My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 291: Neural signal connection, 100% synchronization rate

  Chapter 291 Neural signal connection, synchronization rate 100%

the next day.

  The United Nations will hold a meeting to discuss the issue in Mogadishu.

  The five benevolent people said that Mogadishu has been in chaos for too long, and the people there need peace.

  So it's time to solve this problem.

   But consider the issue of sovereignty.

  The United Nations cannot directly intervene to manage a country, so the idea of ​​the five benefactors is to move the refugees from Mogadishu to other countries.

   This is the first time in the world that this kind of direct transfer of a country's population has occurred.

  But representatives of all countries voted for it when they voted, and no one voted against it.


  Because this is the will of the five benevolent people.

   But whoever voted against did not offend one good person, but offended five at the same time.

  With the lessons learned from the past, no one is so brave now.

  So the discussion and voting at this meeting is just a formality, which everyone understands.

  After the meeting.

  The United Nations has organized a special department to start transferring personnel directly to African countries.

  Each country gets a little bit, and there are not many people in Mogadishu anyway.

   As for saying no to leave.

   That's terrorists.

   Nothing to say.

   As for why people are transferred away, isn't that obvious.

  As the location of the space elevator, the future Mogadishu is definitely the premier metropolis on Earth.

  Although the five benevolent people are kind, they are not philanthropic, so that people in Mogadishu can wait to enjoy their blessings?

Just kidding.

   After the personnel were transferred away, Mogadishu was bulldozed directly.

   Then measure the land.

  Except the space needed for the space elevator in the future, everyone will share the rest and build it by themselves.

  As the new squad leader, it is also the leading country in the space elevator.

  We divided half of the land.

   For the rest of the territory, Eagle Sauce was divided into two-fifths, Da Mao was divided into one-fifth, Gallic Chicken and John Bull were jointly divided into one-fifth, and the last one-fifth was divided into other countries.

  This division seems to be a bit problematic.

  But in fact, in addition to strength, it is also related to the investment and dividends of the space elevator.

   Da Mao must have no money.

  We borrowed the money.

  We are now monitors, but we have a good relationship with our classmates, especially the deputy monitors.

   This point cannot be learned from Ying Jiang, it is meaningless.

   Make friends more and make enemies less, that is the real kingly way.

  Although we lent money to Da Mao, in fact, the money is only fictitious. After all, the cost of the space elevator is not up to us.

   Similarly, we do not suffer.

  Giving Da Mao such a great help cannot be done for free.

  The price given by Da Mao is the resources of Siberia, not only mineral resources and forestry resources, but also oil.

   Right now, Da Mao is living by selling resources.

   Especially oil.

  But the current pattern of oil production areas is basically three to one, and we have already controlled three places.

   If it is aimed at some big hairs, they can't stand it.

  So Damao also thinks about it. It is not a loss to exchange the restricted oil resources for the future share of the space elevator.

  In this way, we can fully control the global oil resources, which is what Yingjiang wanted to do back then, but failed.

  Whether the price of oil will rise or fall in the future.

  How much is mined every day, how much is sold, and to whom.

   It's all up to us.

  How should I describe this feeling?

   Very cool.

   Tang Rui also received the news from the above that the space elevator can start to be built. Other equipment is easy to talk about, but the cable made of carbon nanotubes can only be made by him.

   Elsewhere, a maximum of one meter can be produced in the laboratory.

  Tang Rui made as many meters as he wanted.

   "Gurren, start manufacturing the core components of the space elevator, first make the cables."

   "Sorry, master, there is not enough space in the production workshop to produce cables."

   "Huh? Not enough airborne?"


  After Tang Rui finished listening, he came to the production workshop, looked at the densely packed equipment, and curled his lips.

  Unknowingly, it has become so big.

   "Guren, what about the other vacant warehouses in the base?"

   "Master, the vacant warehouse has long been occupied by raw materials and equipment, and there is no vacant warehouse to use."

  Is that so.

  After Tang Rui listened, he turned around the entire mountain base.

   Sure enough, the warehouse, which was empty before, is now full, and even if some vacant space is squeezed out, it is not enough to manufacture space elevator components.

   "Honglian, continue to dig deeper, hollow out the mountain behind, and pull out a large production workshop."

  Tang Rui said to Honglian.

   "Master, there is a fault layer in the middle of the mountain behind, so we can only excavate it as a whole to hollow out the whole mountain."

   "Just do it." Tang Rui didn't care about the specific construction, he only wanted the result.

   "Okay, master, the estimated construction time is three months and seven days." Hong Lian immediately reported the estimated time of the project to Tang Rui.

   "What the hell? It will take more than three months?"

"Yes Master."

   "Is there a faster way, such as blowing up the mountain directly, as long as the speed is guaranteed under the condition of ensuring safety."

   "Master, according to Honglian's calculations, the fastest way is not to blow up the mountain, but to use mechas to cut the mountain."

"…you sure?"

   "Yes, master, this is the best result of Guren's simulation."

   "Then why didn't you use this method before."

   "Sorry, master, mechas are weapons of war, not construction machines, so the previous calculations did not include mechas."

   "Okay, then use... wait, I will drive the mecha, and you will tell me how to construct it."

   "Okay, master."

  After Tang Rui finished speaking, he went back to the room to change his clothes, put on the anti-G suit, and came to the viewing platform of the sky garden in the villa.

at this time.

  Honglian controlled the mecha, slowly stood up from the reservoir, and walked towards the villa.

  The moment the huge mecha stood up, the entire company was shocked. Everyone saw the huge mecha standing up from the reservoir.

  Lin Supernatural also saw it.

   "President Tang, what are you doing?" Lin Chao immediately called Tang Rui to inquire about the situation.

   Who messed with this master again.

  Mechas are all out.

   Who is this going to cut?

   "Don't get excited, I don't do anything else, just use mechas for construction." Tang Rui said with a smile.

   "Construction? To whom to demolish?" Lin Chao's first reaction was not normal construction, but the kind of house demolition.

   "...the production workshop in the base is not enough, I want to dig out the mountain and build a large workshop."

   Tang Rui explained helplessly.

  Is there no trust between people?


   "True than real gold."

   "Then I'll go and have a look." Lin Chao put down the phone and ran out of the office.

   Tang Rui was speechless, but he didn't bother to care about him.

  The mecha came to the viewing platform, turned around and squatted halfway, and popped out the cockpit.

   Tang Rui climbed into the cockpit directly from the viewing platform.

  The entire cockpit is a cylindrical hollow buffer compartment.

   When he entered the cockpit.

  The cockpit was inserted into the body, and the special solution began to be injected, and at the same time, the interior of the cockpit began to wrap him.

   "Buffer filled."

   "The injection of the life support solution is completed."

   "Thinking signal conversion... The synchronization rate is 100%, and the neural connection is complete."

   "Mecha self-inspection completed, all systems are normal."

   "Yehuo Honglian Mecha-Start!"

  As Tang Rui opened his eyes, the mech's eyes also flashed red light at the same time.

  At this time, his perspective is the perspective of the mecha.

  All tactile sensations are converted into nerve signals through the mech's sensors and transmitted to Tang Rui's brain.

   That is to say.

   Right now, Tang Rui is a mecha, which is no different from controlling his own body.

   "This feels good."

   Tang Rui moved his body and felt very comfortable.

  The water flow resistance under the feet, the surrounding wind, and the sense of smell are all transmitted to his brain.

   This feeling of power is very good.

   Tang Rui stretched out his hand.

  The huge arms of the mecha were raised at the same time.

  AT force field unfolds!

   "Master, the mecha doesn't have an AT force field."

  Tang Rui curled his lips, he was just thinking about posing, but unfortunately there was no special effect.

   "Guren, how about we build a biological mech, the one with AT force field?"

   "Master, according to the current level of technology, biological mechas are difficult to manufacture. Even if biological mechas are manufactured, such unscientific things as AT force fields cannot be realized."

   Tang Rui didn't speak after listening.

  What is impossible to achieve, what about the S2 mechanism, you look down on the system panel, right?

  However, he was just talking about the biological mech, which can't become a **** in reality, so what's the use of it.

   Created to turn all human beings into orange juice?

  (end of this chapter)

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