Crisis forces reform, and only when there is a crisis that will reshuffle the cards will those behemoths who are full of greed and insatiable will let go of their mouths and compromise.

Han Fei didn't think that these people would reject his proposal. In order to protect their wealth, status, and rights, they could do anything, and even become more terrifying than ghosts.

The "big shots" in the conference room began to report to the managers behind the scenes, and they soon received a reply. The real power holders in Xinhu decided to give Han Fei three days.

The most extreme situation didn't happen. If Du Jing and Fu Lie didn't make a clear stand, if the Xinhu police didn't protect Han Fei at all times, those big companies that eat people and don't spit out their bones would really dare to hollow out Han Fei's brain.


After all, Mengmeng had already provided them with a reason—in order to save the four million players and really find out the secret of the "murderer" Han Fei's exit from the game, he had to cut Han Fei's head open.

From the eyes of those people, Han Fei had already seen their greed. In the hearts of those people, a person's life and death didn't matter at all, what mattered was the black box.

"Actually, it's quite ridiculous. It's obvious that I'm trying my best to protect you, but it feels like you're giving me a chance."

Han Fei is not the kind of magnanimous person, and the path he chose is different from Fu Sheng's. Of course, he will not say these words now.

Those interest groups in Xinhu wanted to use Han Fei as a scapegoat, but Han Fei didn't like being a sheep. After the difficulties were over, it was hard to say who would be the butcher.

The top companies that dominated the meeting made concessions, and Han Fei also showed his sincerity. There were some things he couldn't say, so he gave those present at the meeting the opportunity to ask questions, and he would respond with yes or no.

Through such exchanges, the atmosphere of the venue became less dignified.

These "human spirits" are all very good actors, they can freely display all kinds of emotions on their faces, and their acting skills are even more exquisite than some stars.

The entire meeting lasted for a long time, and the powerful people in Xinhu basically paid attention to it. This meeting will also determine the future of many people.

Three hours later, Kong Tiancheng turned off the screen projection.

Han Fei thought the meeting was over here, but the "big shots" present made a new request to Han Fei. They hoped that Han Fei could speak publicly to help them ease the anger of the people.

Now that there was a lot of excitement outside, pushing Han Fei to the forefront at this time could be said to cut off all of Han Fei's escape routes.

Three days later, if he succeeds and everyone is safe, Han Fei will also become a hero; if he fails, Han Fei will have a miserable ending, and the related companies eager to blame him and the public opinion controlled by dreams will make him a sinner of the times.

"It's already crazy outside, you need to make a response, this is also to buy yourself time." Kong Tiancheng sighed, got up and left, other "big shots" who participated in the meeting also took positions one after another, they didn't want to stay here, It seemed that they were afraid of being photographed, and they didn't want to have anything to do with Han Fei at this time.

In the conference room, apart from a few staff members from Deep Space Technology, only the representative of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals was left.

"You didn't do anything wrong, so you just need to tell the truth upright. Du Jing and Fu Lie sat on both sides of Han Fei: "Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals has made many mistakes, and we will try our best to make up for them. "

Du Jing knows something about the deep world. If Han Fei fails, the disaster will start again, and everything she has now will become meaningless because the rules will be rewritten, so she firmly supports Han Fei and binds Yongsheng Pharmaceutical beside Han Fei

The door of the conference room was pushed open again, and a large number of staff members entered, and some people provided Han Fei with more than a dozen manuscripts in different styles, hoping that Han Fei could choose one as a reference.

All the staff were in place, and the camera lights were turned on one by one. Han Fei seemed to be sitting in the center of the stage like the protagonist.

When it's done recording, this short clip may become the most viewed video of all time. "start!"

Looking at the camera, Han Fei suddenly didn't know what to say. He was obviously a master actor, but now when he was filmed, he just

feel tired.

Without using any acting skills, without forcing himself to smile, and without trying to defend himself, Han Fei stared at the dark camera and simply said, "I will bring the trapped player out of the game, please give me three days. Three days later, a brand new era will come."

A faint light hit Han Fei, and he left with the gaming helmet in his arms, followed by Du Jing and Fu Lie.

Walking out of the meeting room, Han Fei found that this floor was blocked. He was trapped in the building and could not go anywhere for three days.

"If you have anything to do, you can leave it to us." Fu Lie met Han Fei for the first time, but he always felt that Han Fei was a nice person.

"I need a place where I can use the game helmet. After they find all the people on the list, I will lead them into the main city. Having just experienced that kind of encounter alone, Han Fei's emotions still did not fluctuate much. Any successor Fu Tian trains must be excellent.

"Once you enter

We will report to you as soon as there is progress. "After Fu Lie finished speaking, he sent Han Fei into a room full of cameras, where Han Fei didn't have any privacy to speak of: "This floor is full of cameras, only the toilet in your room should not be installed. "

Fu Lie walked in, and after Han Fei and Du Jing also entered, he secretly closed the door, changed his calm outside, and asked very nervously: "How sure are you of success? To help you, Teacher Du and I bet my whole life on it."

"No one can guarantee

Success, even if I stand on the cusp, I still can't see the way forward. All the sworn promises just now are to convince them, and also to facilitate their publicity, so that more people will stand on what I think is right. "Han Fei sat on the toilet and replied silently: "The anger, unwillingness, and grievances I showed at the meeting were all acting skills. I can't let them guess my thoughts, so I just acted in line with their psychological expectations." . "

"Then what are your real thoughts?" Fu Lie found that he couldn't understand the young man in front of him.

"I can't say it." Han Fei silently looked at his hands that had killed countless ghosts: "You will be scared if you tell me." "I'm even more scared now if you don't tell me!" Fu Lie felt a terrifying wave in Han Fei breath.

"After going through so much, I really feel that Fu Sheng is a great person. He can endure pain, humiliation, betrayal, take care of the overall situation, step on the despair of ghosts, and bring hope to all living people in this city." Han Fei slowly clenched his hands: "But I am different. In my opinion, fairness is more important than kindness."

"Just go on according to your own choice." Du Jing signaled Fu Lie to shut up, and took Fu Lie away.

The whole city was mobilized, and most of the people on the No. 2 list were quickly found. What was even more surprising was that most of them chose to enter the game after hearing that they could meet the person in their dreams.

Due to the large number of people, Deep Space Technology didn't have enough spare game rooms. At this time, some old players stepped forward.

They were not in the main city when the disaster happened, they narrowly escaped disaster, and now they are ready to provide idle game storage.

There is a bloody storm on the Internet, and all kinds of horrible remarks are circulating, but in reality, there are still many people who are silently moving forward and want to do their part.

Twelve hours later, the room Han Fei was in was opened, and the staff of Deep Space Technology entered with a report.

Four-fifths of the people on the second list have been found. Except for a few patients with serious mental problems, the rest are basically willing to enter the nightmare.

This number exceeded Han Fei's expectations. Knowing that entering the game would lead to brain death, those people were still willing to try.

Some of them feel that living is very painful, some because they miss too much, and some want to find the truth.

No matter what the reason is, their appearance also cheered up Han Fei: "You go and inform Kong Tiancheng to let him open the area login authority, and then let those who intend to log in to the game enter the game warehouse, log in to the game on time at eight o'clock in the morning. Gather at Xinshou Village in the main city."

After confirming that the instruction was delivered correctly, Han Fei

Lying on the bed in the room, he connected various game lines and put on the game helmet.

After staying in reality for too long, Han Fei was very worried about changes in the shallow world and the deep world.

When the blood came down, Han Fei just opened his eyes when he heard the voice of No. 2: "You have been away for a long time this time, I thought you ran away."

"The things you explained have been done. All those who are concerned by the nightmare master will log in to the game at eight o'clock in the morning."

"Very good." No. 2 didn't expect Han Fei to be so efficient. He nodded: "The city is a bit chaotic recently. You send them to the central square tomorrow morning. I'll connect you with their fate and try to connect you." Send it to the dream in the deepest part of the shrine."

"What is the probability of success?"

"We have no chance of failure." No. 2 seemed to have something in his words: "Go back to the station, don't be disturbed by foreign objects, and do your own thing well."

No. 2's words inexplicably made Han Fei uneasy, and he hurried back to the Xingfu Community resident.

Someone was cleaning up the blood on the street, the street where the station was located was full of stumps, severed arms and flesh and blood!

"Slaughter Street?"

Quickening his pace, Han Fei pushed open the door of the guild, and saw Bai Xian sitting on a chair with a pale face, receiving treatment from an npc doctor.

"Brother Bai, what happened outside while I was gone?"

Seeing Han Fei coming back, Bai Xian struggled to stand up. He looked in a bad state: "The players who were bewitched by the dream started an organized assassination operation. Seven hours ago, the union leader of the inevitable truth was killed, and the vice president of the business alliance was seriously injured. , We were also attacked, and those players turned into killing machines without self-awareness, completely out of control."

"What about the rest of the guild?"

"Under the leadership of Huang Ying, I went to support other guilds. Fortunately, you brought your neighbors here, otherwise the main city may have fallen." Bai Xian coughed up a mouthful of blood: "Players who seek refuge in Dream upgrade by killing living people. The fighting experience far exceeds that of ordinary players, and now the low-level players in the city are panicking and hiding, not daring to show their faces. There is no trust between people, and strangers passing by may turn into murderers at any time."

Meng used to treat all players as nourishment. Since it determined that the black box was on Han Fei's body, it didn't care about the player's life or death at all. Everything it did was aimed at Han Fei.

"Contact them right away, come back before dawn, we are going to Xinshou Village to escort a group of novice players." Han Fei knew that Meng would attack, but he didn't expect that guy to be so crazy and decisive.

"There will still be new players logging in to the game?" Bai Xian showed embarrassment: "Not long after you left, the system seems to be controlled by dreams, and many players have received hunting missions. In their eyes, novice players are fat sheep that cannot resist .”

"So we have to protect them even more."

"I know, but you have more important things to deal with now." Bai Xian led Han Fei into a room in the deepest part of the garrison: "The businessman who escaped from the deep world yesterday has been looking for you, it seems that there is something very scary report to you

. "

After seeing the businessman wandering around the oil painting, Han Fei's inner anxiety became more intense. He skipped the businessman and looked directly at the oil painting with the talent of hatred.

The contents of the three oil paintings have changed. Twelve hours have passed, and the walls of the paradise have been engulfed in thick fog. The souls rescued from Fu Sheng's shrine are huddled in the entertainment facilities near the shrine.

The laughter that used to float over the paradise turned into cries, and the figures trembled because of fear.

Dead buildings, skyscrapers, plastic surgery hospitals, paradise, the bloody night sky above these areas is completely surrounded by darkness, and Kuangxiao stands alone in the center of several shrines, his face is torn by sharp claws, and his heart is hollowed out by some kind of force.

Fiery soul blood flowed all over his body. He was seriously injured, but he was still laughing hysterically. That kind of madness made even the evil ghosts in the deep world who had the upper hand not dare to act rashly.

The black wave on the horizon is getting closer and closer, but the laughter never stops for a moment. "Have you been hurt by laughing wildly?"

The dream has not yet come, laughing wildly in other unspeakable joint efforts

Under the siege, there were already several wounds on his body.

The breath of despair in the oil painting almost hits the face, and the newly born bloody flame seems to be blown out by the dark night of the deep world. Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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