My Items Have an Upgrade Panel

Chapter 322: Positive and anti-electrons in 2.5 dimensions

  Chapter 322 Positive and anti-electrons in 2.5 dimensions

   "Academician Tang, this is..."

  The doctors next to him were dumbfounded, they had no idea what Tang Rui was injecting Mr. Zhou.

   "Don't worry, it's fine, all we need to do is add the nutrient solution." Tang Rui said to Elder Zhou's health care doctor next to him after the injection.

  The health care doctor is numb.

   This is a question of whether it is okay or not.

  Although the effect of the heart resuming beating just now is scary, who knows what you injected.

  How to write a report?

  What will be the next clinical practice?

   "Academician Tang, can you briefly talk about it? How will we take care of it next, and what are the precautions?"


  Tang Rui briefly talked about the physical reaction after the injection of the genetic enhancement liquid, so that they don't have to worry.

   As for what the injection was, he didn't say anything.

   Leave the emergency room.

  Tang Rui told Academician Li and the others not to worry, Mr. Zhou just needs to rest for a while, and he will be fine.

   "Really all right?"

  Academician Li asked in surprise after listening.

  Just now when Tang Rui asked Gao Yang to open the door, they saw the heart rate data on the screen.

  They thought Mr. Zhou couldn't make it through.


   Tang Rui now said that he was fine and just needed to recuperate.

"Do not worry."

   Tang Rui nodded solemnly, and assured him.

   If this cannot be saved, someone must have murdered it on purpose, otherwise there will be no problems.

   "Academician Tang, can I ask, what kind of medicine are you using?"

   "It's not medicine, it's medical nanorobots."



  Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing this, can that thing really be made?

   No kidding.

  Although they don't study nano-robots, they still understand the nano-field.

  How to make such a tiny robot?

   I can't figure it out.

   But everyone didn't continue to ask, this kind of thing must be highly confidential.

  If they knew it before, they wouldn't even ask this sentence.

   Ten minutes later.

  Under the treatment of nano-robots, Mr. Zhou regained consciousness.

   This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

  Everyone left after saying a few words to Mr. Zhou briefly.

   There was a small episode, but it also scared everyone enough.

  Especially the older ones.

  Their health doctor, wishing to take the person away directly, is not staying here anymore.

  Unfortunately, it didn't work out.

  However, their work, rest and diet are severely restricted.

  Tang Rui didn't care about these things.

  In the case where the genetic enhancement solution cannot be used on a large scale, the role of nano-robots is great.

   But these nanobots should not be provided by him.

   Someone will look for him anyway.

   Sure enough, the next morning, someone from the State Council Office came to ask about the situation of the nano-robots.

  Tang Rui talked about the function and quotation of the nanorobot, and then ignored it.

  If they want to buy it, they can just buy it directly from the Crimson Company, without his presence.

  No outside interference.

  Tang Rui started his research on absolute zero again, this time he used light pressure drop and magneto-optical trap.

   But experimented for a day.

  The effect is not very ideal. The temperature has dropped to infinitely close to absolute zero, but the photons still cannot stop there.

   You can’t reach absolute zero without letting the photons stop there.

   This is annoying.

  The next period of time.

  Tang Rui ran back and forth between the company and the Hadron Collider Experimental Base, listening to reports when he had nothing to do, and doing experiments when he got inspiration.

   More than half a month passed in such a flash.

  The data of the last hadron collision experiment have all been calculated, and various newly discovered physical phenomena have also been researched to give some clues.

   For further research, the second hadron collision experiment started.

   This time Tang Rui did not watch the fun in the command hall.

   Instead, after the test results came out, they directly downloaded a copy of the data, and then asked Honglian to analyze the data.

  The energy level of this collision experiment has reached the level of 26 trillion electron volts, which is much higher than the energy level of previous experiments.

  The improvement of the energy level, the effect is also much better.

  So the data collected this time is more accurate than the last time.

   Among them, there is one piece of data that Tang Rui needs very much, which is the relevant data of Bose-Einstein condensate.

"I was wrong."

  Through this data, he suddenly discovered a problem.

  He has always subconsciously imagined everything in two-dimensional space as a static space, just like a painting.

   But in fact, the two-dimensional space is not static, nor is it a painting, but a cartoon.

   Think of this question.

  He found the loophole in the previous experiment.

  The way he has always wanted to reach absolute zero is to make the particles stand still.

  But static particles and two-dimensional space are still two concepts, and he made a mistake in the experimental design.

   After trying to understand this problem, a new problem appeared again.

  How to obtain non-stationary two-dimensional space particles.

   For example, electrons.

  This thing is in three-dimensional space, so if you want to know the speed of electron movement, you need to use wave function to calculate it.

   Then in the two-dimensional world, will the non-stationary electrons become orbital orbits, moving around the nucleus,

   If yes, then there is no need to study the wave function, just simply calculate the orbit?

this day.

   While listening to the report, Tang Rui suddenly had an inspiration.

  The magneto-optical trap he used before seems to have not considered the problem of three-dimensional transformation into two-dimensional space.

   That is to say.

  Even if absolute zero is reached.

  Limited by the physical characteristics of magneto-optical traps, photons cannot transform into two-dimensional forms.

  Think here.

  Tang Rui returned to the room immediately and asked Honglian to modify the magneto-optical trap, leaving room for expansion.

   It's not a big deal.

   Adjust the equipment parameters and build a new magneto-optical trap. It is very simple.

   Do it all.

   Tang Rui ordered to conduct the absolute zero experiment again.


   As the experiment begins, the speed of the photons begins to decrease.

  While the speed decreases, the temperature also decreases.


  The photon loses energy, and its speed becomes slower and slower.

  Tang Rui stared closely at the screen, watching the projection of Honglian's simulation.

  This projection screen is equivalent to converting the sensor data into visual data.

  So, at this moment, when the photon is infinitely close to static, a magical scene appears.

  Before, due to the limitation of the magneto-optical trap, the photon was stuck in the magneto-optical trap, and the speed was infinitely close to 0, but there was no change.

   But right now.

  The speed is infinitely close to 0, and the photon whose energy level begins to decrease at the same time, changes slowly.

  Photon is reducing dimension, or from photon to light wave.

   But this kind of dimensionality reduction is different from what Tang Rui thought.

  The photons at the moment are turning into light waves, just like a balloon leaking, from a full balloon to an uninflated balloon.

  If it's just like this, it's fine.

  The key problem is that the material that makes up the balloon has not reduced the dimension.

  The positive and negative electrons that make up the photon are still in a three-dimensional state at this moment, just like there are many glass beads inside an uninflated balloon.

  Because the balloon was not inflated, the glass beads propped up the balloon.

   It looks like a flat balloon surface, with many raised **** bulging up.

  These bulging **** are positive and negative electrons.

at this moment.

   Positive and anti-electrons are still moving, and they do not belong to a two-dimensional state, but they cannot be counted as a three-dimensional state.

   Just treat it as 2.5-dimensional.

  In this special state, you can clearly see how the two electrons are combined without using the wave function.

  The trajectory of positive and negative electrons on the two-dimensional light wave surface is really beautiful, and every arc is so perfect.

   Is that an arc?


  In terms of metaphysics, that is the law of the universe.

  (end of this chapter)

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