My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 213 Brother Huang, you deserve to be the man who beat the butterfly

"Are the stench and bird carcasses caused by the residents here?"

No matter Bai Xian or Director Zhang, they have all worked in this industry for a long time and have met all kinds of people.

The film crew was boycotted and disrupted by the locals. They had encountered many times before, so when Director Zhang said this, although the old actors were still a little uncomfortable, they did not continue to ask questions.

Han Fei's expression was cold among everyone. He didn't seem to step out of the role, and his eyes looked a little scary.

They acted in a scene described by the writers in "The Butcher's House," where all nine scheming personalities come together for the last time.

This is the Last Supper, because shortly after dinner, the student personality who symbolizes the future, happiness, and anticipation will be killed, and the building will be in total chaos.

The Butcher's House, as the name suggests, everyone in this room is a butcher whose hands are stained with blood, and no one can escape.

"The butterfly should also be familiar with this scene. When will it start?"

"Han Fei! Don't be in a daze. I have prepared a lounge for you on the third floor. What would you like to drink? Coffee? Or juice?"

After the corridor was cleaned up, Director Zhang called several actors to the third floor, where the monitors could clearly see what the actors just performed.

He carefully communicated with each actor, and explained the shortcomings and advantages clearly. Young actors can film with Director Zhang, which is indeed of great help to the improvement of their acting skills.

After everyone else finished speaking, Director Zhang looked at Han Fei. He was very satisfied with Han Fei's performance. Frankly speaking, he couldn't think of anyone more suitable than Han Fei.

"Director, is there anything else I need to improve?"

"When you played the role of the spider, the psychiatrist of the spider was shocked. They said that they saw the shadow of the spider on you, and even suspected that you and the spider had the same disease." Zhang Dao had a smile on his face. The language is strange, but it is really a compliment from the heart.

"Can I meet Spider's psychiatrist? After chatting with him, maybe I can grasp this character more accurately." Han Fei pretended to be thinking about his acting skills, but he was actually preparing for the game. He needed to walk in The spider's heart.

"Acting skills are so good, and you are still so motivated. If you are not popular, it is really hard to tolerate."

Director Zhang asked Han Fei to go to the next room, and he started talking to Bai Xian and Xiaotong again.

Bai Xian's acting skills are impeccable, fully expressing the inner emotional fluctuations of the characters. He plays normally, but not amazing enough. As the male protagonist, he is driven by the emotional infection of the supporting roles.

Xiaotong's problem is even bigger. His acting skills are not bad, but when he plays with the other eight actors, he obviously can't keep up with the rhythm.

Han Fei didn't care what happened to the others. After he entered the room and saw the doctor, his eyes narrowed slowly.

"Doctor Hu Wei?"

The male doctor in front of him, Han Fei, had met once in the detention center. At that time, he was in charge of treating the mental illness of Mingmei's family.

"Han Fei, we meet again." Hu Wei shook hands with Han Fei very enthusiastically: "You sign me first."

Looking at the paper and pen handed over by Dr. Hu, Han Fei did not start writing immediately after taking it: "Director Zhang said you have seen a spider before?"

"My teacher was the one who prescribed medicine and treated the spider. At that time, I was just practicing with the teacher, but because the spider is a very special patient, I was very impressed."

"Then your teacher..."

"He died shortly after the accidental death of the spider. The teacher locked himself at home for the last period of his life, as if there were some psychological problems. Hey, it is difficult for a doctor to heal himself, and he is as dedicated as a teacher. The doctor on the patient is actually under a lot of mental stress."

Han Fei was very surprised that Hu Wei would appear here. He had never had any doubts about this person before, but the appearance of the other party was too coincidental, which attracted Han Fei's attention.

He didn't ask the question he wanted to ask, but simply chatted with Hu Wei.

The other party did not reveal any flaws. If Hu Wei was acting, his acting skills would definitely not lose to the other actors in the room.

Looking at the time, Han Fei didn't stay too long because he had to go back to play games at night. He said hello to Director Zhang and left.

"Han Fei! Are you going back alone? Do you want me to take you on the way?" Bai Xian drove his car over: "It should be quite far from the hotel."

"No need, someone is here to pick me up." Han Fei's voice just finished, a black police car drove by the roadside, the police and plainclothes inside were loaded with live ammunition.

Bai Xian looked dumbfounded.

"See you tomorrow, Brother Bai." Han Fei got into the police car, and when the car was moving slowly, Han Fei began to report to the police next door what he saw and heard in the building.

With his perverted memory, he recorded almost everyone's character and appearance, and told the police all the strange things that happened in the building.

There is nothing to hide, the police are Han Fei's strong backing, and he can only have a chance to compete with Butterfly by relying on the strength of the police.

At half past ten in the evening, Han Fei returned to his home.

After lying on the bed, he still had the scene when the nine actors played against each other in his mind.

It is difficult to restore the psychological state of the nine personalities of the spider at the same time. Han Feizhengchou couldn't find a starting point, so Director Zhang called eight powerful actors to simulate the scene at that time.

Although everyone's performances have some flaws, they have already touched Han Fei a lot.

He couldn't imagine what it was like to have nine personalities at first, but with the help of the other eight actors, he slowly found that feeling.

The schizophrenic personalities are like shadows that can't be escaped. They entangle themselves and slowly weave into a web that makes everyone unable to breathe.

After taking a shower, Han Fei was about to go to bed and read when Huang Ying suddenly called. With the help of the police, he has started a normal life, at least on the surface.

After expressing thanks to Han Fei, Huang Ying hopes that Han Fei can take him into the deep world again tonight to have a look.

Huang Ying took the initiative to ask this, it seems that he should have walked out of the psychological shadow, and Han Fei was sincerely happy for Huang Ying.

He had been worried about what sequelae he would leave Huang Ying before, but he didn't want his only friend to be a lunatic.

At midnight, he connected all the wires and put on a gaming helmet.

Blood came, and Han Fei's consciousness entered the deep world.

Opening his eyes and looking at the incomparably real world, Han Fei sometimes wonders whether the deep world really exists.

Not relying on the real virtual, but the reality that coexists with the real.

The cold wind blew across his cheeks, and Han Fei stood in the campus shrouded in darkness and walked straight to the playground.

"Jin Sheng told me before that Death Tower had already cursed me. It could be as short as seven days or as long as a month. The curse would break out and I couldn't drag it on any longer."

Han Fei is going to leave Yimin Private College tonight and go to Animal Husbandry Lane.

However, before going to the dangerous area, he had to complete the agreement with Huang Ying.

Opening the attribute panel, Han Fei whispered the word conjuring.

The gloomy wind swept through, and bloodshot crawled all over the attribute panel, and then ripped apart to both sides.

One after another grimace appeared in the sea of ​​blood, and Han Fei wrote Huang Ying's name directly on one of the grimace.

Logically speaking, there is a certain probability of failure in summoning the soul, and it is possible to recruit other things, but for some reason, Han Fei always succeeds every time he recruits Huang Ying.

Han Fei didn't understand it himself, he thought it might be Huang Ying's hidden talent.

The blood light flashed, and a figure appeared more than ten meters away from Han Fei.

He fell to the ground, and his body curled up in an instant, only showing his eyes to sneak around.

Han Fei originally thought that Huang Ying was used to the deep world, but only after seeing his appearance did he realize that there was still a long way to go.

"It's just a school, there's nothing to be afraid of." Han Fei shook his head. He used to think that it was nothing special for him to live in Building No. 1 of Xingfu Community. Now, after seeing Huang Ying's various reactions, he felt that Compared with ordinary people, I am indeed slightly different, at least the psychological quality is better.

Hearing Han Fei's voice, Huang Ying got up from the ground and quickly rushed to Han Fei's side: "Then, that security guard didn't come?"

"Are you talking about Lao Li?" Han Fei didn't expect that the person Huang Ying was most afraid of would be the simple and kind Lao Li: "I think you should get in touch with him more, Lao Li is very good."

"No matter how good a person is, who dares to approach a ghost with a back on his back!" Huang Ying tugged at Han Fei's sleeve: "Let's find a secret place first, I brought you a lot of things!"

The movement made by the conjuration has attracted the attention of the ghosts in the academy, and the pets raised by Zhang Guanxing and Xu Qin were the first to run over.

Huang Ying saw that Zhang Guanxing was fine, but when he saw Xu Qin's pet, his legs went soft.

"This horse is an anaconda!"

The huge black python crawled lazily and wanted to climb on Han Fei. This scene brought a huge shock to Huang Ying.

"Let's talk about business first, you just said you brought me a lot of things?" Han Fei led Huang Ying and Zhang Guanxing into a classroom.

"Yes, I thought about it for a long time, and then I suddenly thought of something." Huang Ying opened his inventory: "The sixth internal test of "Perfect Life" will end in a few days, and then all internal test accounts will end. All will be recycled and destroyed, and the items we have worked so hard to save will also disappear. But the brain seems to have no control over the deep world. After "Perfect Life" has been updated so many times, the deep world will not be affected, so I thought if Bringing things from outside here, can they be preserved?"

Huang Ying motioned Han Fei to lean back, and then began to frantically take out various things from the inventory: "Because the deep world is rampant, I deliberately expanded my backpack to the limit and bought you a lot of talisman paper, holy water, and Buddha statues, come and come. Come, try these things to see if they work? I also have Tao Te Ching, the Analects of Confucius, and Hao Ran's righteous formulas from the black market."

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