Energy Physics."

   "Then I'll go there now."

   "I'll go with you too."

   After saying hello to Academician Yu, the two got into Tang Rui's car and headed to the Institute of High Energy Physics.

   Forty minutes later.

  The RV drove into the gate of the Institute of High Energy.

   "Academician Tang, I'm sorry to trouble you to make a trip." Academician Li walked over and said immediately after seeing Tang Rui.

   "You're too polite. I happen to be fine. Come over to visit and study. Thank you, Academician Li, for giving me this opportunity."

   After a business exchange, the three came to the laboratory.

  Academician Li handed Tang Rui the materials they had researched these days.

   "This is the data of our experimental test. The error between theory and reality is too large. We searched repeatedly, but we couldn't find the problem. We can only ask you for help."

   "Okay, let me take a look first."

  Tang Rui took the information and began to look through it.

   Tomorrow will add an update. The author has been busy all day today and is a little tired.

   By the way, there is also a boss who rewarded the leader, but this boss seems to have never read the book or subscribed, so the author is very confused, and he doesn't understand what's going on?

   If you see the message, please post a comment!



  (end of this chapter)

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