My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 277: A beam of light going straight into outer space

  Chapter 277 A beam of light heading straight into outer space

   "Guren, calculate the explosion time and explosion power."

  Tang Rui hurriedly said to Honglian.

   "Master, the explosion time is expected to be 7 minutes and 23 seconds later. The explosion force is enough to cause the Pacific plate to move, and the entire Pacific Rim volcanic earthquake zone will erupt in a large area."

   "Red Lotus, increase the strength of the magnetic field in an all-round way, and form a bondage, can the explosive power be controlled within a certain range?"

   "According to calculations, the magnetic field strength needs to reach 120T to restrain the power of the explosion. Currently, there is insufficient energy to do so."

   "How much energy is needed, how many fusion reactors are needed?"

   "It is estimated that the full functions of 113 nuclear fusion reactors will be required to increase the strength of the earth's magnetic field in that sea area to 120T."

  Tang Rui took a deep breath after listening.

   "Red Lotus, show the countdown to the explosion."

   "Okay, master."

   Seeing the countdown of 7 minutes and 12 seconds left in front of him, Tang Rui ran out of the command hall directly.

   "Guren, send me the parts of the previously designed earth magnetic field energy conversion equipment to the laboratory."

   Tang Rui said while running.

   "Okay, master."

   Come to the lab.

  Tang Rui picked up the accessories and started to assemble them, using very rough methods.

   It took less than 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

  A piece of tattered equipment that might break even at the welding position appeared in front of Tang Rui.

  【Item: Terrible electrothermal energy conversion collection equipment】

  【Experience: 0/2100】

  【Source: 462.31】

  After Tang Rui saw the system panel, he clicked to strengthen without hesitation, until the third stage.


  Golden light flashed.

  The device in front of me has changed drastically, from an ugly device to a sci-fi device with a diameter of three meters and a large disk on top, which looks a bit like a mushroom.

  【Item: Stellar Energy Conversion Collection Equipment】

  【Experience: 0/50000】

  【Enhancement: Photothermal radiation magnetic field collection and conversion system】

  【Attributes: Energy absorption efficiency increased by 180%, magnetic field coverage area increased by 160%, instantaneous thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency increased by 120%】

  【Source: 21.31】

at this time.

   There are 4 minutes and 27 seconds left before the explosion.

   "Honglian, immediately arrange for a robot to send this device to Shangding as quickly as possible. How long will it take?"

   Tang Rui asked anxiously.

   "Master, Guren only needs 28 seconds."

  A large-scale cargo transport robot equipped with a SEG unit grabbed this device and flew out of the base.

  Tang Rui ran back to the Blue Army command center again.

   Saw him back.

  Both looked at him, wanting to know his answer.

   "Don't worry, it's done."

   Tang Rui nodded with a smile, and said to the two of them.

  Although the process was a little irritating, there was no accident and everything went smoothly.

  However, he looked at the system panel, where there was only a source point in his early 20s left, and he was also frightened into a cold sweat.

   Next, he must increase the reserve of source points to more than 1000 points, otherwise he will feel insecure.

   Re-do it on the seat.

   Tang Rui looked at the situation on the projection screen in front of him.

at this time.

  Countless lightning bolts are still bombarding the sea below, and the dazzling light has already illuminated the entire sky.

  There are more and more bubbles on the bottom of the sea.

  The entire sea area seemed to be boiling.

  The electric light that went deep into the bottom of the sea along the air bubbles had already wrapped up the three submarines, like fried dough sticks, and the electric light was constantly flashing on the hull of the submarine.

   But such lightning will not detonate mushroom bombs.

   At most, the equipment of the submarine is disabled, causing the temperature of the small nuclear reactor to continue to rise.

   But this issue is nothing compared to mushroom bombs.

   "Master, the equipment has been installed."

   "Start Device."

   "Okay, master."

  After the device was started, a small window appeared beside Tang Rui, which displayed the operation status of the device.

  Tang Rui clicked the button above with his hand.

   Directly maximize the operating efficiency of the equipment.


  With the full operation of the equipment, the outer space of the earth, the solar wind that hits the earth's magnetic field every moment, is converted into electrical energy at this moment and under special circumstances.

   This huge electric energy is converted into electromagnetic waves and merged into the magnetic field, which is used by planetary magnetic field control equipment.

   Then, the planetary magnetic field control equipment used this huge energy to start strengthening the magnetic field strength around the sea area of ​​Bangzi Country.

at this time.

  Due to the increase in the strength of the magnetic field, the strength of the lightning storm is enhanced, and the speed of spreading to the seabed is accelerated.

   Countdown on the big screen.

   began to decrease rapidly.

   There were more than 3 minutes left in the countdown, and now there are only 53 seconds left, but at this time Tang Rui is not worried at all.

  That energy conversion equipment is very powerful.

  It can directly pass through the earth's magnetic field to absorb and transform the thermal radiation energy of the solar wind.

  How much energy does the solar wind hit the earth in a day?

  1.49E22 joules.

  How much power is this?

  1.73E17 watts.

   In the face of this number, any controllable nuclear fusion is rubbish.


   This device is not powerful enough to convert all the energy.

  Even if it could be done, it couldn't be done that way.

  Because the earth still needs sunlight and heat.

  What this device absorbs is what is reflected, and what is consumed by colliding with the earth's magnetic field.

   Does not affect natural cycles such as atmospheric circulation, earth light and biosphere.

  The three of them looked at the projection screen in front of them, but didn't speak.


   There are only ten seconds left in the countdown.

  At this time, lightning flashes appeared in the area of ​​the seabed, but they were subtle after all.

  But when countless tiny electric lights gather together.

   When the energy of the entire seabed is triggered.


  The sound disappeared.

  The sea water disappeared.

  A miraculous scene appeared.

  A super lightning from 1724 meters under the sea to 6300 meters in the sky was born.

  Purple lightning burst from the bottom of the sea.

   pierced through the rock formations, the sea and the sky, bursting out with unrivaled power.

  The seawater penetrated by the lightning was completely decomposed and evaporated, and the air was ionized at this moment.

  Electric lights erupted on the sea surface with a radius of dozens of kilometers.

  The surrounding sea water seemed to be boiling.

  At this moment, the three submarines were directly vaporized by the lightning, and then the high atomic sequence elements in them had a chain reaction.

  The moment of chain reaction, causing fusion reaction.


   A more dazzling light appeared.

  It was as if the sun fell into this sea area, and the whole Bohai Bay was illuminated, like daytime.

  With a power of more than 80 million tons equivalent, the energy generated began to sweep around.

   But when it spread to 17 kilometers away, it hit an invisible wall.

   All energy cannot continue to spread outward.

   Around and below.

   All are bound by a strong magnetic field.

  The energy that wants to vent can only rush towards the sky.

that's all.

  A beam of light piercing into outer space appeared.

  (end of this chapter)

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